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Everything posted by n0tttt

  1. I fused your 4 scripts, since this is how the shop should be used. Tell me how it goes. https://pastebin.com/raw/nvfjMCTn
  2. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @duel_creator,1; set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@duel_creator) { message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,.@first_id; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } sleep 1000; if(.logout && .duel) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,false; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) { atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; } else { set @duel,0; set @duel_creator,0; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid; set @duel,0,@wait_duelcid; } set @duel_creator,0; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set @duel,0; close; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@duel_creator) { message strcharinfo(0),"You have to wait for your opponent to choose."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .duel,false; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,20; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending Done. The @reject thing I did intentionally if the one who made the duel changed his mind, but now that you point out, it really makes no sense, because there's already a confirmation when the other player accepts. So that part gets executed.
  3. I understood now. Try changing the MorphoUnequip function to: function script MorphoUnEquip { set .@equipslot,getarg(0); switch(.@equipslot) { case 1: // Top if(!getequipisequiped(EQI_HEAD_TOP)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP,0; break; case 2: //Mid if(!getequipisequiped(EQI_HEAD_MID)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID,0; break; case 3: //Lower if(!getequipisequiped(EQI_HEAD_LOW)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM,0; break; } }
  4. Do you have your item like this? 60683,Hat,Hat,4,1000,,200,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,0,1,16,{callfunc "MorphoEquip",1;},{},{callfunc "MorphoUnEquip",1;} This is an example.
  5. dispbottom does support color. For example: dispbottom "Example",0xff0000;
  6. Change for example this: prontera,164,203,6 script Quest Shop#1 998,{ callfunc "qshop"; } To this: prontera,164,203,6 script Quest Shop#1 998,{ callfunc "qshop"; end; OnInit: getmapflag .m$,.@x,.@y,UNITTYPE_NPC; setmapflag .m$,mf_loadevent; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == .m$) showevent QTYPE_QUEST; end; }
  7. I'm pretty sure that function is also attack related, since it shows this: if (!skill_id) { // Normal attack checks. // This mode is only needed for melee attacking. if (!status_has_mode(status,MD_CANATTACK)) return false; // Dead state is not checked for skills as some skills can be used // on dead characters, said checks are left to skill.c [Skotlex] if (target && status_isdead(target)) return false; } Prove it and tell how it goes.
  8. // ============== Credit ===================== // Scripted by WhiteEagle // =============== For ======================= // Delphin Project // =========================================== - script Levelupbox -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER) end; set .@item,501; // Level 1 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item2,501; // Level 2 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item3,501; // Level 3 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item4,501; // Level 4 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item5,501; // Level 5 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item6,501; // Level 6 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item7,501; // Level 7 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item8,501; // Level 8 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item9,501; // Level 9 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item10,501; // Level 10 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item11,501; // Level 11 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item12,501; // Level 12 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item13,501; // Level 13 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item14,501; // Level 14 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@item15,501; // Level 15 with Item "Red Potion"; set .@effect,71; // Specialeffect Spiral White balls set .@effect2,72; // Specialeffect Bigger Spiral White balls set .@effect3,73; // Specialeffect Blue/White Small Aura if(BaseLevel == 10) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 10!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 20) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item2,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 20!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 30) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item3,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 30!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 40) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item4,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 40!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 50) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item5,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 50!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 60) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item6,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 60!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 70) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item7,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 70!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 80) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item8,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 80!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 90) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item9,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 90!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 100) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item10,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 100!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 110) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item11,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 110!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 120) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item12,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 120!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 130) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item13,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 130!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 140) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item14,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 140!"; end; } if(BaseLevel == 150) { specialeffect2 .@effect; specialeffect2 .@effect2; specialeffect2 .@effect3; getitem .@item15,1; dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 150!"; end; } } Like this?
