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Everything posted by n0tttt

  1. Your contributiones are awesome. Thank you very much.
  2. Maybe you're using this: warp map,x,y; rather than: warp "map",x,y; Can't really know since I haven't seen a piece of code.
  3. I tried your script this way: - script wisp -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgmlevel() > 50){ .@loop1 = 1; while(.@loop1){ mes "Choose an option"; next; switch(select("Option1:Option2:Option3")) { case 1: mes "Write a number between 0 and 6."; while(1){ input .@TdayofWeek; //Script stops working right here. Input doesn't show up. if ((.@TdayofWeek >= 0) && (.@TdayofWeek <= 6)) break; } setarray .@dayofWeek[getarraysize(.@dayofWeek)], .@TdayofWeek; break; case 2: //Nothing yet break; case 3: .@loop1 = 0; break; } } close; } } and couldn't reproduce. It worked right. This test was made with the latest git commit. What version are you using? A weird issue indeed.
  4. Nice. To anyone else who wants to implement it, I had a mistake; it's skill.c, not battle.c
  5. I did a mix with previous changes. It's not a good code, but it works. http://pastebin.com/raw/7MTcs3c2
  6. Can you test this? http://pastebin.com/raw/1dLQBxcM Took the .@nb part from here: Credits to her.
  7. I made this function a long time ago. // callfunc "party_randomattach",party,required map to be in; function script party_randomattach { .@party = getarg(0,getcharid(1)); .@map$ = getarg(1,""); if(.@party){ getpartymember(.@party,1,.@party_cid); getpartymember(.@party,2,.@party_aid); .@n = $@partymembercount; for(;.@i<.@n;.@i++){ if(isloggedin(.@party_aid[.@i],.@party_cid[.@i])){ attachrid(.@party_aid[.@i]); if(.@map$!=""&&.@map$!=strcharinfo(3)) deletearray(.@party_aid[.@i],1); }else deletearray(.@party_aid[.@i],1); } attachrid(.@party_aid[rand(getarraysize(.@party_aid))]); } return; } // callfunc "party_randomattach",.@party_id,"payon"; getitem 512,5; // callfunc "party_randomattach",getcharid(1),strcharinfo(3); getitem 513,5; // callfunc "party_randomattach"; getitem 512,5;
  8. This is what happens when I try to use GrfCL -help Does anybody else have this same issue?
  9. Really weird. The first change would have work, the second one is a bit more extreme. Did you recompile? Sorry if that's sound like asking you a novice question, but I don't really know what else happens then.
  10. Does your map console shows up a MAX_EVENTQUEUE warning? Or else, make sure you have loaded the script right. Try to put it inside another working script and tell me what happens.
  11. Is this what you're looking for? http://pastebin.com/raw/6tWpCZdb
  12. battle.c Change: if (skill_id == PA_PRESSURE || skill_id == HW_GRAVITATION) return damage; //These skills bypass everything else. To: if (skill_id == PA_PRESSURE || skill_id == HW_GRAVITATION || skill_id == PA_SACRIFICE) return damage; //These skills bypass everything else.
  13. Check this line: setarray .Shops$[1],"Headgears","Weapons","Other"; Be sure it has, at least, 2 entries.
  14. Did you change the script name?
  15. Is it a modified version of Euphy's quest shop or the original?
  16. use TiMz script and change the item to 20580,Spirit_of_Hunter,Spirit of Hunter,2,2,,10,,,,,0x00000800,7,2,,,,,,{ skilleffect "SL_HUNTER",0; sc_start4 SC_SPIRIT,350000,5,460,0,0; doevent "sample_soullink_hp::OnPCStatCalcEvent";},{},{}
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