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Everything posted by benching

  1. prolly firewall are blocking those 3 to run.
  2. edit your inter_athena.conf in the conf folder input the correct database credentials.
  3. check the table structure of the login table, in your database. if you have last_mac as column, go copy my script above, and change this line: to this line
  4. query_sql("query string",@varname); or query_sql "query string"; https://rathena.org/wiki/Query_sql
  5. check for console errors, also make sure to change the spaces to tabs in this line: -<tab>script<tab>map multiclient checker<tab>-1,{
  6. download the src folder of your server to your computer, install tortoise svn apply the patch file to the src folder you have downloaded, after that, you can upload the patched src files to your server.
  7. File Name: Monster Invasion (Top 3) File Submitter: benching File Submitted: 07 Feb 2016 File Category: Games, Events, Quests Content Author: benching This NPC will summon a given amount monster in a given map Every time the player kill a monster, he will be given a point The 3 player that have the highest points will be rewarded Ranking will reset when the Event is started Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: Warper ( Locked Map ) File Submitter: benching File Submitted: 07 Feb 2016 File Category: Utilities Content Author: benching This NPC will allows the player to warp on maps that are unlocked. Click here to download this file
  9. using @fakename will hide the guild name
  10. does this work? i usually use set .@i,.@i+1; not sure about this, to make sure it started from 0, not some random index, setarray .boss_map$[0],"pay_dun04",
  11. set the address and port in clientinfo.xml, (default port: 6900) make sure the clientinfo.xml is being read by the client and not overwritten by something else.
  12. set .winner_count,0; add it on the start of event;
  13. what you ask is how to add prefix/title to player name, we give you possible ways to do it, i didn't know you were asking for a whole script. if you want to know more, go for @haziel's suggestion, or go to wiki: https://rathena.org/wiki/
  14. @Enthr yep, but if he use the method i said, using strcharinfo(0) will cause, newname = title+(title+newname); // this will happen on 2nd name change and up. with all the info you know from src, kind of jealous here lol, i should touch src soon
  15. my pseudo for that would be, save the original name from database if quest == completed then newname = title+originalname update char name of the character from the character database to newname Downside of this would be a constant name changing.
  16. modifying the player name from the database should do the trick.
  17. The ragindex full is very useful for ppl who works on a seperate unit w/o internet connection, And I would really like it if you could make it a 3rd party for server which retrieves data from db folder and allow modification of data. or 3rd party for clients which allows the player to view item/monster info.
  18. regarding sounds, no, bgm have no relations with sql, check if you have correct contents on mp3nametable.txt
  19. map coordinates starts at 0, i think no one could help you with this piece of information.
  20. whats the first and second monsters stats? and why is your name Emistry?
  21. Check to see if this will work, (PS: i dont have testserver to check if this thing works) - script map multiclient checker -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(getgmlevel() >= 90){ end; } query_sql("SELECT `last_unique_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+"",@lud); getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.prohibitedmaps$); set .@i,.@i+1){ if ( @map$ == .prohibitedmaps$[.@i] ){ set @hmc, query_sql "SELECT * FROM `no_multi_map` WHERE `u_id` = `"+ @lud +" AND `hasClient` = 1 AND `mapname` = `"+ @map$+""; if(@hmc > 0){ warp "prontera",0,0; // warp back dispbottom "MultiClient not allowed on "+@map$,0; end; }else if(@hmc == 0){ query_sql "UPDATE TABLE `no_multi_map` SET `hasClient` = 1, `mapname` = `"+ @map$ +"` WHERE `u_id` = `"+ @lud +";"; end; }else{ dispbottom "Unknown Error Occured, Please Report this to Administrator!",0xFF0000; end; } } } query_sql "UPDATE TABLE `no_multi_map` SET `hasClient` = 0 WHERE `u_id` = `"+ @lud +" AND `mapname` = `"+ @map$+""; end; OnPCLogOutEvent: query_sql("SELECT `last_unique_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)+"",@lud); set @hmc, query_sql "SELECT * FROM `no_multi_map` WHERE `u_id` = `"+ @lud +" AND `hasClient` = 1"; query_sql "UPDATE TABLE `no_multi_map` SET `hasClient` = 0 WHERE `u_id` = `"+ @lud +" AND `mapname` = `"+ @map$+""; end; OnInit: setarray .prohibitedmaps$[0],"mapname1","mapname2"; query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST `no_multi_map` (`mapname` TEXT NOT NULL, `u_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `hasClient` UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"; end; } Modify it, to fit your needs.
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