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Everything posted by tr0n

  1. My internet is too slow, I cannot look videos T__T I would really like to see a text tutorial with screenshots. But good work Syouji!
  2. why he is speaking in 3rd person ? You need compatible lua/lub files for your client.
  3. yea forgot to unpack all files lol. now it works, Thank you!
  4. When I start "browedit_stable.exe" this error appears: "Can't start because bgd.dll is missing" Whats wrong?
  5. src/map/config/renewal.h /** * Game Server Mode * @values: 1 or 0 * 1 : renewal support, such as renewal-exclusive formulas * -> Note some features may be enabled/disabled at this file despite this setting being ON * 0 : renewal support disabled, use original formulas **/ #define REMODE 0 REMODE is default 1. If you want to use RE mechanics and 3rd classes you should use 1. If you don't want to use 3rd classes, better you set it on 0. 0 = uses "pre_re" 1 = uses "re"
  6. what's with palettes ?
  7. tr0n

    GM Sprites

    I don't wanna open a new topic, because I'm looking for custom gm sprites too.
  8. I don't know atm how to realize "ID Range Search" but I'm testing right now Search Request by Request_ID and Char_Name. Updated to: 1.3.1 Thanks to: Syouji for his ideas.
  9. tr0n

    Item effects

    item_db id,name_english, name_japanese, type, price_buy, price_sell, weight, attack, defence, range, slots, equip_jobs, equip_upper, equip_genders, equip_locations, weapon_level, equip_level, refinable, view, script, equip_script, unequip_script stat effect {bonus bSTR, 2;} (STR+2) matk effect {bonus bWeaponMatk,105;} (I dont know how much it will increased =/ someone knows?) more effects {bonus bSTR, 2; bonus bWeaponMatk,105;} (STR+2; bWeaponMatk+105) CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG PLEASE
  10. npcotherturbotrackExpert_16.txt and npcotherturbotrackExpert_8.txt
  11. Could you explain what you mean ? I don't understand what you want.
  12. UPDATED TO 1.2.1 Thanks to: ngek202 for his idea. "1.2.1 Changed char_id into char_name"
  13. tr0n

    ragexeRE 2011

    Thank you Syouji, thats exactly what I looked for. Other Question: Lub files for newer client needed ? if yes, where?
  14. Updated to 1.2.0 ! Thanks to: Syouji for his ideas. @Syouji, gm notification on login works well
  15. Well, very good idea! I will work on that. First I work on: - read/unread column - Mark Requests as read/unread - unread messages notification - maybe 100 request list with next button Thank you for your ideas, helps me a lot.
  16. Is there any site where I can find all ragexeRE/kroexe for diffing ? Including clients from 2011. Only found these from 2010. tr0n
  17. Langtype 10 worked perfect for me (german) I can write ö,ü,ä now.
  18. Updated to newest SVN and checked everything. Works fine now ! Other question, why I can't write on my german keyboard "ö or ü" ? It says "This Server provides English Text Only". EDIT: FIXED IT BY MYSELF. WORKS <3 EDIT2: Other Question: Battlechat and Main Chat in Chat is not translated, how to fix that ? EDIT3: Again, Solved by myself.
  19. Like everytime: "Character Size Info: 136" AND "Can't connect to Server" Can anyone helpe please? Every exe, every diff, every version, everytime there are big bugs.
  20. If I "allow GM to Remove / Delete the Question if solved." then I need to implement a feature that allows gm to see all requests/reports ingame. I will work on that EDIT: UPDATED TO 1.1.0 ! Thanks to: Emistry for his Ideas. EDIT2: Thinking about how to implement "unread message" any ideas ?
  21. Request NPC With this script every player can send a request or report to server. This script could replace @request. Please give me suggestions to help me improving my script. Files request_npc_1.0.0.txt request_npc_1.1.0.txt request_npc_1.2.0.txt request_npc_1.2.1.txt request_npc_1.3.1.txt request_npc_1.4.1.txt Changelogs 1.0.0 Release 1.1.0 Added GM Panel (Requests) 1.1.0 Added Feature (delete request) 1.2.0 Added Column (read) 1.2.0 Added Feature (mark request as read) 1.2.0 Added GM Notification for unread requests 1.2.0 Removed unnecessary text 1.2.1 Changed char_id into char_name 1.3.1 Added Feature: Search (request_id) and (char_name) 1.3.1 Minor Bug Fixes 1.4.1 Added Answer feature for GMs 1.4.1 Added "My Requests" for player Features Saves all requests into SQL database Saves request_id, account_id, char_name, time, read, type and message You can set delay (standard = 10min) GM Panel where you can see all requests Delete solved requests mark requests as read GM Notification for unread requests Search Requests by request_id or char_name You can answer to requests and player can see them in 'my requests' How can you help me ? Give me feedback Report bugs Tell me if you like it tr0n
  22. I'm very newbie in SQL Scripting. Thank you very much. I will change it. I hope I can learn much more about SQL, I think it's great. EDIT: UPDATED TO V.1.1.1
  23. Found out that he can't put whole chatlog in Message Box, because of array limit. Kinda fail by me... sorry folks. what a blame. Maybe I could just make a whoislookup out of it. EDIT: CHANGED SCRIPT INTO WHOIS LOOKUP.
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