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Everything posted by hendra814

  1. coba dicek di link ini Downloads - Nemo (herc.ws) atau bisa juga ke link ini kRO Full Client - 2023-04-04 - Includes BGM & RSU - Page 8 - Client Releases - rAthena
  2. maybe you can try this put the iteam as rental or delete it when the event already end.
  3. try use this script missionboard.txt
  4. please share too in this thread, i check still version 1.1 in the download section.
  5. When i tried to apply it, it's show fail like this is it the right step or not? can someone share how to apply this patch.
  6. not solve the issue, even using new script advance punching bag still happen.
  7. i think if your server are running with sql database it's no need SQL script
  8. Thanks for the confirmation.
  9. Already change form if(!getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,rid2name(.@a[.@d])) && .@charmap$==.@map$) into if(!getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,BL_PC)) && .@charmap$==.@map$) but still have waning and can use dual clent in the same map
  10. try use this - script dualclientkicker -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: set .@charmap$, strcharinfo(3); if(!compare(.tmp$,.@charmap$)) end; set .@len, query_sql("SELECT DISTINCT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE`account_id` IN (SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` =(SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`="+getcharid(3)+")) AND`online` <> 0;",.@a); for(set(.@d,0);.@d<.@len;set(.@d,.@d+1)) { if(!getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,rid2name(.@a[.@d])) && .@charmap$==.@map$) set .@c,.@c+ 1; } if(.@c > .limitacc ) { dispbottom "Dual accounts not allowed in PVP."; warp "geffen",0,0; } end; OnInit: set .limitacc,1; setarray .maps$, "valkyrie_vs", "pvp_y_1-2", "prt_pvp", "bat_cc2"; set .lens , getarraysize(.maps$) ; for(set(.a,0);.a<.lens;set(.a,.a+1)) { setmapflag .maps$[.a], mf_loadevent ; set .tmp$ ,.tmp$+.maps$[.a]+","; } }
  11. can you show the error/issue? please make sure your map already put in the array list
  12. try dual client kicker script. you can try script in this link
  13. just copy form another map, but you must know the quest ID for another map. So i hope someone help to update this
  14. are you want more than 10 round, if yes, change this at oninit part set .Rounds,10;
  15. you want the npc hide after 10 round the script already run like that at this part if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) { setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(3); // this is will hide the npc after all round finished npctalk "Disguise Event : Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end; } if you want the npc not hide remove that part.
  16. Thanks for the information.
  17. prontera,162,197,4 script Healer 569,{ if(Zeny < 1000){ mes "I'm sorry, but you don't"; mes "have enough Zeny"; end; } set Zeny, Zeny - 1000; //buffs for everyone specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; //vip buffs if(vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,60000,3; sc_start SC_GLORIA,60000,5; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,60000,5; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,60000,10; // sc_start SC_STRFOOD,60000,10; // sc_start SC_INTFOOD,60000,10; // sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,60000,10; // sc_start SC_AGIFOOD,60000,10; // sc_start SC_VITFOOD,60000,10; // sc_start SC_LUKFOOD,60000,10; } end; } Try This
  18. you must create new issue at this link https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues
  19. solve using this sql script IF DROP TABLE EXISTS `bonus_script`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bonus_script` ( `char_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `script` TEXT NOT NULL, `tick` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `flag` SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `icon` SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1', KEY `char_id` (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
  20. go to conf\import folder, edit group.yml file and make sure at anothers ID don't have autotrade permission too. # This file is a part of rAthena. # Copyright(C) 2022 rAthena Development Team # https://rathena.org - https://github.com/rathena # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ########################################################################### # Player Group Database ########################################################################### # # Player Group Settings # ########################################################################### # - Id Group ID. # Name Group name. # Level GM Level used for ranking groups. (Default: 0) # LogCommands Whether atcommands should be logged or not. (Default: false) # Commands: List of atcommands that can be used by this group. (Default: none) # <atcommand name> Whether the specified atcommand can be used by this group or not. # CharCommands: List of charcommands that can be used by this group. (Default: none) # <charcommand name> Whether the specified charcommand can be used by this group or not. # Permissions: List of permissions the group has. (Default: none) # <permission name> Whether the group has this permission or not. # Inherit: List of groups that will be inherited. (Default: none) # <group name> Whether this group will be inherited or not. ########################################################################### Header: Type: PLAYER_GROUP_DB Version: 1 Body: - Id: 5 # group 0 is the default group for every new account Name: Player Level: 0 Commands: autotrade: true Permissions: # without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party can_trade: true can_party: true attendance: true
  21. already tried install it too, but still not working if compile using x64. But i'ts weird, because the issue only happne for map server, for anothers ( login, char and web server) are working.
  22. I'm have same issue 0x000007b when reinstall my os, and when i check my visual studio by default it's pointing x64. try change into debug win32, and after that recompile your server. now the issue already solved.
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