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Everything posted by EvilPuncker

  1. cara apenas mude a extenção do arquivo de .lua para .lub caso não se incomode com o conteúdo
  2. File Name: RagRE Item Builder[b]File Submitter[/b]: EvilPuncker [b]File Submitted[/b]: 15 Sep 2012 [b]File Category[/b]: Client Tools [b]Content Author[/b]: Latheesan [b]Requirements[/b] To use this script, you need to satisfy the following requirements: - Windows Operating System - XAMPP (Get It From Here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/) - ionCube Loaders (http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php) - Required For Encrypted PHP Scripts (See Below For Installation Instructions) [b]How To Install The Script[/b] This guide assumes that you have installed XAMPP in C:\WWW folder on your windows computer. Step 1) Extract the contents of the zip file (RagRE_Item_Builder_vXXX.zip) into C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\ Step 2) Open your browser and visit this URL http://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder/ioncub...ader-wizard.php and follow the instructions (If you don't have Ioncube Loader installed on your XAMPP). That's it [b]How To Use The Builder[/b] Step 1) Go into C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder\Input_Folder Step 2) Move your custom item's equip, drop, collection & item spr/act/bmp files here (Make sure all your files have the same name) Step 3) Now visit http://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder Step 4) Configure the options available on the interface (as you see fit) and click Start button and wait. Step 5) Now you get the Preview Screen where you can fine tune each items (if required). Once you are done, scroll down and click the Build button. Step 5) Within few seconds (depending on how fast your computer is), the job should be done. You can collect the built contents from theC:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder\Output_Folder folder. [b]Things You Should Know[/b] 1) Once the script is successfully finish processing the Input_Folder, any items found in the Collection, Equip, Item, Drop folder will be automatically deleted. 2) Once the script is successfully finished, you should copy the Output_Folder to somewhere (e.g. your Desktop) and leave it alone from here C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder(because, the next time you use the script again, the files will be wiped from the output folder and a new set of data will be created based on what was found in the Input_Data folder. [b]Builder Demo[/b] To demonstrate the abilities of this script, I have included some sample items in the Input_Data folder. To run the script and build the items, all you have to do is, visit the urlhttp://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder and click the start button and then view the contents of Output_Data folder. This should get you started on how the data goes into the script and comes out. [background=red]RagRE Item Builder Script by Latheesan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.[/background] Click here to download this file
  3. I've uploaded it here, you just have to wait until someone accept the download
  4. Version 1.2


    Requirements To use this script, you need to satisfy the following requirements: - Windows Operating System - XAMPP (Get It From Here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/) - ionCube Loaders (http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php) - Required For Encrypted PHP Scripts (See Below For Installation Instructions) How To Install The Script This guide assumes that you have installed XAMPP in C:\WWW folder on your windows computer. Step 1) Extract the contents of the zip file (RagRE_Item_Builder_vXXX.zip) into C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\ Step 2) Open your browser and visit this URL http://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder/ioncub...ader-wizard.php and follow the instructions (If you don't have Ioncube Loader installed on your XAMPP). That's it How To Use The Builder Step 1) Go into C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder\Input_Folder Step 2) Move your custom item's equip, drop, collection & item spr/act/bmp files here (Make sure all your files have the same name) Step 3) Now visit http://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder Step 4) Configure the options available on the interface (as you see fit) and click Start button and wait. Step 5) Now you get the Preview Screen where you can fine tune each items (if required). Once you are done, scroll down and click the Build button. Step 5) Within few seconds (depending on how fast your computer is), the job should be done. You can collect the built contents from theC:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder\Output_Folder folder. Things You Should Know 1) Once the script is successfully finish processing the Input_Folder, any items found in the Collection, Equip, Item, Drop folder will be automatically deleted. 2) Once the script is successfully finished, you should copy the Output_Folder to somewhere (e.g. your Desktop) and leave it alone from here C:\WWW\xampp\htdocs\RagRE_Item_Builder(because, the next time you use the script again, the files will be wiped from the output folder and a new set of data will be created based on what was found in the Input_Data folder. Builder Demo To demonstrate the abilities of this script, I have included some sample items in the Input_Data folder. To run the script and build the items, all you have to do is, visit the urlhttp://localhost/RagRE_Item_Builder and click the start button and then view the contents of Output_Data folder. This should get you started on how the data goes into the script and comes out. RagRE Item Builder Script by Latheesan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  5. I've updated the diff to work with this also, just wait someone to accept the update!
  6. http://rathena.org/wiki/Palettes http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items http://rathena.org/board/files/category/136-client-resources/ http://rathena.org/board/files/category/101-sprites-palettes/
  7. that way he will mess up with every single place that uses NAME_LENGTH and he wants to mess only with npc name @edit http://rathena.org/board/topic/71004-how-to-change-the-max-npc-name-length/
  8. npc.h char name[NAME_LENGTH+1];// display name char exname[NAME_LENGTH+1];// unique npc name edit it at your own risk, since your client may crash
  9. maybe because 3CeAM doesn't have "ismounting" scriptcommand? either add it to source or delete it from script, simple as that
  10. File Name: Fix to auto-close on wrong password/id for new clients File Submitter: EvilPuncker File Submitted: 11 Sep 2012 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: *Athena team Well, the code is kinda simple and since most people don't know about it yet, I'm releasing a diff for those who want it, it is just a piece of code copied from char.c and pasted into login.c to make the client send "rejected from the server" on wrong password, so it will not close anymore, and you can edit your msgstringtable.txt to show "wrong password/rejected from the server", hope you enjoy. Click here to download this file
  11. mmo.h //Max number of characters per account. Note that changing this setting alone is not enough if the client is not hexed to support more characters as well. #define MAX_CHARS 24
  12. you need new ones from the same date as your new client
  13. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Z87t3tZT
  14. wow, bug tracker will come really in hand will even be better if integrated with a npc xD
  15. 2012-04-10aRagexeRE, because it is nice and stable as well and supported by latest rAthena without any major update needed
  16. any upcoming feature or update? :D
  17. Version 0.2


    Well, the code is kinda simple and since most people don't know about it yet, I'm releasing a diff for those who want it, it is just a piece of code copied from char.c and pasted into login.c to make the client send "rejected from the server" on wrong password, so it will not close anymore, and you can edit your msgstringtable.txt to show "wrong password/rejected from the server", hope you enjoy.
  18. Well, the code is kinda simple and since most people don't know about it yet, I'm releasing a diff for those who want it, it is just a piece of code copied from char.c and pasted into login.c to make the client send "rejected from the server" on wrong password, so it will not close anymore, and you can edit your msgstringtable.txt to show "wrong password/rejected from the server", hope you enjoy. view it here download it here raw file here
  19. when will you release the code to fix Wrong Password Client Auto Close on server side? :D

    1. Brynner


      i'm not sure. because someone ask me a favor not to release it this time. because he's doing it on his paid service?

    2. EvilPuncker


      that is sad for the community :( I'll ask any dev to release it then :)

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