  9. Yeah, but now I added some debug announces: - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @duel_creator,1; set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@duel_creator) { message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } sleep 1000; if(.logout && .duel) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,false; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) { atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; } else { set @duel,0; set @duel_creator,0; } set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; announce "DEBUG 1: this part should be executed when one of the players choose no.",bc_all; if(playerattached()) { announce "DEBUG 2: this part should be executed when one of the players choose no and there's one attached.",bc_all; message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid; } set @duel_creator,0; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .duel,false; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,20; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  10. With cancel do you mean choosing No or the "cancel" button in the menu? Anyways I added a detection for when the player chooses "cancel" (prompt instead of select). Also added the creator's thing. Tell me how it goes. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @duel_creator,1; set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@duel_creator) { message strcharinfo(0),"You are the creater of the duel. Wait for the other player's answer."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(prompt("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } sleep 1000; if(.logout && .duel) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,false; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) { atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; } else { set @duel,0; set @duel_creator,0; } set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set @duel_creator,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelaid,0,@wait_duelcid; set @wait_duelcid,0,@wait_duelcid; } set @duel_creator,0; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There is no death duel invite for you right now."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .duel,false; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,20; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  11. Thank you for the screenshots. Literally just a lack of "_". - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } sleep 1000; if(.logout && .duel) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,false; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp_nocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .duel,false; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,20; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  12. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel && .duel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } sleep 1000; if(.logout && .duel) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,false; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .duel,false; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,20; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  13. Had a stupid typo. Also changed the logout thing, it seems isloggedin needs some time to check the status? Anyways here it is. I also added security to avoid a situation where a player waited with the menu too long and a duel already started. EDIT 2: changed another thing. Damn. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(.logout) { announce "One of the participants logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .logout,0; } } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; set .@i,0; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp; removemapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvpnocalcrank; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"I'm sorry but a duel started a few moments ago."; } } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; set .logout,1; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  14. Done. Anything else, I'm here. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } } if(.@i >= .time) announce "Death Duel time is over. There was no winner.",bc_all|bc_blue; if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  15. Do you mean Hiding and Chase Walk or Hiding or Chase Walk? I imagine Chase Walk being the main one since it's more advanced. Anyways, if you want to use skills with Chase Walk, delete this in status.cpp: if (sc->option&OPTION_CHASEWALK && skill_id != ST_CHASEWALK) return false;
  16. This should fix the duel with yourself, and also I got rid of the OnStuck label and now is just part of the OnAccept label. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else if(.@oid == .@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't duel yourself."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  17. Ups. That's funny. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck"; } end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel || .cancel) { set .duel,false; set .cancel,false; if(playerattached()) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; awake "Duel_Death"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnStuck: while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  18. Adapted to rAthena: https://pastebin.com/raw/NS2dU8WX
  19. Multiprocessing again. Now only one part of the code deals with the .cancel so it doesn't interfere with the other. - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; set .cancel,false; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck"; } end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; awake "Death_Duel"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnStuck: while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  20. It shouldn't because the variable is a npc one, not a character one. But if you logout it means the variable was set to 0 again because the OnPCLogoutEvent got executed. But there's a 5 second refresh between the loops. Maybe if I refresh it so when a character logs out it's instantly canceled? - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .cancel,false; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck"; } end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) { set .cancel,true; awake "Death_Duel"; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnStuck: while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
  21. I don't know if I understood well what you want... temporary? If so, I changed it all with changelook. https://pastebin.com/raw/kw2dezD5
  22. It's not 100% necessary and I don't have a test server to test right now.
