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Everything posted by icabit

  1. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=270783 maybe this can help you
  2. thx goddameit but is there anything you could recommend for this? i want to slow and immobalize enemies without using autospell 1% chance to deal slow bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_CURSEATTACK",10,10,1; 1% chance to immobalize bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_PETRIFYATTACK",10,10,1;
  3. agree with this if your playing by yourself in a test server you will win automatically cause of these codes mapannounce "quiz_01","Dice: Das wars .. lasst uns beginnen!",0; sleep2 10000; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: if(getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1) goto L_Champ;
  4. OnMinute1: announce "Dice: Das Dice Event beginnt..",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: Wer daran teilnehmen möchte soll in das Portal in der Mitte von Prontera Village eintreten.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: In 1 Minute wird das Portal geschlossen.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Dice: Wer am Dice Event teilnehmen möchte soll in das Portal in der Mitte der Maintown eintreten.",0; enablenpc "prtevent"; initnpctimer; end; the game starts automaticly every 1st min of the hour
  5. How to make it work? 1st do a query on your database CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvp_rank` ( `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `char` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `kill` int(11) NOT NULL, `death` int(11) NOT NULL, `kdr` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `killingstreak` int(11) NOT NULL, `multikill` int(11) NOT NULL, `killingspree` int(11) NOT NULL, `dominating` int(11) NOT NULL, `megakill` int(11) NOT NULL, `unstoppable` int(11) NOT NULL, `wickedsick` int(11) NOT NULL, `monsterkill` int(11) NOT NULL, `godlike` int(11) NOT NULL, `beyondgodlike` int(11) NOT NULL, `doublekill` int(11) NOT NULL, `triplekill` int(11) NOT NULL, `ultrakill` int(11) NOT NULL, `rampage` int(11) NOT NULL, `ownage` int(11) NOT NULL, `nemesiskill` int(11) NOT NULL, `feedcount` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 2nd this wav files : http://www.mediafire...r4pxhsrsn85y486 to your data.grf data/wav then add this npc: http://pastebin.com/ePbV08SL to your npc's
  6. http://spriterepository.com/ try it here im not quite sure

    1. nanakiwurtz
    2. icabit
    3. nanakiwurtz


      Oh your GRF is decrypted?

      Why not download from another source, like kRO or Miruku?

  8. icabit


    thx annie ill try to check this out and learn some codes from it and maybe with this i can improve my modification time to read
  9. maybe sprite error pls add more details in your report maybe i can help you
  10. Armors ============================================================================================== it triggers when a monster or player hits you 1% chance to heal 1% of your total hp autobonus2 "{ percentheal 1,0; }",10,100,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 313; }"; 1% chance to heal 1% of your total sp autobonus2 "{ percentheal 0,1; }",10,100,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 211; }"; Weapons ============================================================================================== it triggers when your hitting a monster or player 1% chance to deal slow bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_CURSEATTACK",10,10,1; 1% chance to immobalize bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_PETRIFYATTACK",10,10,1; 1% chance to deal 2x crit hit damage for 3 secs autobonus "{ bonus bCritAtkRate,100; }",10,3000,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; 1% chance to gain 100 hit for 3 secs autobonus "{ bonus bHit,100; }",10,3000,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; 1% chance to deal 2x damage autobonus "{ bonus bAtkRate,100; }",10,3000,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; 1% chance to deal 2x magic damage autobonus "{ bonus bMatkRate,100; }",10,3000,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 EF_POTION_BERSERK; }"; 1% chance to lifesteal 100% of your damage autobonus "{ bHpDrainRate,1000,100; }",10,3000,BF_NORMAL|BF_SKILL,"{ specialeffect2 216; }";
  11. create a gm menu create an option for you to reset the ladder TRUNCATE TABLE `pvp_rank` since ghost's pvp system uses `pvp_rank` table in your database you just only need to empty the table
  12. icabit


    i used this instead now working thnx for the clue if( killerrid > 3000000) end; @AnnieRuru i tried but it gave me a headache im pretty bad at logic >.> thx lots. i sure learn a lot from the topics you reply from yeah and now its time to test for sql : http://pastebin.com/dEqrkczy for npc: http://pastebin.com/ePbV08SL for wav files : http://www.mediafire...r4pxhsrsn85y486 INTRODUCTION so this is ghost's pvp system(http://rathena.org/b...pvp-system-v13/) + mercurial(http://www.eathena.w...pe=post&id=8461) i merged them to fix some functions Goals so basicly what i or we need for impovement is -gm menu in game i already added some menu to it but i think i need to add more options like the map @_@ and item reward i dunno how to add it in menu and someone who can clean the script my bug encounters: when i tried killing a poring my streak wasn't working so meaning thats perfectly fine but after being killed by a monster this happened what should i do? now fixed Menu bug report dunno why: i wanted to use my gm menu and it seems like when i change the settings in it via in game to wont affect any my example was changing the feed limit to 10 instead of default 5(i changed it via in game) then i tried killing 1 character for more than 5 times it already kicked me so basically the npc ignored the changes i have made in game using the gm menu that i made y is that? also i want to clean this but i dont know how can some one clean for me? im a noob -the feeder/fedee penalty(i tried it but it wont kick me out of the server T_T) is it maybe because im using gm accounts? not sure i haven't tried using normal player now fixed using http://rathena.org/wiki/Freeloop such a great tool My reason why i modified this the reason why i modified this was -i need it for my server -i am a HoN/Dota player -and its KEWL -ghost is still at school, i asked permission on his topic in rathena but he didnt replied for like 2-3 days(but i cant help myself to edit it ) changelog 1/15/2013 4:06am ph time -fixed some announcers -feed count will be reset after your nemesis gave you a payback -menu is now working -save option now added in gm menu, set it to 1 before you make the changes -fixed streak ended if monster kills you - now your streak can only be ended with players -fixed loop problems -finally merged mercurial and ghost pvp system Credits to the orginal authors GHOST and MERCURIAL bumps details updated kindly redownload the npc file it is updated as of now 1/15/2013 7:32 am PH time you may now test it i will try to support you guys as much as i can but i cant guarantee you
  13. my code OnPCDieEvent: if(getgmlevel() >= $icaGMLevel){ end; } if (#streak >2 ) { announce rid2name(killerrid)+" has ended "+ strcharinfo(0) +"'s "+ #streak$ +"! streak at "+ .map$,0; soundeffect ""+#Announcer+"_smackdown.wav",0; } but if a monster kills me it also announces how do i avoid this?
  14. INTRODUCTION so this is ghost's pvp system(http://rathena.org/b...pvp-system-v13/) + mercurial(http://www.eathena.w...pe=post&id=8461) i merged them to fix some functions What does this npc do? My reason why i modified this How to make it work? Goals changelog ​ Credits to the orginal authors GHOST and MERCURIAL you may now test it i will try to support you guys as much as i can but i cant guarantee you i will not support using this ladder for your flux or website because im not good at it
  15. http://rathena.org/b...es/#entry171844 now ready for testing now updated 1/16/2013
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