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Everything posted by karazu

  1. lol. its a client side problem, nothing to do with the host.
  2. USE 2013 client "2013/08/07" it will let you use another account without going out of the client.
  3. try vending. Just update ur msgstringtable and the error will go away. 2013-08-07 is the best client and the most stable of all 2013 clients
  4. I just found 2013-07-17c instead 2013-07-14c anyone can confirm another client (below 2013-08-07aRagexe) that work with Rebellion? will only work on 2013-08-07aRagexe
  5. 2013/08/07 Most stable CLIENT in 2013 clients. currently using it and I am loving it.
  6. I think he wants to apply it in all MVP's
  7. why not use @kickall? EDIT: use ALT f4 lol
  8. Hey troll any update? please make it an automated event.
  9. So where to download a free Granny application?
  10. Tried using this lines for( set .i,1; i <= getarraysize(.playerid[.i]); set .i,.i+1 ){ and for( set .@i,1; getarraysize(.playerid[.@i]) < .@i; set .@i,.@i+1 ){ Booth doesn't have error in the MAP DB but still wont give a prize.
  11. Thank you for that. I will try this one. Hello Still did not work. It will only announce and will not give prize.. Hello Lets just continue the discussion fixing here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/88645-custom-battle-ground-by-goddammit-not-properly-working/ Thank you
  12. Please help me with this. after the event/BG it will not give you a prize. This is the script DRAW,TEAM A or B wins it will not give you. OnTimer190000: if(.point[1]>.point[2]){ set .bg_id_w,$@bg_id_a; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]){ set .bg_id_w,$@bg_id_b; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; }else{ set .bg_id_w,-1; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; } for( set .@i,1; .playerid[.@i]; set .@i,.@i+1 ){ if( attachrid(.playerid[.@i]) ){ //Prize if Team A win if(.bg_id_w == -1){ getitem 605,1;} //If Match Draws else if( getcharid(4) == .bg_id_w ) { getitem 605,1;} //If Someone Wins } }
  13. Related Topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/88636-onclock-command/#entry227658 (solve no error on map DB) http://rathena.org/board/topic/88644-what-is-the-error-all-about/ (solve no error on map DB) NPC problem in game. The time is ok, it will start every 15 mins of the game. I can click the NPC but theirs a problem According to the Screen shot You can click it. Choose Join but after that It will re direct you to Complete. And it will continue to announce the statuses This is the script anyway //Author-Script Goddameit My forum : http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F //Author-Map TrojanWorm //Version 2012-10-31 //Don't re-release in anywhere and anyway ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endless_war mapflag battleground 2 endless_war,218,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team A(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpA2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_a) set $@bg_id_a,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",205,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_a,"endless_war",205,85,"#BattleGroundwarpA2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",205,85; end; } endless_war,40,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team B(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpB2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_ set $@bg_id_b,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",53,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_b,"endless_war",53,85,"#BattleGroundwarpB2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",53,85; end; } endless_war,165,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",161,86; end; } endless_war,90,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",94,86; end; } prontera,150,180,4 script Battle Ground 100,{ if(.status==2) { mes "Game is running."; close; } if(.status==1) { if(.playernm>=128) { mes "Sorry, full"; close; } select("Join"); if(!.playerid[1]) { //callsub OnEndd; initnpctimer; } set .playernm,.playernm+1; set .playerid[.playernm],getcharid(0); mes "Complete"; close; } end; OnMinute00: OnMinute15: OnMinute30: OnMinute45: callsub OnActive; end; OnActive: callsub OnEndd; set .status,1; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Someone active the game! Go to prontera,150,180 and join us!",0; end; OnTimer60000: if(.point[1]>.point[2]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,605,1; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_b,605,1; }else { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,605,1; getitem $@bg_id_b,605,1; } callsub OnEnab2; end; OnTimer90000: set .status,2; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Go!",0; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; callsub OnEnab1; end; OnTimer190000: if(.point[1]>.point[2]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,605,1; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_b,605,1; }else { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,605,1; getitem $@bg_id_b,605,1; } sleep2 3000; callsub OnEndd; end; OnBdestory: set .point[1],.point[1]+5; set .point[2],.point[2]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; end; OnAdestory: set .point[2],.point[2]+5; set .point[1],.point[1]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; end; OnEndd: set .status,0; bg_destroy $@bg_id_a; bg_destroy $@bg_id_b; set $@bg_id_a,0; set $@bg_id_b,0; setarray .point[1],0,0; killmonsterall "endless_war"; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; deletearray .playerid[0],128; mapwarp "endless_war","prontera",150,180; callsub OnDisa; return; OnEnab1: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; return; OnEnab2: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnDisa: disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnInit: sleep2 10000; setwall "endless_war",218,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA21"; setwall "endless_war",219,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA22"; setwall "endless_war",219,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA23"; setwall "endless_war",219,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA24"; setwall "endless_war",218,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA25"; setwall "endless_war",217,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA26"; setwall "endless_war",217,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA27"; setwall "endless_war",217,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA28"; setwall "endless_war",40,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB21"; setwall "endless_war",41,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB22"; setwall "endless_war",41,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB23"; setwall "endless_war",41,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB24"; setwall "endless_war",40,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB25"; setwall "endless_war",39,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB26"; setwall "endless_war",39,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB27"; setwall "endless_war",39,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB28"; callsub OnEndd; end; OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)=="endless_war" && $@bg_id_a && $@bg_id_ { if(getcharid(4) == $@bg_id_a) { set .point[1],.point[1]+1; }else set .point[2],.point[2]+1; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; } end; }
