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  1. Hi all, I'm working about achievement account, based on @Aeclis released : Account Bound Achievement. Thanks to him to help me, but now, i have 2 issues.. Git Hash: '21e7a35b729be8a9edafa6eb49e2e52060e09ff4' The function is OK, BUT: When i select "Bound: "Account"" or "Bound: "Player"", i can't claim rewards... The button is not working, have no mail, and no error in the console. - ID: 200023 Bound: "Account" Group: "AG_GOAL_STATUS" Name: "Dragonlike Power!" Condition: " readparam(bStr) >= 125 " Reward: ItemID: 2285 When I select the "Bound: "Account"" function for an achievement with a counter, if I disconnect with the started counter, reconnect, continue the quest, I disconnect again, reconnect, the quest will have remained at the same increment as during the 1st disconnection. The SQL table does not increment. - ID: 100001 Bound: "Account" Group: "AG_BATTLE" Name: "Test Kill Poring" Target: - Id: 0 MobID: 1002 Count: 50 Score: 10 - I kill 1 poring and I log out. - After reconnecting, I continue the quest, and I kill 19 more poring and I log out again : - After reconnecting, the database did not increment and the quest restarts on the 1st disconnection : If you have an idea, I'm interested. You will find below the src content of the int_achievement.cpp file : I really need this feature, and I'm ready to pay the price. Thanks! Edit : Ok it's solved by @Technoken Thanks to him! ?
  2. Hi all, I have two questions. 1. How to replace these special characters? 2. How to increment this achievement by speaking in the city of Prontera for example? A particular npc must be present? A particular function? This is my information : achievement_db.yml Header: Type: ACHIEVEMENT_DB Version: 1 Body: - ID: 100000 Group: "AG_CHATTING" Name: "Test Speaking" Map: "prontera" Target: - Id: 0 Count: 1 Score: 10 achievement_list.lub achievement_tbl = { [100000] = { UI_Type = 1, group = "CHATTING", major = 4, minor = 1, title = "Prontera Test", content = { summary = "Test Prontera", details = "Test Speaking in Prontera", }, resource = { [1] = { text = "Test 1", count = 150, }, [2] = { text = "Test 2", count = 300, }, [3] = { text = "Test 3", count = 600, }, [4] = { text = "Test 4", count = 1200, }, [5] = { text = "Test 5", count = 2400, }, }, reward = { title = 1000, }, score = 20, } } function main() for achieveID, achieveInfo in pairs(achievement_tbl) do result, msg = InsertAchieveInfo(achieveID, achieveInfo.title, achieveInfo.content.summary, achieveInfo.content.details, achieveInfo.score) if not result then return false, msg end if nil ~= achieveInfo.resource then for index, resource in ipairs(achieveInfo.resource) do if nil ~= resource.shortcut then shortcut = resource.shortcut else shortcut = -1 end if 0 == achieveInfo.UI_Type then result, msg = InsertAchieveResource(achieveID, resource.text, 0, shortcut) elseif 1 == achieveInfo.UI_Type then result, msg = InsertAchieveResource(achieveID, resource.text, resource.count, shortcut) end if not result then return false, msg end end end if nil ~= achieveInfo.reward then if nil ~= achieveInfo.reward.item then result, msg = InsertAchieveRewardItem(achieveID, achieveInfo.reward.item) end if nil ~= achieveInfo.reward.title then result, msg = InsertAchieveRewardTitle(achieveID, achieveInfo.reward.title) if not result then return false, msg end end if nil ~= achieveInfo.reward.buff then result, msg = InsertAchieveRewardBuff(achieveID, achieveInfo.reward.buff) if not result then return false, msg end end end result, msg = InsertAchieveUIType(achieveID, achieveInfo.UI_Type, achieveInfo.group) if not result then return false, msg end result, msg = SetAchieveIDByTab(achieveID, achieveInfo.major, achieveInfo.minor) if not result then return false, msg end end return true, "good" end Thanks for reply.
  3. Hello, Try to comment this line on the file : /src/map/clif.cpp Don't forget to recompile ?
  4. Fenril


    Hi everyone, Based on the src mod "storeit" ( @Akinari ), I would like to add a command that stores all inventory cards, including those present in inventory equipment, except those equipped. Currently, the command "storecard" stores the cards present in inventory equipment only... ACMD_FUNC(storecard) { int i; nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (sd->npc_id) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You cannot be talking to an NPC and use this command."); return -1; } if (sd->state.storage_flag != 1) { //Open storage. switch (storage_storageopen(sd)) { case 2: //Try again clif_displaymessage(fd, "Run this command again.."); return 0; case 1: //Failure clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't open the storage currently."); return -1; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++) { if (sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].amount) { if(sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].equip == 0) storage_storageadd(sd, &sd->storage, i, sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].amount && sd->inventory.u.items_inventory[i].card[0]); } } storage_storageclose(sd); clif_displaymessage(fd, "All cards stored"); return 0; } Thanks for reply.
  5. Hello Functor, Thanks for reply. It's worked with NEMO patcher.
  6. Hi everyone, I am trying to make the most of the journal quest (ALT+U). I currently face a problem, how can I remove this korean character : Thanks for reply.
  7. Hi everyone, With the latest emulator, how can you change the max ASPD for a specifie class ? Example, max aspd for everyone = 190 except for Sniper / SinX, as well LK with skill "Frenzy" ? I saw this and i test: status->amotion = ((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_ASSASSIN)? 198:190) But after recompile, it's not functional. Have any ideas ? Thanks for all. Sry for my bad English.
  8. Hi, Have an error on Patch : Have any idea ? Thanks °°
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