  23. This is one of the weirdest bugs because the variable .cancel shouldn't be defined and that var only happens if one logouts or rejects. I changed it a little, but tell me how it goes - script Duel_Death -1,{ OnCommand: if(.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"There is a duel going on right now. Wait for it to finish."; } else if(.duel_delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"There's a global delay between duels. You have to wait "+Time2Str(.duel_delay)+"."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already waiting for a confirmation. Relog to cancel."; } else { set .@player$,strcharinfo(0); set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@enemy$,implode(.@atcmd_parameters$," "); set .@aid,getcharid(3,.@enemy$); set .@cid,getcharid(0,.@enemy$); if(!.@aid) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is not online."; } else if(getvar(@duel,.@cid)) { message strcharinfo(0),"That character is already in a duel."; } else { set @wait_duelaid,.@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@cid; message strcharinfo(0),"Proposition sent. Wait for him/her to accept or reject."; attachrid .@aid; set @wait_duelaid,.@oid; set @wait_duelcid,getcharid(0,.@player$); message strcharinfo(0),.@player$+" wants to have a Death Duel with you. Use @acceptdd to accept it or @rejectdd to reject it."; } } end; OnAccept: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { set .@oid,getcharid(3); set .@cid,getcharid(0); if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { // Player 2. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("No.","Yes.") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),"You accepted the duel. Prepare yourself."; close2; attachrid @wait_duelaid; // Player 1. mes "Are you really sure about this duel? ^ff0000Your character will be deleted^000000"; if(select("Não","Sim") == 2) { message strcharinfo(0),rid2name(.@oid)+" has accepted the duel."; announce strcharinfo(0)+" e "+rid2name(.@oid)+" gonna make a Death Duel where the loser get's his character deleted!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce "If you want to spectate use @spectatedd",bc_all|bc_blue; set .duel,true; setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,false; set .@first_id,getcharid(3); explode .@xy$,.duel_xy$,","; set .@r,rand(2); set @duel,.@oid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; attachrid .@oid; set @duel,@wait_duelaid; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; set .@r,!.@r; warp .duel_map$,atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r]),atoi(.@xy$[2*.@r + 1]); setoption 0x40,0; detachrid; set .@i,30; while(.@i > 0 && !.cancel) { if(!(.@i % 10) || .@i < 6) announce .@i+" seconds for the duel between "+rid2name(.@first_id)+" vs "+rid2name(.@oid)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; sleep 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } if(.@i || .cancel) { announce "The Death Duel has been cancelled!",bc_all|bc_blue; if(!isloggedin(.@oid) || !isloggedin(.@first_id)) announce "One of the participans logged out.",bc_all|bc_blue; set .cancel,false; } else { setmapflag .duel_map$,mf_pvp,true; donpcevent "Duel_Death::OnStuck"; } end; } else { message strcharinfo(0,.@cid),"The challenger changed his mind. The Death Duel is cancelled."; } } if(!.duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"The duel has been cancelled."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),"The duel has been cancelled."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; close2; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } end; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"The character who challenged you is now offline."; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } close; OnReject: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in a duel."; } else if(@wait_duelaid) { message strcharinfo(0),"You rejected the duel."; if(isloggedin(@wait_duelaid,@wait_duelcid)) { message strcharinfo(0,@wait_duelcid),strcharinfo(0)+" has rejected the duel."; set .@id,@wait_duelaid; } set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; if(.@id) { attachrid .@id; set @wait_duelaid,0; set @wait_duelcid,0; } set .cancel,true; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"You haven't been challenged to a duel."; } end; OnSpectate: if(@duel) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're part of the duel."; } else if(.duel) { if(strcharinfo(3) == .duel_map$) { message strcharinfo(0),"You're already in the map."; } else { setoption 0x40,1; atcommand "@addperm disable_pvp"; pcblockskill getcharid(3),1; warp .duel_map$,0,0; } } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't a duel right now."; } end; OnPCKillEvent: if(@duel && killedrid == @duel) { set .duel_delay,gettimetick(2) + 5*60; set .@oid,getcharid(3); announce strcharinfo(0)+" has won a Death Duel against "+rid2name(@duel)+"!",bc_all|bc_blue; announce rid2name(@duel)+" was deleted.",bc_all|bc_blue; attachrid @duel; setarray .@char_delete$[0],"bonus_script","char","cart_inventory","elemental","friends","global_reg_value","guild","guild_member","homunculus","hotkey","inventory","memo","mercenary","mercenary_owner","pet","quest","sc_data","skill","skillcooldown"; set .@deadplayer,getcharid(0); message strcharinfo(0),"Game Over"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); set .@j, getarraysize( .@char_delete$ ); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++) { query_sql("DELETE FROM `"+ .@char_delete$[.@i] +"` WHERE `char_id` = '"+ .@deadplayer +"'"); } query_sql "DELETE FROM `party` WHERE `leader_char` = '"+.@deadplayer+"'"; attachrid .@oid; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if(@duel) set .cancel,true; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(checkoption(0x40) && getgmlevel() < 60) setoption 0x40,0; end; OnStuck: while(.@i < .time && !.cancel) { sleep 5000; set .@i,.@i + 5; } if(.cancel) set .cancel,false; set .duel,false; addrid 5,0,.duel_map$; setoption 0x40,0; if(!@duel) atcommand "@rmvperm disable_pvp"; else set @duel,0; set .@i,5; while(.@i) { message strcharinfo(0),.@i+" second"+((.@i > 1)? "s" : "")+" to warp you out."; sleep2 1000; set .@i,.@i - 1; } warp "prontera",156,161; pcblockskill getcharid(3),0; end; OnInit: // Map set .duel_map$,"pvp_n_8-5"; // Coordinates set .duel_xy$, "95,100,"+ // x,y first player "103,100"; // x,y second player bindatcmd "deathduel","Duel_Death::OnCommand"; bindatcmd "acceptdd","Duel_Death::OnAccept"; bindatcmd "rejectdd","Duel_Death::OnReject"; bindatcmd "spectatedd","Duel_Death::OnSpectate"; // Max duration of a duel (seconds). set .time,10*120; end; } pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag pvp_nocalcrank pvp_n_8-5 mapflag noreturn pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarp pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nocommand 99 pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nowarpto pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nosave SavePoint pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nomemo pvp_n_8-5 mapflag notrade pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nodrop pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nobranch pvp_n_8-5 mapflag nochat pvp_n_8-5 mapflag novending
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