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Everything posted by tr0n

  1. The coupon is generated randomly(automatic) in your database. you can find it there. I will work on preventing input 0 or " ". Preventing spam ? why should the admin spam his own server ? the generated key is made by the scriptcommand rand() I think about adding a md5() function in it. the coupon will be deleted after submit. so you can't use it again.
  2. Coupon NPC I had the idea from here: http://rathena.org/b...ional-code-npc/ I decided to make my own script. How does this works ? The admin speaks to the npc and he/she can add a new coupon. The code will be generated randomly and automatic and everything will be saved in database. You can set the code length in script. You only need to enter the item id and the amount. If a player speaks to the npc he/she can submit a coupon and get the stuff. The code will be deleted from database after it was used. Notice: Coupon Codes are limited to 128 (array limit) Files coupon_system.txt coupon_npc_1.1.0.txt coupon_npc_1.1.1.txt coupon_npc_1.1.2.txt Changelogs 1.0.0 Release 1.1.0 Added code type feature (normal|md5-hash) 1.1.0 Added prevention for typing 0 into Item ID or Amount 1.1.0 Added a feature for gms to see available coupons 1.1.0 Minor bug fixes 1.1.1 Fixed a bug that caused duplicating items 1.1.2 Added announce if player got a item Features Saves coupons in database randomly generated codes very easy to use How can you help me ? Give me feedback Report bugs Tell me if you like it tr0n
  3. there is a modification named "@trigger" it can trigger ALL OnInit labels.
  4. what do you mean by that ?
  5. npcs are scripts, so if you use something like this: - script script_name -1,{ this would work too: @oninit script_name you couldn't use it with monsters or warps.
  6. you could use @loadnpc + my source modification: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60694-oninit-trigger/
  7. feel free to edit the script for your special needs.
  8. you are using eAthena right ? (eAthena has problems with this) check line '91' if(mobcount(.hunterrooms$[@i],"all")==0) change it to: if(mobcount(.hunterrooms$[@i],"")==0)
  9. I will work on that if i have time for it
  10. I did set lvl restriction ranges. (min. lvl - max. lvl) Or what do you mean ?
  11. You are right. For People who use a different Database they should use logsql.
  12. tr0n

    OnInit label

    If it could trigger the OnInit labels only in the script that was loaded. that's what i'm saying. @loadnpc to load the npc and the oninit label of that npc.
  13. tr0n

    OnInit label

    We could implement a oninit trigger into @loadnpc. So it loads the npc AND the oninit trigger.
  14. tr0n


    Ach es gibt schon so einige deutsche hier. Auch unter uns Devs haben wir einige deutsche. - Ich - Masao - Kenpachi - Realusion - usw. Ich persönlich bin gerne im internationalen Bereich und poste dort auch gerne. Es ist aktiv und freundlich. Ich würde auch ganz ohne deutschen Bereich auskommen.
  15. tr0n

    OnInit label

    @xazax you mean my @oninit source modification ? Some people asked me why it's not merged up with the svn. http://rathena.org/board/topic/60694-oninit-trigger/
  16. But the attachrid would effect that the message would be send to the other player and not you. He will see the information if he is online. not you.
  17. tr0n

    New Commands

    You could implement '@go mall' in '@go' command
  18. Dann wirst du nicht drumherum kommen dich mehr mit der Materie auseinanderzusetzen. Das gehört nunmal dazu. Es ist eigentlich schon sehr einfach, noch einfacher dann würde jeder 2. Spieler einen Server eröffnen.
  19. Here is an example for showing how often you died: prontera,160,168,3 script Statistic NPC 101,{ input @char_name$; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+@char_name$+"'", @char_id; query_sql "SELECT `value` FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str`='PC_DIE_COUNTER' AND `char_id`="+@char_id, @die_counter; mes @char_name$+" died "+@die_counter+" times."; close; } I hope it helps you to understand how sql works here.
  20. you could delete them directly from the sql table.
  21. Zieh dir eine Exe und diff sie und stell den Server auf die richtige packetver ein und lad dir die dementsprechenden lua/lub files runter. Wenn nötig hau auch die fehlenden Packets rein. Dann sollte alles klappen. Exe'n https://subversion.a...etools/clients/ http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ Lua/Lub Files http://www.assembla....Project?rev=220 Packets http://svn6.assembla...ntSide/Packets/
  22. not anymore. I love red alert 2.
  23. Updated to 1.1.1 Changelogs: - Added '@currentroom$' into monsterspawn to prevent spawning mobs outside guardian rooms after fast relog - Added 'x Guardians left' notification after every kill - Changed '(0/1)' & '(1/1)' into '(Free)' & '(Full)' __________________________________________________________________________________________ Updated to 1.1.2 Changelogs: - Added autowarp after death
  24. did you activate your chatlogs ?
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