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Everything posted by Rynbef

  1. Add a getmapxy and check for the range by if statements. If Player ist out of the zone reduce HP and sp. Rynbef~
  2. Remove everything on this Label https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/f34a47ae24b6e96e2d68d03cb0bdc7dc3dbee74c/npc/custom/woe_controller.txt#L32 Rynbef~
  3. U can see the "last visit" Maybe we can help u? Rynbef~
  4. Don't add the {} on the end just prontera mapflag skill_damage With <tab> between Rynbef~
  5. It's depends on lua files. Do u have the newest files from translation project which are compatible with ur client? Rynbef~
  6. There is no diff to disable it yet. U can try find it with cheat engine as example and create an own diff for disable it. Like the other icons as example. Rynbef~
  7. Why don't use if(countitem(512) < 10)mes "Before u enter u need 10x ^770000"+getitemname(512)+"^000000"; else delitem 512,10; If u don't have much items u can use this simple version. Otherwise loop throw an array of item IDs, check if the player have the required amount of the item or not (throw an 2nd array of item amounts). Remove the item or display that he need something. Rynbef~
  8. Rynbef


    U mean with a custom state icon? Or with the fakeIcon source modification? Rynbef~
  9. U have to modify ur source files. Rynbef~
  10. Take a look at the documentation: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/f34a47ae24b6e96e2d68d03cb0bdc7dc3dbee74c/doc/mapflags.txt#L365 Rynbef~
  11. @TokeiI love ur work. It's really great and very thank u what u do for the community. Rynbef~
  12. Okay I ve cleaned up the code a bit and add additional checks and returns. Idk if rA able to use big integer in SQL. So changed everything to use Integer. When the time is over and the function CheckEventBan is called it will deleted directly now. To cleanup the database. Pls delete the database and add the new with normal integer. If u ban a player check if they added to the database. EventBan.txt Rynbef~
  13. I'll check the SQL query later. Have to sleep now. Rynbef~
  14. I've updated to make more comfortable. I added an unban command and changed to dispbottom. EventBan.txt Rynbef~
  15. Im sorry. My mistake. I declared a atcommand but just call it and don't bind it and get arg just works for functions for atcommands we do need .@atcmd_parameters$[] Pls try again. EventBan.txt Maybe use dispbottom instead of mes. But I forget changed yet. Rynbef~
  16. U can add a SQL table with ur request and on the same server add a cronjob which look for tasks every second as example. After that u can run a code or similar. Rynbef~
  17. It's could be the packet obsfunction or encryption. Rynbef~
  18. I know what u mean yet. It's a nice feature. Hope it will work soon. Rynbef~
  19. Conf/battle/client.conf And u need to increase it while diff ur client to increase hair and cloth color limit. Rynbef~
  20. Here is an example. I haven't tested. EventBan.txt U can use a command to ban player from event in minutes. Different events can have different IDs. And u have a function u can call to check if player is banned or not. Rynbef~
  21. Since MySQL 5.5.5 InnoDB is the engine instead of MyISAM. Better use this if u use newer MySQL version. U can use: https://www.scaler.com/topics/sql/sql-validator/ to fix and validate ur sql query. Rynbef~
  22. We have conf/msg_conf Rynbef~
  23. U need to change the source files. rAthena declared the IDs for Pets so no Slots loaded cuz of resource reduction. Rynbef~
  24. Hey everybody. Yes we are in 2024 and rAthena lives but the world moves fast and faster per day. I want to ask if we can get more upload space for Profil Images and Profil Header Background. It's really bad that my profil image decreased the quality if it was 2006. And yes... It's not much expensive to double the upload size. Space is not as much expensive. We don't talk about 10mb per user. Rynbef~
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