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Everything posted by AsurielRO

  1. Anyone can help or share a script to me that have a tier on each choices. Something like this : first tier will be for 1st mvp map, after beating that mvp the warper will close the first tier option and open the second tier for 2nd mvp map will be open and so on.
  2. Anyone can give a video how this thing works?
  3. Just transfer the npc files from renewal database to pre-renewal (don't forget their functions too).
  4. Hi thanks, but this is not what i'm talking about. The quest warper is located at npc/custom/etc/ Thanks i didn't notice that ? anyway how can restrict renewal maps using that npc?
  5. Hi guys, how can i removed the dungeons / healing prices inside the quest npc warper on default rA file? I want to make it like this. 5 Major town will available to access other town required to finish the quest before they can unlock it. The main purpose is i want to use that npc for towns only. (5 main town already unlock while the remaining town are need to complete the quest before they can access it). Also the map is for pre-re server only no renewal towns will be included.
  6. This is nice, is it supported with the other buffs too?
  7. The PR for this feature is locked hoping that it will be updated soon.
  8. Hi guys, i would like to request for a script where you can craft low rank shadow gears. For reference https://www.novaragnarok.com/wiki/Low_Rank_Shadow_Gear Hopefully someone can share thank you and happy ber months to everyone! ?
  9. Hi everyone, may i request a plagiarism npc also known as copy cat? I've tried some of the script here but it seems like it is not working because after i choose a skill my character just stock on the screen and i need to use Alt + F4 to move again. Also i didn't get any skills using a stalker/chaser job. When i use a GM Account and i use this NPC using "Other" job like priest i've also stock and boom map crashed. ? gonryun,167,109,4 script Copy Cat 779,{ mes "select which skill you want to be copy, your existing one will be overwrite"; next; set .@menu, select(.menu$) -1; if ( getskilllv(.skill$[.@menu * 3 +1]) && .skill$[.@menu * 3 +1] ) { mes "you already copied that skill"; close; } else if ( .skill$[.@menu * 3 +1] ) { mes "are you sure you want to copy "+ .skill$[.@menu * 3] +"?"; } mes "you'll need to relogin again"; next; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; set CLONE_SKILL, .skill$[.@menu * 3 +1]; set CLONE_SKILL_LV, .skill$[.@menu * 3 +2]; atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); end; OnInit: setarray .skill$, "< Remove >", 0, 0, "Bash", 5, 3, "Provoke", 6, 5, "Magnum Break", 7, 5, "Napalm Beat", 11, 5, "Soul Strike", 13, 5, "Cold Bolt", 14, 5, "Frost Diver", 15, 3, "Fire Ball", 17, 5, "Fire Bolt", 19, 3, "Lightning Bolt", 20, 5, "Thunderstorm", 21, 3, "Mammonite", 42, 5, "Double Strafe", 46, 3, "Arrow Shower", 47, 5, "Brandish Spear", 57, 5, "Spear Stab", 58, 3, "Spear Boomerang", 59, 5, "Bowling Bash", 62, 3, "Magnus Exorcismus", 79, 5, "Fire Pillar", 80, 5, "Meteor Storm", 83, 3, "Jupitel Thunder", 84, 3, "Lord of Vermilion", 85, 3, "Water Ball", 86, 2, "Frost Nova", 88, 3, "Storm Gust", 89, 3, "Earth Spike", 90, 3, "Heaven's Drive", 91, 3, "Land Mine", 116, 3, "Blast Mine", 122, 5, "Claymore Trap", 123, 5, "Sonic Blow", 136, 5, "Holy Light", 156, 5, "Holy Cross", 253, 5, "Grand Cross", 254, 5, "Raging Trifecta Blow", 263, 3, "Occult Impaction", 266, 3, "Throw Spirit Sphere", 267, 5, "Asura Strike", 271, 3, "Raging Quadruple Blow", 272, 5, "Throw Tomahawk", 337, 5, "Flying Kick", 421, 3, "Throw Zeny", 526, 3, "Improvised Defense", 527, 5, "Vanishing Slash", 528, 5, "Shadow Leap", 529, 3, "Shadow Slash", 530, 3, "Cicada Skin Sheeding", 531, 3, "Crimson Fire Petal", 534, 3, "Crimson Fire Formation", 535, 5, "Raging Fire Dragon", 536, 3, "Spear of Ice", 537, 3, "Ice Meteor", 539, 3, "Wind Blade", 540, 3, "Lightning Strike of Destruction", 541, 5, "Kamaitachi", 542, 3, "Charge Attack", 1001, 5, "Throw Venom Knife", 1004, 3, "Sight Blaster", 1006, 5, "Phantasmic Arrow", 1009, 5, "Ki Translation", 1015, 5, "Rapid Throw", 3008, 5; set .@skillsize, getarraysize(.skill$); for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@skillsize; set .@i, .@i +3 ) set .menu$, .menu$ + .skill$[.@i] +":"; end; }
  10. Make a custom item and insert a function on the refineui system including refine.yml Just review the changes on the commit then you will know where you should put some details.
  11. I think it's better if we can also set this event to automated.
  12. Look for client side grf and edit the table for cash shop.
  13. Thank you for this, just a suggestion maybe its good if you add a client side modification for ongoing quest so that players can monitor how many item left needed to collect.
  14. NPC that gives +7 item depends on their job (requirement migration ticket). Example if you choose swordsman you will get +7 armor and boots +0 headgear 15pcs HE Battle Manual, 15pcs Bubble gum and 15pcs Advance Field Manual. Thank you so much, and if possible with gepard check ?
  15. Awesome buddy, if you don't mind do you also have dungeons access for episode 17.1 or 17.2
  16. I started the script using this format but i'm not sure if this will work, anyone can share what would be the better script i can use to implement this?
  17. Good day guys!, I just want to request a NPC Script which required an item and after giving the requirements the NPC will automatically pick a random item from cash shop to give . For example a player insert 50pcs apples then the npc will generate all items on the cash shop randomly and he will get 1 item from it. Thank you ?
  18. Instance please for low and midrates ? anyway thank you for your scripts! all is clean and awesome!
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