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    United Kingdom

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Poring (1/15)



  1. Trying to drag the plist and thor file. This error always comes up!
  2. Please? Anyone teach me how to make a npc deathmatch point exchanger to cashpoint or Deathmatch point NPC/Trader. thanks in advance.
  3. Anyone has working capture the flag event? Ive tried all the script posted! nothing works!
  4. Will this warp on both side, sir emistry?
  5. really. okai. thanks for the help. you just dont get whats my points. you just wanna say something!
  6. Can anyone help me here? i want to use map guild_vs3 and the party warps on both side "guild_vs3 84,51" - team a "guild_vs3 61,51"- Team B. And possible to put announcer count down when they can start the match! the match will finish in 3 rounds. tvt.txt
  7. anyone can help me? thanks! amatsu,116,146,3 script Seyra 90,{ if(#NewbieGift > 0) { mes "[seyra]"; mes "I'm sorry, the rewards are exclusively for new players."; close; } mes "[seyra]"; mes "Welcome! Here are some free gifts"; mes "for newcomers:"; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.rwd); set .@i,.@i + 2) mes .rwd[.@i + 1] + " x "+getitemname(.rwd[.@i]); close2; set #NewbieGift,1; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.rwd); set .@i,.@i + 2) getitem .rwd[.@i],.rwd[.@i+1]; end; OnInit: waitingroom "Newbie Gift!",0; setarray .rwd[0],2115,1,2357,1,2421,1,2524,1; // Rewards: <item id>,<item amount> end; } freebies.txt
  8. sir euphy, about the quest shop? is it only 4 is the maximum of the quest of the npc? i tried to add more but it never shows. -.- -SOLVED!
  9. i tried that as well. its for normal players by the ways. @guild with the spacing is fine. only /guild for normal players.
  10. yea. ive tried that one. but still invalid. -.-
  11. anyone here knows how to solve this problem? everytime i make a guild with the spaces it always says " invalid command ".
  12. if the character won the ran 20 and his name will be announce. i dont know how to set that up. thats why.
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