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Everything posted by tr0n

  1. A good idea would be that there is a list of your inventory in a menu, where you can choose one of it. But what kind of "informations" you want to show ?
  2. you can use a random number between 1-6 and lets say for example 5 comes out, then you can make the npc dice 5. The same way dice event works. You can use the random value for the price, that would be the invoking character which is interacting with the npc. Pretty easy. Well you can't dice "13825" if you mean that.
  3. @Slowbro There is no feature to do this @zenz90 that's one of the reasons why I made the script char bound. It's logical that normal quests are done char bound.
  4. my script generates codes, if a code is used it's gone.
  5. something similiar exists to this which I did. http://rathena.org/board/topic/63332-coupon-npc-112/
  6. hast du es auch in den richtigen ort gepackt ? also luafiles5xx nochwas hies das.
  7. Lowrate, aus einem Grund: Mehr Freiheiten bei der Gestaltung des Servers.
  8. File Name: Account Information System File Submitter: tr0n File Submitted: 18 Sep 2012 File Category: Utilities Content Author: tr0n This is a script I made for people who wants to have a feature for gamemasters or even admins without giving them access to server/db files to identify accounts/characters and investigate suspicious people. You whisper the char name to a invisible npc and a menu appears. Available features: - Check Account Informations - See all characters of this acc. in a menu - Check general informations about all characters - Check stats of the characters - Check equipment(with card slots) of the characters (they must be online to use this feature) If you have any questions or need support, feel free to msg me in rAthena. tr0n Click here to download this file
  9. good idea, I think I will add this.
  10. zum bilder schneiden hilft auch das hier: http://rathena.org/tools/login_background/
  11. which error do you exactly experience now on rAthena with 1.4.1 ?
  12. hast du was vllt. in den Import ordner geschrieben und das wird nun überschrieben dauernd ? Ist mir auch mal passiert.
  13. After I change that line too the account bound is now working. But when character A got quest #1 then character B also get that quest after finishing the Quest #1 then submit by character B. Character A also continue the Quest #1 he got and finish it too. Its much ok if character A auto stop or end the Quest # 1 he got after Character B finish the Quest # 1. what do you mean by that ?!
  14. then you did something wrong. character bound works 100% you have to change line 235 too: setd(currentquest$ + "_hunting_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay; into: setd("#" + currentquest$ + "_hunting_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay;
  15. the delay is charbound. Check line 263: //Quest Delay (seconds) //24 hours = 86400 seconds set .quest_delay, 0; If you want it account bound, change the variable: (.@selection + "_hunting_delay") and (.@selection + "_collection_delay") to ("#" + .@selection + "_hunting_delay") and ("#" + .@selection + "_collection_delay")
  16. you don't add a new map and add it to the src. You just replace the old map which needs no src editing at all.
  17. Er wollte wissen ob man es einfach benutzen kann und dies ist nicht der Fall. die SRC selbst zu modifizieren ist dann wieder eine andere Geschichte.
  18. i talk to a brickwall, whatever, do it like you want ^^ @GM Helena Harper Momoe Thanks
  19. scripting is more work~ you don't need to compile anything. just delete the old mapcache.dat and create a new one with the mapcache.exe DONE. i do not recommend to script it.
  20. nein es funktioniert nicht. Man müsste am source code mehr ändern als nur die version und die packets im db ordner. Das Charfenster hat sich geändert und die alten Server wissen nicht was sie mit den neuen Packetdaten anfangen sollen. Sowas müsste man dann in die src schreiben.
  21. eigentlich geht das ganze viel einfacher, bin mal gespannt ob ihr bald drauf kommt oder ob ihr immer alles so kompliziert machen müsst ^^
  22. tr0n

    Quest Script

    i was able to modify iHeart's item previewer and make a dynamic script out of it. it's easy to add it into every npc. this is the original script from iHeart: http://sushiduy.ples...reviewstuff.txt
  23. Check the last update. It's already added.
  24. Sry, I have to do it next week! I'm at the Gamescom the whole Week.
  25. du hast wohl die <TABS> vergessen. prontera,164,175,2<TAB>script<TAB>Identifizierer<TAB>100,{
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