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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. Is your mysql-server veresion 5.7? If yes, see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36374335/error-in-mysql-when-setting-default-value-for-date-or-datetime/36374690#36374690
  2. Add next details: Your client-date & packet_date What is your rAthena git hash? Do you have any custom sources or changes? How reproduce the bug? Can you reproduce the bug on clean latest rAthena downloaded from rAthena git repository?
  3. this is not your fault, it's fault of changes in mysql 5.7.* Read it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36374335/error-in-mysql-when-setting-default-value-for-date-or-datetime/36374690#36374690 How to solve: roll-back to mysql 5.5 - 5.6, or update manually these tables, or implement custom fixes to my.cnf from link above.
  4. install any server monitoring (newrelic for example) + any latency moniroing and check the reason of your lags. 1GB of ram at dedicated server or KVM virtualization is enough to host rAthena for more then 300 players online at the same time. The only one lag problem is CPU & Latency, and I/O.
  5. Is it the same like this issue? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1427 If yes, see my comments below, i have fixed it, but my fix not safe.
  6. I don't understand a little bit, but the answer will be -> diff your exe for support or not support higher damges then 999999 with NEMO patcher.
  7. looks very dangerous, is not it? Can you please make a pr to rathena, and get attention from other dev's to issue? Because many of us using a lot of custom mods inside rAthena, and mmo_charstatus size limit a big pain in ass for us. Sure, we can minimize memory usage by changing variables to use less amout of bytes, but it's not good idea...
  8. confirm. on all revisions.
  9. i have found where is a reason. This is server-side issue, not client-related. I have downloaded latest rAthena, and everything is ok now. So, i will go deep what problem on my emulator trigger the issue. The problem has been solved at client-side. It was packet-based function which add extra function to character and visual styles for character (custom fuctions)
  10. Problem As you see i see strange symbols in chat when jumping / warping to new location / when login in the game. I do not know the reason of the problem, is it *.exe problem, or client problem (grf / msstringtables / or lua) Issue was at server-side. The problem of this extra string -> server calling extra packets outside. Problem has been solved.
  11. To people which have the same error like Lai have, the problem in not used diff called "Disable Packet Encryption", when you will apply this diff (disable packet obf. with NEMO) you will solve the problem.
  12. /showname - will change font to looks like Old School About problem with translation, that means next: Client have't loaded your files yet, and using default one. Have you loaded your grf to data.ini before loading classic grfs like data.grf? Example how must to be in data.ini: [Data] 1=yourgrf.grf 2=yourpalletes.grf 3=data.grf 4=rdata.grf
  13. Item link's text will be distorted under some condition. But this is related only for NPC dialogues, or to chat links too?
  14. 2015-11-04aRagexe Item link in NPC dialog on 2015-11-04 is actually bugged. Can you show it? About what bugs you know too in this exe?
  15. No dynamic mobs: on, remove not used maps from loading to map-server + clean mapcache from not used maps, change virtualization from OpenVZ to KVM This is related to CPU used. All optimizations should be about BigO, link link link. You should not worry about it, because rAthena writed with C programming language, and it's really optimized because of that. Just avoid a lot of tasks inside loops. (regarding BigO) You already have swap on (at your screenshot) 1024MB. Yes, but 0.1mb or 0.2mb, just avoid it, a lot of memory used because of map-cache & mysql-server, not because of connected players. I suggest you to do next things: Don't damage your brain by such questions, buy normal VPS from good provider, like OVH (3.5$ for 2GB ram KVM virtualization, ssd, ddos protection, bla bla bla ( 2gb ram more then enough for 2k+ players (except woe) ). eathena / rAthena / hercules require very good CPU (3.5Ghz - 4Ghz+ in very active WoE will be good). Don't use any OpenVZ virtualization, and don't trust to people who suggest to use OpenVZ, i can totally destroy any of their arguments easly, because OVZ not for game-servers. I can provide you tons of links related to this question, but it's not needed, because a lot of providers will cry here and will trow to me shit. Just avoid any OpenVZ virtualization, and you will save a lot of nervous and resources. use SSD for your game-server, it's very well increase your game-server performance.
  16. which FluxCP version? Downloaded from here: https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP ?
  17. Just to be clear, will Photoshop crash on 256MB ram system? I guess no, because operation system will use HDD as memory (swap). But your application will be slow.
  18. Hi, related to this: https://github.com/HerculesWS/StaffPlugins/tree/master/Haru/naviluagenerator Anyone have any ideas how to implement such function to rAthena, or, Are anyone have it already for rAthena? Can you please share? Problem: navi data only for renewal, i wish to make it for pre-renewal based on the server. Manual edit navi luas bad way, because there are really million difference between renewal and pre-renewal, and this work very bored.
  19. Hi, i have some array $myarray which stored in `mapreg` table; My problem: i don't know how to read value from mapreg table with mapreg_readreg Anyone, can help me with that? Thank you. Examples is important. i = mapreg_readreg(add_str("$myarray")); is it correct? Solved: i = mapreg_readreg(reffered_uid(add_str("$myarray"),index));
  20. hunting missions is bugged. How reproduce: Create party, and try to kill any monster in your hunting list. You will get a lot of errors. @Euphy
  21. Your problem in next: you have in your mapcache.dat not the same Izlude map then at client. You need make the same izlude at map-cache and your client. https://rathena.org/board/topic/53424-weemapcache/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/64223-mapcache-not-adding-maps/
  22. gdb map-server r And when server will crash, you will see full output why it crashed.
  23. GDB? ./configure --enable-64bit --enable-debug=gdb And post output here.
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