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Everything posted by EvilPuncker

  1. you rocks dude! working like a charm!
  2. UPDATE `inventory` SET card0=0 WHERE card0 = 4430; UPDATE `inventory` SET card1=0 WHERE card1 = 4430; UPDATE `inventory` SET card2=0 WHERE card2 = 4430; UPDATE `inventory` SET card3=0 WHERE card3 = 4430;
  3. short, objective and real answer: no.
  4. not sure now since I was just testing the body one, sorry!
  5. any palette number except 0, I've tried a vast range lol
  6. Rigging in the command line btw, still broke, even after compiling by myself
  7. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6438-tetra-vortex-black-image/
  8. still broke maybe you can create a solution file for it so we can compile it by ourselves? also can't you do a workaround so we don't need to use start something.exe 1sak1 /account:sci.xml %1 to start our client? also what is new about WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation?
  9. http://rathena.org/board/topic/69075-translated-kagerou-oboro-skills/
  10. yes it is possible! just use pink background
  11. yeah I was just about to tell about a donate link/e-mail btw, the shared body still broke, head diff is fine tho, I've checked and re-downloaded but still not working
  12. use the one that comes with rAthena in the custom npc folder
  13. lol, seems like the diff isn't working, any palette higher than one will self close the client without any error message, I've checked my files and they are ok, I've tried both data folder and grf but no success @edit if it helps, I'm using 2012-04-10aRagexeRE
  14. also I would like to ask if you can do so the shared diff behaves the same way with hair colors using something like hair_<id> instead of ¸Ó¸®hairnumber_sex_stylenumber
  15. O.M.G.! you are the best! thanks a lot!
  16. provide a screenshot please or explain further
  17. tell us which client you are using since it is most related to packet_db
  18. there is no npc called prize, also in this script there is no place that the Prize npc is called
  19. they are not separated sprites, take a look at the class sprite folder and you will notice it
  20. since those can be set by default in .lua files I don't think it is necessary
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