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Everything posted by clydelion

  1. Oh, I just read the description and found out that you have to put -1 instead of zero to remove the fixed cast time for that specific skill. But if you want to remove that 'fixed cast time' from the server globally(all skills), you have to set it in the configuration conf/battle/skill.conf // For RENEWAL_CAST (Note 2) // By default skill that has '0' value for Fixed Casting Time will use 20% of cast time // as Fixed Casting Time, and the rest (80%) as Variable Casting Time. // Put it 0 to disable default Fixed Casting Time (just like -1 is the skill_cast_db.txt). default_fixed_castrate: 20 change it to 0.
  2. //===== Monk =============================== //-- MO_CALLSPIRITS 261,500,0,0,600000,0,0,0 //-- MO_ABSORBSPIRITS 262,1000,0,0,0,0,0,1000 //-- MO_INVESTIGATE 266,500,500,0,0,0,0,500 //-- MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE 267,500,500,0:200:400:600:800,0,0,0,500 //-- MO_STEELBODY 268,2500,0,0,30000:60000:90000:120000:150000,0,0,2500 //-- MO_BLADESTOP 269,0,500,0,500:700:900:1100:1300,20000:30000:40000:50000:60000,0,0 //-- MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS 270,0,0,0,180000,0,0,0 //-- MO_EXTREMITYFIST 271,2000:1750:1500:1250:1000,3000:2500:2000:1500:1000,0,10000,300000,0,0 //========================================== it should be like this the last entry of every line is 'fixed casting time', meaning it is there regardless of anything... so you should set it to zero
  3. This is in skill_cast_db.txt SkillID,CastingTime,AfterCastActDelay,AfterCastWalkDelay,Duration1,Duration2,Cool Down,Fixed Casting Time Can you post your server's skill_cast_db Monk entries?
  4. conf/battle/skill.conf // For RENEWAL_CAST (Note 2) // By default skill that has '0' value for Fixed Casting Time will use 20% of cast time // as Fixed Casting Time, and the rest (80%) as Variable Casting Time. // Put it 0 to disable default Fixed Casting Time (just like -1 is the skill_cast_db.txt). default_fixed_castrate: 20 gawin mong 0.
  5. It is all in the logdata. It's just a matter of setting the right configuration to log certain acrtion like trade drop mail vend etc.
  6. Do you have a matching client and server packetversion? When you changed the packetversion, did you recompile? That packet is already defined in the latest. src/map/clif_packetdb.hpp // OneClick Itemidentify parseable_packet(0x0A35,4,clif_parse_Oneclick_Itemidentify,2); // CZ_REQ_ONECLICK_ITEMIDENTIFY
  7. You have an incompatible packet version for the server and client.. Make sure to set the proper packet version in packets.h #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD
  8. If you are using Fluxcp, you can view it there. Better display than phpmyadmin.
  9. Hello people! Where to play?

    1. mrlongshen


      Hello. Play what? RO ? hehe /abs

    2. Kido


      Play with anything buy my heart </3

  10. ShowWarning( "Monster \"%s\"(id: %d) is dropping an unknown item \"%s\"(Drop %d)\n", db->name, mob_id, str[k], ( i / 2 ) + 1 ); It is already showing by default the mob id. Maybe it is coming from a different call, when the server is loading itemdb files.
  11. Any free installation creator will do, as long as it does its job to install files to the proper directory. I used Install Creator in the past.
  12. Clue: npc_event(mvp_sd,md->npc_event,0); What I would do if I were you: 1. Make a new scriptcommand so you don't have to edit every script that uses *monster script command. 2. Add a new char in mob_data struct, or just a flag to indicate that it is a OnMobAttacked event. 3. Look into battle.c to force run the script everytime it encounters a flagged attack.
  13. <map name>,<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>} See the <event> field, that's what you are looking for.
  14. search for function in battle.c int64 battle_calc_damage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *bl,struct Damage *d,int64 damage,uint16 skill_id,uint16 skill_lv) add if (skill_id == MO_EXTREMITYFIST ) damage = min(damage,500000); That way, it will be capped to 500000 damage.
  15. search in status.c, something like status_calc_aspd
  16. Just an advice, what you invest on your hosting is what you get as a service. You won't get as much ddos protection from budget servers.
  17. Ask from the SMF forum as this is a concern within the forum software. Try the ff though: 1. Restrict viewing of replies to logged in users only though. 2. Disable replies to this subforum.
  18. Do you mean categories? Add this clause to your url, don't forget to change x to your category number. c=x;
  19. here..go figure. http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/XML_feeds
  20. Ohh neat. I was wrong, readparam was updated.
  21. There's none. Unless you customize the source, you can add a script command that reads the actual ATK1/ATK2.
  22. Did you try attacking? I think bAtkRate reflects only on the actual damage(not shown in the char info), unlike bAtk
  23. You can refer to this. http://rathena.org/board/topic/67027-rss2news-for-fluxcp/
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