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Everything posted by Yahiko

  1. hey everyone , can someone help me fix this problem ? when i open tab menu , it not showing , and my client auto exit from ragnarok did i missing something ? Thanks .
  2. nevermind i'm using rathena now xD
  3. you can remove card @rental item , but the rental item will be permanent did you try that already ?
  4. @search http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=260239 | PVP Dota @search http://www.eathena.ws/board/RELEASEUltimate-PvP-Warper-t218668.html | PVP Room
  5. lol dude you need a modification using auraset , you can't just add their custom aura .
  6. Yahiko


    what do you mean ? like @recall ?
  7. first , make AI folder , extract all there , but if the download already AI , dont make AI folder again open thor maker > DESTINATION [Root] , upload your file , done (y)
  8. look at the pre-renewal folder , and move it CMIIW
  9. i have a script on site that connected to that sql Read again , i give an example NPC if still can't than you need to remove it from SQL . so also the kill death and etc on sql will drop down to 0? I don't know yet , you should try it first
  10. i have a script on site that connected to that sql Read again , i give an example NPC if still can't then you need to remove it from SQL .
  11. if ( @dota_sql_kills || @dota_sql_deaths ) { dispbottom "Your current Streak : "+ @PlayersKilledStreak; dispbottom "Your total Kills : "+ @dota_sql_kills; dispbottom "Your total Deaths : "+ @dota_sql_deaths; dispbottom "Your highest Streak : "+ @dota_sql_streaks; query_sql "select date_format( from_unixtime("+ @dota_sql_streaktime +"),'%a %e/%c/%y %r')", .@time1$; dispbottom "Your highest Streak on : "+ .@time1$; } Just make a npc or new menu , reset this to 0 @dota_sql_streaks // streak @dota_sql_deaths // death @dota_sql_kills // kill @PlayersKilledStreak // highest streak Example NPC: prontera,100,100,5<tab>script<tab>reset<tab>100,{ set @dota_sql_streaks, 0; set @dota_sql_deaths, 0; set @dota_sql_kills, 0; set @PlayersKilledStreak, 0; end; } CMIIW
  12. he's asking the skill crescent elbow from sura yes it reflect damage from attacker rdamage += (int)((*damage) + (*damage) * status_get_hp(src) * 2.15 / 100000); How to edit ? goto src>map>battle.c if( sc && sc->data[sC_CRESCENTELBOW] && !(flag&BF_SKILL) && !is_boss(src) && rand()%100 < sc->data[sC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val2 ) { // Stimated formula from test rdamage += (int)((*damage) + (*damage) * status_get_hp(src) * 2.15 / 100000); // edit damage here if( rdamage < 1 ) rdamage = 1; } goto src>map>battle.c if( tsc && tsc->data[sC_CRESCENTELBOW] ) { // Deal rdamage to src and 10% damage back to target. clif_skill_nodamage(target,target,SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL,tsc->data[sC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1,1); skill_blown(target,src,skill_get_blewcount(SR_CRESCENTELBOW_AUTOSPELL,tsc->data[sC_CRESCENTELBOW]->val1),unit_getdir(src),0); status_damage(NULL,target,rdamage/10,0,0,1); //Reflect edit here clif_damage(target, target, tick, wd.amotion, wd.dmotion, rdamage/10, wd.div_ , wd.type, wd.damage2); status_change_end(target, SC_CRESCENTELBOW, INVALID_TIMER); } CMIIW
