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Everything posted by Patskie

  1. OnNPCKillEvent: if( killedrid && ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, 21 ) & 0x0020 ) && ( killedrid <= 3000 ) ) { if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, 22 ) ) { if ( rand( 100 ) < 25 ) { #CASHPOINTS += rand( 100, 500 ); dispbottom "You now have " +#CASHPOINTS+ " cash points."; } } else { if ( rand( 100 ) < 50 ) #CASHPOINTS += rand( 50, 150 ); } } end;
  2. Add a user on your database with your database credentials on your inter_athena
  3. Might wanna test AnnieRuru approach? killerrid is set as account id not character id ( getcharid(3) not getcharid(0) )
  4. Try : 4403,Kiel_Card,Kiel-D-01 Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ set .@count, isequippedcnt( 4403 ); bonus bDelayRate, ( .@count > 2 ) ? -60 : -30; },{},{}
  5. prontera,150,150,0 script Resetter 100,{ if ( Zeny < 100000 ) end; mes "Want to remove your skillpoints?"; next; if ( select("Yes:No") -1 ) end; Zeny -= 100000; set SkillPoint, 0; mes "Done!"; close; }
  6. Why not use the official vip system of rAthena?
  7. Provide a screenshot of your console window
  8. Read our wiki : Edit_Max_Level
  9. Patskie

    Q>on bank

    - if (@deposit < 1) { + if (@deposit < 1 || @deposit > 1000000000) { - if (@withdrawl < 1) { + if (@withdrawl < 1 || @withdraw1 > 1000000000) {
  10. And i think i just only delete the account not the whole account ( including characters )
  11. - script Sample -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if ( BaseLevel != 99 ) end; switch ( BaseJob ) { case Job_Acolyte: getitem 501, 1; break; // case Job_.... : getitem <item id>, <amount>; break; default: break; } end; }
  12. Let's try this : DELETE FROM `login` WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW(), `lastlogin`) > 6; I don't have responsibilities if something went wrong. Please do a backup before you do something
  13. addrid command or attachrid or attachnpctimer command, please refer to doc/script_commands.txt
  14. - script ClassRestrictionLVL -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if ( .@map$ == "pay_gld" && ( BaseLevel < 99 ) ) warp "prontera",155,181; end; } pay_gld mapflag loadevent
  15. Attach your players so you can access player commands.
  16. Ugh no internet on my laptop

  17. - script Sample -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if ( !#enabled || #pw$ == "" ) end; sc_start SC_BERSERK, 1000000000, 1; mes .npc$; mes "Input your account password"; next; input @pass$; if ( @pass$ == #pw$ ) { sc_end SC_BERSERK; percentheal 100, 100; end; } sc_end SC_BERSERK; atcommand "@kick " +strcharinfo(0); end; OnSecurity: mes .npc$; mes "Hello " +strcharinfo(0)+ ", What can i do for you?"; next; switch (select("Password Protection ( "+(#enabled?"^009933Enabled":"^FF0000Disabled")+"^000000 ):Setup a password:Delete my password:Nothing")) { case 1: if ( #pw$ == "" ) { mes .npc$; mes "You cannot enable the password protection if you don't have a password."; close; } if ( #enabled ) #enabled = 0; else #enabled = 1; message strcharinfo(0),"You have " +(#enabled?"enabled":"disabled")+ " the security system on your account"; break; case 2: if ( #pw$ != "" ) { mes .npc$; mes "You already have a password for your account."; close; } mes .npc$; mes "Input your account password"; next; input @pw$; if ( @pw$ == "" ) end; #pw$ = @pw$; message strcharinfo(0),"You have set your account password (" +#pw$+ ")"; break; case 3: if ( #pw$ == "" ) { mes .npc$; mes "You don't have a password to delete."; close; } #pw$ = ""; if ( #enabled ) #enabled = 0; message strcharinfo(0),"You have deleted your account password"; break; case 4: break; default: break; } end; OnInit: .npc$ = "[ ^FF0000" +strnpcinfo(1)+ "^000000 ]"; bindatcmd "security",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSecurity"; end; } [paste=2y02lq1oag4m] @security to make it work. @Edit : You can use the following commands to prevent them using @warp even they save that command from their ALT + M. I didn't include these two commands on my code above as my test server is outdated and doesn't have the said commands. *enable_command; *disable_command; These commands toggle the ability to use atcommand while interacting with an NPC. The default setting, 'atcommand_enable_npc', is defined in 'conf/battle/gm.conf'.
  18. prontera,150,150,0 script Summoner 100,{ if ( getpartyleader( getcharid( 1 ), 2 ) != getcharid( 0 ) ) end; getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); warpparty .@map$, .@x, .@y, getcharid( 1 ); end; }
  19. I will do this later. I am on my phone now so i can't help
  20. prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ if ( countitem( .item ) < .amount ) { mes "You don't have my requirements"; close; } delitem .item, .amount; getitem .p, .a; announce "Yayks! " + strcharinfo( 0 ) + " won the event",0; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; OnMinute30: set .@i, rand( getarraysize( .BringMeItems ) ); set .item, .BringMeItems[ .@i ]; set .amount, rand( 10, 30 ); announce "Bring me " + .amount + "x " + getitemname( .item ),0; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; OnInit: setarray .BringMeItems[0],501,7227,4001,7005,909,512,714; set .p, 7227; set .a, 5; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(1); end; }
  21. prontera,174,184,1 script Sample 100,{ getinventorylist; for( set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if ( @inventorylist_identify[.@i] == 1 ) continue; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; } if ( getbrokenid(1) == 0 ) { mes "You don't have anything to be repaired!"; close; } atcommand "@repairall"; end; }
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