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Everything posted by QQfoolsorellina

  1. I can't not find this? im use 2012-04-10a and can u support 2012-06-18 pls. for 2012-04-10a go to memory address and replace hex value
  2. http://rathena.org/board/topic/69726-fallen-angel-wing-problem/
  3. sorry,I mean navigation info in chat window when click npc icon , not mouse move over npc icon info I find the hexing code Hex: B0A1B8AEC5B0B4C220B9E6C7E2C0B8B7CE20B0A1BDC3B1E220B9D9B6F8B4CFB4D92E suggestion: go follow the indicator.
  4. anyone know the hex code of navigation info (Korean) when click npc icon on the mini map ?
  5. Yes im using eathena. that warning caused by undefined function getMes you miss installing the below two txt files Install "LangManagement.txt" and "VarSystem.txt" included in the BotKiller 6 package, please look the installation instructions in BotKiller6.txt to install these 2 scripts. http://imageshack.us...ningerror2.png/ LangManagement.txt not LangManagemen.txt No, I believe 'pcblockmove' was working on RA and EA
  6. that warning caused by undefined function getMes you miss installing the below two txt files Install "LangManagement.txt" and "VarSystem.txt" included in the BotKiller 6 package, please look the installation instructions in BotKiller6.txt to install these 2 scripts.
  7. since rAthena removed txt save engine , we can use sql query to check without additional permanent character variable - script abcde -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(BaseLevel==1 && !BaseExp ){ if(!query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE str='PC_DIE_COUNTER' AND char_id = "+getcharid(0),.@cid)){ dispbottom "1st login"; query_sql("INSERT INTO `global_reg_value`(char_id,str,value,type,account_id) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'PC_DIE_COUNTER',0,3,0)"); } } end; }
  8. if(map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m) || map_flag_vs(sd->bl.m)){ clif_displaymessage(fd, "you can't...."); return -1; }
  9. 1. you can re-download packet_db.txt from rathena svn 2 Skill Name and Description lua/lub files are in patch data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/ 3 about windows size you can try this tool ro-exit
  10. you should read before you post http://rathena.org/board/forum-30/announcement-9-scripting-support-easy-as-1-2-3/
  11. WOW .... WAIT ! PC_DIE_COUNTER is use for super novice get extra stats if change that, super novice will never get this bonus just try to not waste permanent character variable if(!BaseExp && !PC_DIE_COUNTER){ getitem ... set BaseExp,1; }
  12. if( !PC_DIE_COUNTER ){ set PC_DIE_COUNTER,1; mes "Welcome...this is your gift..."; getitem 607,10; getitem 7539,10; }else{ mes "You have claim the Reward already."; } close; }
  13. I find the problem is caused by npc_script_event(); when I replace with run_script() , it work as my intended
  14. Thx, I dont knonw this way before you tell me . thank for the example IMHO, I don't even think that would be relative topic,just think a way to run item script inside npc script before Annie and EvilPuncker tell me the 'sc_itemscript' but if ra has a script can run additional item script without creating new item that would be more convenient
  15. for example itemscript <duration tick> ,"{script...}"; We can use this script command to run item script inside npc script or item-used script (....,{here},{},{}) without disappeared when character is recalculated status until the duration tick expire.
  16. conf/inter_athena.conf // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: log_db_pw: log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog change ragnarok to log
  17. just make a guess if(dstsd.ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && dstsd.ud->skillid == SKIllname )
  18. I can't find anything like that in status.c its a typo and should be pc.h
  19. Costume-Type gear suppose bonus item script I think you must have forgotten something like this pc.h @@ -576,6 +577,7 @@ EQI_COSTUME_TOP, EQI_COSTUME_MID, EQI_COSTUME_LOW, + EQI_COSTUME_GARMENT, EQI_AMMO, EQI_MAX
  20. steelbody.7z data\texture\effect\
  21. skill.c int skill_castend_nodamage_id (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, int skillid, int skilllv, unsigned int tick, int flag) { struct map_session_data *sd, *dstsd; struct mob_data *md, *dstmd; struct homun_data *hd; struct mercenary_data *mer; struct status_data *sstatus, *tstatus; struct status_change *tsc; struct status_change_entry *tsce; + struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(src); and replace this if(status_isimmune(bl) || !tsc || !tsc->count) break; with if(sc && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_SAGE && status_isimmune(bl) && !tsc->data[sC_HERMODE] && rnd()%100 < 70 || !tsc || !tsc->count || status_isimmune(bl) && !(sc && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT] && sc->data[sC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_SAGE) ){ if (sd) clif_skill_fail(sd,skillid,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); break; } don't forget compile It work for me !!
  22. try this to check all item in array getinventorylist; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i +1 ){ if (@inventorylist_expire[.@i]) { mes "You have rental items in your inventory. Please come back with non rental ones."; close; } }
  23. Likewise you can swap icon fiename Shield icon data exture\유저인터페이스\basic_interface\방어구-1.bmp data exture\유저인터페이스\basic_interface\방어구-2.bmp Sword icon data exture\유저인터페이스\basic_interface\무기-1.bmp data exture\유저인터페이스\basic_interface\무기-2.bmp
  24. 1. first and second window just swap line 1468 and line 1469 in msgstringtable.txt 2.I think you aren't using kro client so just modifty tab_itm_ex_01.bmp ~ tab_itm_ex_07.bmp
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