  13. //Made : Goddameit //Time : 2010/05/07 //Home : http://www2.okay88.com/?fromuid=12556 prontera,145,180,4 script [PoPo] 112,{ if(@popostwr){ announce "[Po-Po]:Please re-login server",bc_self; end; } mes "Po-Po points:"+popopos; deletearray @poi[0],128; set @pocost,0; set @po,0; set @yu,0; set @poselect$,""; menu "[Po-Po GO!]",staer,"[buy Po-Po Item]",buir; staer: mes "You can't leave this map and join into any chat or vend"; select("[OK]"); close2; set @popostwr,1; announce "[Po-Po]:Thank for you use.",bc_self; addtimer $@popodelay,"[PoPo]::OnTimeout"; end; buir: set @poselect$,"[bUY!!]"; for(set @po,0;@po<getarraysize($@sellitem);set @po,@po+1){ set @poselect$,@poselect$+":["+(@poi[@po]?"^FF0000":"^000088")+""+getitemname($@sellitem[@po])+"^000000]["+$@sellcost[@po]+"]"+(@poi[@po]?"("+@poi[@po]+")":""); } set @yu,select(@poselect$); if(@yu!=1){ announce "[Po-Po]:Input how many you want.",bc_self; input @ponum; if(@ponum>=0){ set @poi[@yu-2],@ponum; goto buir; } } for(set @po,0;@po<getarraysize($@sellitem);set @po,@po+1){ set @pocost,@pocost+$@sellcost[@po]*@poi[@po]; } mes "You have to pay me ["+@pocost+"po]"; select("[OK~]"); if( @pocost > popopos ){ mes "Your Po-Po isn't enough"; close; } for(set @po,0;@po<getarraysize($@sellitem);set @po,@po+1){ getitem $@sellitem[@po],@poi[@po]; } set popopos,popopos-@pocost; close2; deletearray @poi[0],128; set @pocost,0; set @po,0; set @yu,0; set @poselect$,""; end; OnTimeout: getmapxy(@popom$,@popo,popoy,0); if(@popom$=="prontera"&&!checkvending()&&!checkChatting()){ set popopos,popopos+1; announce "[Po-Po]:Get 1 point, now have "+popopos,bc_self; addtimer $@popodelay,"[PoPo]::OnTimeout"; } end; OnInit: setarray $@sellitem[0],607,608; setarray $@sellcost[0],10,5; set $@popodelay,10000; end; } Edit at setarray $@sellitem[0],607,608; //What you want to sell setarray $@sellcost[0],10,5; //and its price set $@popodelay,10000; //Go through how many time will get a point ( 1s = 1000 )
  14. Sorry , just helping - Comment Removed - rAthena Staff
  15. Multiple item if(countitem(7512)<2 || countitem(7540)<2) goto notenog; mes "Welcome"; close; notenog: mes "You don't have the items"; close; } For 1 item only if(countitem(7512)<2) goto notenog; mes "Welcome"; close; notenog: mes "You don't have the items"; close; }
  16. "searching : http://rathena.org/board/topic/62067-homunculus-lua-errors/ "
  17. If player lvl 98 , auto close can't view the NPC message after. if(BaseLevel < 99) { // this is closing mes "this is player lvl 99 can view" close; } Or if you want add mes "GTFU" , here if(BaseLevel < 99) goto notlvl; mes "this is player lvl 99 can view" close; notlvl: mes "GTFU"; close; }
  18. @Euphy , why so lazy editing some scripts ? you can just change it ? - script AntiCheat -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (getgmlevel()>=60) ; // Edit GM Lvl Here readparam(bStr); readparam(bAgi); readparam(bVit); readparam(bInt); readparam(bDex); readparam(bLuk); if ((class >= 4054 && class <= 4079) || (class >= 4023 && class <= 4045) || (class >= 4096 && class <= 4108)){ //3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 256 || readparam(bAgi) > 256 || readparam(bVit) > 256 || readparam(bInt) > 256 || readparam(Dex) > 256 || readparam(bLuk) > 256){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; } } else { //Other than 3rd Job Class if (readparam(bStr) > 256 || readparam(bAgi) > 256 || readparam(bVit) > 256 || readparam(bInt) > 256 || readparam(Dex) > 256 || readparam(bLuk) > 256){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; sleep2 5000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0)+""; end; } } } }
  19. L_Heal: if (@HealDelay > gettimetick(2)) { if (@HealSpam >= 5) { npctalk "You've been warned, " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; sc_end SC_ALL; sc_start SC_DECAGI,300000,10; end; } npctalk "Please do not spam, " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; set @HealSpam, @HealSpam + 1; end; } percentheal 100,100; specialeffect2 312; emotion 21; npctalk "You are welcome! " + strcharinfo(0) + "."; set @HealDelay, gettimetick(2) + 10; set @HealSpam, 0; end;
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