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Everything posted by Yummy

  1. Its a international server! When you check on the website you will see the Poison Spore holding a USA flag and a Philippine Flag! English/Filipino Server
  2. I'm the Administrator/Owner of HeritageRO and im also one who created HeritageRO.
  3. Anyone of you have the sprite of King Poring?
  4. Have you tried using Euphy's WoE Setter? That script has the Warper that you are looking for.
  5. Shining Pirate Dagger is a custom item that MyRO paid for....
  6. { sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1800000,200; },{},{} change the bold|red one to 100 I guess since I think thats the percentage.
  7. Those are headgears that you need to buy for $2
  8. I think we already have this @item restriction at the download source area.
  9. Based on a post in ratemyserver Step 1: 'Embrace your new-comers" - Why is this, you may ask? Well... the "golden age" of a server is when you know everyone on the server. This is the usual 10 to 30 population, ENJOY IT and LOVE IT. Cause as you start you grow, not only will you be more distant from the players, you have more work, more complaints, more trouble-makers, and so much more tedious things to do. Step 2: "Promote your server" - After you've embraced your new-comers by helping them, teaching them, becoming friends with them, talking to them... you can now tell them to reach out and promote the server. They will begin to tell their RO friends, tell their real life friends, even brothers or sisters. Step 3: "Never stop working" - As you see the population rise... to 50 - 70, you get excited. You think it's going to be the easy road from there, but no. Trust me, if you don't do what you're suppose to... like update server, help people, teach people, talk to people, or be active... People WILL leave. Work harding is what you need to do. I found out that advertising, DOES NOT work. It's all about connections, friends tell friends and people tell people. That's what a real community is, and here are some screenshots from my server, which I hope enlighten you. I wish you best of luck on all your endeavors. If you have more tips leave it here
  10. He should be back soon and ready to sell new Harmony
  11. Euphy has a huge thing for POKEMONS!
  12. @size works by turning your /effects on
  13. woah after so many many years someone releasle this wonderful precious script that most Ragnarok Owners want.
  14. You have to do it manually I think! like color in paint don't just use the paint bucket tool
  15. I think he wants a web design like a splash page registration.
  16. I don't it has viruses just download the patcher not the full installer. or disable your firewall and anti virus for like about 1hour or so then download it.
  17. You can just open their GRF unless the GRF is protected.
  18. Is this what BlackoutRO has?
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