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Everything posted by TheDerpySupport

  1. rAthena has not fully released the job skills because we do not have the information for them; Some users have fully implemented them on their servers through datamining kRO
  2. You'll need at least a 2018-05-30 client to view Star Emperor and Soul Reaper; There may be an option in the script to save costume because Secrets has explained to me how it saves the costume
  3. I'm simply trying to understand why you do not wish to use the proper software for git; I mean you could easily download the git as a zip file but you obviously want the management capabilities for the git
  4. Can you explain why you do not wish to use Git? Edit: I do not know if this will work but it is the very first result of a quick google search. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiZLVQrp4tA
  5. You'll need to edit your MySql database via workbench and set the secondary account in your `login` table to grouplv 99
  6. This usually happens when you zoom too far in with costume garments; Not sure if it's because of a graphic setting or what
  7. Well this is my script you're using so It's relatively easy to understand; if (rand(0,9) == 2){ getitem 26080,1; //Credit specialeffect2 EF_TEMP_OK; mapannounce strcharinfo(3),strcharinfo(0)+" has caught a ATM Credit Card x1!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; } This would be 10% rand(0,19) would be 5% and 1% would be rand(0,99)
  8. Okay so the only logical way to do this is to duplicate all of the MVPs in the mob_db for the bloodybranch db and edit their mode to support these MD_IGNOREMELEE | 0x0010000 | 65536 MD_IGNOREMAGIC | 0x0020000 | 131072 MD_IGNORERANGED | 0x0040000 | 262144
  9. Are you wanting them to deal 1 damage or receive 1 damage?
  10. For Langtype 1 you need to change the service_korea folder to service_usa and externalsettings_kr.lub to externalsettings_usa.lub
  11. iRO and kRO ASPD formulas are completely different for renewal
  12. RO doesn't really do 3D items; I personally have never seen a 3D item on any server so maybe you're talking about just regular custom items?
  13. No clue. It's all up to the devs that help rA on when it's coming out.
  14. They have their own team of developers that constantly update their content from kRO
  15. Well even if you have some spare time just work on a little here and there; These maps are very promising if you continued even just a little once a week
  16. I must say your Anexus map is actually very similar to an instance map I was trying to make, idea wise, and make it into a starter instance to introduce players to MVPs(in this instance Baphomet). I hope you continue to contribute to the community and become a well-known Map maker. I will most likely use Anexus in my project Untold-RO(You can find a link to the discord on my page or job listing)
  17. Try allowing the client.exe through your firewall; I had a similar issue with the 05-30 client.
  18. It's a bit harder to make an npc wander around; I've tried even just setting set paths and it failed quite a bit lol
  19. Chargebacks are punishable on rA and depending on the script you purchased you may have bought from a member who does not get on rA anymore; Can you link the file and or author?
  20. You're not turning your firewall off; You're allowing a new application through the firewall.
  21. Yes, Every class has it's own unique ID. You can find this list by using @job in game
  22. Don't use Secret's NEMO for 2018 client; Use 4144's https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo/tree/master sclientinfo.xml can be found by using any clientinfo.xml and renaming it to sclientinfo.xml; There is no difference; You can also grab this one here if you'd rather do that and edit to your liking https://github.com/TheDerpySupport/Untold-RO/blob/master/data/clientinfo.xml
  23. For server side all you have to do is modify "src/custom/defines_pre.h" not packet.h; That file shouldn't be touched // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_ #define _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_ /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #define PACKETVER 20180530 #endif // _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_
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