  14. What is the error in my script? I added this Script in the Custom Battle ground of Goddammit if(.point[1]>.point[2]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,<item id>,<qty>; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; getitem $@bg_id_b,<item id>,<qty>; }else { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; getitem $@bg_id_a,<item id>,<qty>; getitem $@bg_id_b,<item id>,<qty>; } what is exaclty the error? This is in the MAP DB [Error]: script error on npc/custom/MYNPC/CustomBattle.txt line 109 parse_simpleexpr: unexpected character 104 : end; 105 : OnTimer190000: 106 : if(.point[1]>.point[2]) 107 : { 108 : Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; * 109 : getitem $@bg_id_a,'<'item id>,<qty>; 110 : }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) 111 : { 112 : Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; 113 : getitem $@bg_id_b,<item id>,<qty>; 114 : }else [Info]: Done loading '14800' NPCs: ops i forgot to put an item sorry! still exist [Error]: script error on npc/custom/MYNPC/CustomBattle.txt line 85 parse_simpleexpr: unexpected character 80 : end; 81 : OnTimer60000: 82 : if(.point[1]>.point[2]) 83 : { 84 : Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; * 85 : getitem $@bg_id_a,'<'605>,<1>; 86 : }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) 87 : { 88 : Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; 89 : getitem $@bg_id_b,<605>,<1>; 90 : }else for got to remove < > NO more error! HURAY New topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/88645-custom-battle-ground-by-goddammit-not-properly-working/
  15. Thank you for the reply. I am supposed to add it in this script //Author-Script Goddameit My forum : http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F //Author-Map TrojanWorm //Version 2012-10-31 //Don't re-release in anywhere and anyway ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endless_war mapflag battleground 2 endless_war,218,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team A(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpA2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_a) set $@bg_id_a,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",205,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_a,"endless_war",205,85,"#BattleGroundwarpA2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",205,85; end; } endless_war,40,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team B(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpB2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_ set $@bg_id_b,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",53,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_b,"endless_war",53,85,"#BattleGroundwarpB2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",53,85; end; } endless_war,165,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",161,86; end; } endless_war,90,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",94,86; end; } prontera,150,180,4 script Battle Ground 100,{ if(.status==2) { mes "Game is running."; close; } if(.status==1) { if(.playernm>=128) { mes "Sorry, full"; close; } select("Join"); if(!.playerid[1]) { //callsub OnEndd; initnpctimer; } set .playernm,.playernm+1; set .playerid[.playernm],getcharid(0); mes "Complete"; close; } end; OnClock0100: OnClock0300: OnClock0500: OnClock0700: OnClock0900: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock1500: OnClock1700: OnClock1900: OnClock2100: OnClock2300: callsub OnActive; end; OnActive: callsub OnEndd; set .status,1; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Someone active the game! Go to prontera,150,180 and join us!",0; end; OnTimer60000: if(.playernm<=32) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Sorry, player amount isn't enough",0; callsub OnEndd; end; } Announce "[Battle Ground]:Event is ready!",0; for(set .@i,1;.@i<=.playernm;set .@i,.@i+1) { if(.@i%2==0) warpchar "endless_war",218,86,.playerid[.@i]; else warpchar "endless_war",40,86,.playerid[.@i]; } callsub OnEnab2; end; OnTimer90000: set .status,2; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Go!",0; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; callsub OnEnab1; end; OnTimer190000: if(.point[1]>.point[2]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; }else { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; } sleep2 3000; callsub OnEndd; end; OnBdestory: set .point[1],.point[1]+5; set .point[2],.point[2]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; end; OnAdestory: set .point[2],.point[2]+5; set .point[1],.point[1]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; end; OnEndd: set .status,0; bg_destroy $@bg_id_a; bg_destroy $@bg_id_b; set $@bg_id_a,0; set $@bg_id_b,0; setarray .point[1],0,0; killmonsterall "endless_war"; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; deletearray .playerid[0],128; mapwarp "endless_war","prontera",150,180; callsub OnDisa; return; OnEnab1: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; return; OnEnab2: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnDisa: disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnInit: sleep2 10000; setwall "endless_war",218,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA21"; setwall "endless_war",219,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA22"; setwall "endless_war",219,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA23"; setwall "endless_war",219,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA24"; setwall "endless_war",218,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA25"; setwall "endless_war",217,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA26"; setwall "endless_war",217,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA27"; setwall "endless_war",217,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA28"; setwall "endless_war",40,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB21"; setwall "endless_war",41,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB22"; setwall "endless_war",41,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB23"; setwall "endless_war",41,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB24"; setwall "endless_war",40,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB25"; setwall "endless_war",39,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB26"; setwall "endless_war",39,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB27"; setwall "endless_war",39,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB28"; callsub OnEndd; end; OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)=="endless_war" && $@bg_id_a && $@bg_id_ { if(getcharid(4) == $@bg_id_a) { set .point[1],.point[1]+1; }else set .point[2],.point[2]+1; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; } end; } ok ill try this one OnMinute00: OnMinute30: // range of 30.... currently on my script.. end; OnMinute00: OnMinute30: callsub OnActive; end; OnActive: callsub OnEndd; set .status,1; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Someone active the game! Go to prontera,150,180 and join us!",0; end; OnTimer60000: if(.playernm<=32) { Thank you. This is now solve. Please help me the about another problem http://rathena.org/board/topic/88644-what-is-the-error-all-about/
  16. Hello instead of typing on NPC script OnClock0100: OnClock0300: OnClock0500: OnClock0700: OnClock0900: OnClock1100: how to make it shorter that the NPC will just activate every hour or every 30 mins? This is every 3 hours? OnMinute00: if ( ( gettime(3) % 3 ) == 0 ) // start the event end;
  17. Like +9Gfist? if(getrefine()>8) { bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",-100; bonus4 bautospellonskill,"MO_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS","CH_SOULCOLLECT",1,1000; bonus bFixedCastrate,-100; } },{},{}
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