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Everything posted by tr0n

  1. Thank you Updated to 1.1.3, added some colors.
  2. Thank you! I've got only a UMTS-Stick (50kb/s). That's too slow. I can't even look a video on youtube, sry. Maybe someone else can do it with faster internet?
  3. Whois Lookup I reworked my script and changed it from Chatlog Viewer into Whois Lookup. Chatlog Viewer couldn't put the whole Chatlog into the Messagebox. Only works correctly with RAthena r15572 or above. (It uses the new Group System). Files whoislookup_1.0.0.txt whoislookup_1.1.0.txt whoislookup_1.1.1.txt Changelogs 1.0.0 Release 1.1.0 Rewritten query_sql (Thanks to Brian) 1.1.1 Added "Status" & "Guild" into Character Information 1.1.1 Changed some Informations (Gender, Email) How do you use it ? Write a private message to: "npc:whois" with text: "CHARACTER NAME HERE" and your Whois Lookup shows up. Features Only GM Level 99 can use it (you can edit it) Shows a bunch of Informations about Account Shows every Character with some Informations How can you help me ? Give me feedback Report bugs Tell me if you like it tr0n
  4. I get "CHARACTER_INFO size error!! character num: 0 CHARACTER_INFO size: 136", don't know what to do now..
  5. Hab das Problem jetzt gefixt. neuste SVN Rev. runtergeladen und nochmal alles neu eingestellt, Basic Server + Client Dateien benutzt & jetzt klappts perfekt.
  6. EDIT: Umso mehr ich mit dem Client rumprobiere, umso mehr kann ich das Problem eingrenzen. Ich merke das es nicht an den LUA Files liegt, es liegt an der Exe. Welche Diff einstellung könnte ein Fehler im Char-Server verursachen das meine Chars ab Slot 2 verschwinden oder die Chars ihre Namen verlieren? Ich probier weiter rum
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