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Everything posted by Patskie

  1. The npc will show when the event start otherwise it will hide
  2. Oh didn't notice you are using eAthena prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ if ( countitem( .item ) < .amount ) { mes "You don't have my requirements"; close; } delitem .item, .amount; getitem .p, .a; announce "Yayks! " + strcharinfo( 0 ) + " won the event",0; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; OnMinute00: set .@time, .@time + 1; if ( .@time % 2 ) end; set .@i, rand( getarraysize( .BringMeItems ) ); set .item, .BringMeItems[ .@i ]; set .amount, rand( 10, 30 ); announce "Bring me " + .amount + "x " + getitemname( .item ),0; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; OnInit: setarray .BringMeItems[0],501,7227,4001,7005,909,512,714; set .p, 7227; set .a, 5; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; }
  3. set .@last_map$, "prontera"; query_sql "SELECT DISTINCT(`account_id`) FROM `char` WHERE `last_map` = '" +escape_sql(.@last_map$)+ "' AND `online` = '1'",.@acct_id; /* Single Result */ mes "Account ID : " +.@acct_id; /* Multiple Results */ for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@acct_id); .@i++ ) mes "Account ID : " +.@acct_id[.@i]; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set .@char_id, getcharid(0); set .@last_map$, "prontera"; query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `last_map` = '" +escape_sql(.@last_map$)+ "' WHERE `char_id` = '" +.@char_id+ "'";
  4. Try this one : [paste=4rn7i3yghp6p]
  5. ? getitem 7539, callfunc( "F_Rand", 100, 150, 200 ); //here, how to add more random options for the same item?
  6. I don't get what you really want. Can you elaborate more?
  7. "@" - A temporary variable attached to the character. SVN versions before 2094 revision and RC5 version will also treat 'l' as a temporary variable prefix, so beware of having variable names starting with 'l' if you want full backward compatibility.
  8. You don't need to add the F_Rand function on your script as it is already existing here npc/other/Global_Functions.txt#L158
  9. mes "Which Arena you want to go to??"; + next;
  10. mf_snow 16 mf_fog 17 mf_sakura 18 mf_leaves 19 mf_rain 20 mf_nogo 22 mf_clouds 23 mf_clouds2 24 mf_fireworks 25 Can be found on db/const.txt
  11. function script PrizeBox { setarray .BoxItems[0],501,502,503,504; if ( rand( 100 ) < 5 ) getitem .BoxItems[ rand( getarraysize( .BoxItems ) ) ], 1; return; }
  12. Exams from friday to tuesday (except sunday ofc) :D

  13. You should elaborate more on what you want as the word "i need this" wouldn't help.
  14. Patskie


    https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/status.conf#L32 https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/status.conf#L33
  15. http://rathena.org/wiki/Edit_Max_Level
  16. That's the normal behavior
  17. As always great job guys!
  18. This might be the one you are looking : http://rathena.org/board/topic/87110-max-card-in-headgear/?p=221105. I just remember @Kenpachi did this
  19. This function works the same as 'openstorage' but will open a guild storage window instead for the guild storage of the guild the invoking character belongs to. This is a function because it returns a value - 0 if the guild storage was opened successfully and 1 if it wasn't. (Notice, it's a ZERO upon success.) Since guild storage is only accessible to one character at one time, it may fail if another character is accessing the guild storage at the same time. This will also fail and return 2 if the character does not belong to any guild.
  20. [paste=64vk6ed7rx47] try this one
  21. 668,Handsei,Red Envelope,2,0,,20,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+rand(1000,10000); dispbottom "You now have " +#CASHPOINTS+ " cash points"; },{},{}
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