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Everything posted by Olrox

  1. @Yuki Oh, hello!!! <3 how are you doing?. Thanks a lot for your kind words. I'm glad that you like the idea! please come back to this thread to see more examples of the first morroc castle. @ragnazorg I know that you hate me~ :3 and of course you can help. I have to think about it and I will look for you. --- Today in the morning I did some tests with the sograt desert area, Hope I will be able to show something about it one of these days.
  2. @Zel Thanks. It is still in scratch mode though. Hope you will be around to see the final work! @AnnieRuru Oh pleeeeease use it, that would make me so happy <3 come on :3!!! and yeah please do yours, I'm sure a lot of people will use it (Me Included. @williamII Thanks!. Please look further at the final result. Hope your server will use this release when it is done. @Syouji Thanks for your offer. Actually I'm more with diffussing and low intensity lights with this one. Maybe when the map is ready and released you can give a try with your way of lights, if you consider it the map deserve it. As for the designs, I'm working very sporadical with this release, my time is very limited and when I do, it is a matter of trying things, get back with others, try again... etc. For ex. I do a small area one day... and the other day I remove it and try other thing. It would be hard and time consuming to be in common agrement with another mapper in this particular work. Maybe with the gat tiles (more than walkable/no walkable, this goes serious with shootable cells), or some tips with interiors (like shadows on walls) would be really helpful. I will hit you up in gtalk to talk about one of these days
  3. @SlashGeeGee Thanks bud. @Thanna Thank you a lot! @GmOcean Thanks for your offer and your feedback. At the time this first castle map is ready I will contact you, so as other guys if they come to me with interest in the meantime too. I hope you will be available until then.
  4. Thank you a lot for supporting it. The sograt dessert area will be awesome I'm sure. And I think that one will be next to move on into the inital state. What it is becoming kind of complex is about mixing the styles into a single concept. Afterall, we are talking of different style maps~ The idea became when I saw how the lighthalzen main castle with the biolabs area on the sides and the main yuno style area on the center came all mixed up well. At least what I'm sure that I will put my heart on the morroc one. Because I love morroc really. I'm not sure to move on glast heim or brasilis next time.
  5. Extended War of Emperyum Castles by Olrox Briefing Hello. Let me introduce myself. I'm Olrox, that guy you might remember that has to do with all it comes about "mapping". First of all, I was not sure to post this thread in this area of the forum. I was more about posting it into the "map showcase". But since it is a -long time- project that consist of more than realising a single map (so as it has to do with adding new scripts and maybe new source patchs), I thought it would be fine here. Back to the thread... you might ask. What is this "Extended Castles" stuff??? Well. Maybe all of you have wondered for ex. Why Morroc doesn't have a castle in all those realms we have as "Prontera", "Aldebaran", "Payon", and so on. Morroc is my favorite city. I have been allways wondered why Morroc didn't deserve a WoE Castle by default? (alpha RO doesn't counts ) I don't know... but what I'm sure it is that this idea has crossed my mind since ever. It was only some days ago that I was thinking what could be awesome to share as a free release to the whole community. Actually I don't run a server as most of the people around, but I believe I have to be thankfull by some way to all here. Then, this Idea crossed my mind. How about making that Morroc WoE Castle I have allways dreamed for? .. but hey -I said to myself-, why we can't give other cities in ragnarok the same chance as morroc too? Okay, but WoE Castles are for me, the most complex maps of all. It requires a lot of time, effort, and well... motivation. A map of this kind for me are almost priceless and seriously I must be crazy to think about doing this kind of work for Free! even when my time to work on this kind of works is very limited .... but as I said before I want to do something really good in exchange to all. Basic Features This project is about making a set of High Quality WoE 2.0 castles. We will begin with Morroc City, but other cities are crossing my mind to being in the list: Brasilis, Amatsu, Glast Heim, Gonryun. Those are glorious cities that it can be possible to recreate a WoE 2.0 area based on those of course. It is a matter of imagination and conceptualization of developing ambience and recreation for each to make them sucessfull. I'm sure a set of castles of this kind would be a very attractive PLUS to all the private servers out there. Just try to remember those old days when we knew that new 2.0 castles were comming from gravity. I was so excited. The idea is to make only one WoE 2.0 castle per realm. But in addition, this WoE Castle will recreate the most representative areas of the realm it is about. Let me explain with an example. This is arug_cas03 map sketch that is intented to be a guide of what I'm doing. In the case of Morroc: - Pink area: Morroc Interiors style - Red area: A mix between Sphinx/Pyramids ambience style - Blue area: Sograt dessert ambience. - Yellow area: Throne area, inspired in the Morroc city central structure (before satan morroc) - Green area: Assasins Guild inspired. - Orange area: Rogue Guild inspired Remaining areas are still in my mind. But for now, this idea is very promising. At least for enclosing what it is "All Morroc" about in only 1 castle. Changelog and Progress I'm still in my initial state of this idea. My free time to even think about invest my time for something for free is very limited, due to the high amount of requests from my customers that I have. However, I took my time the past weeks to begin building the initial idea of the pink and red area of the sketch that corresponds to the first main area, so as the entrance of the castle. The following screens are from a scratch -under development- map stage: Lights, structures, empty areas, textures, objects... might be are only for reference and take this as a far teaser of the final work. It shows roughly how the entrance with the morroc interior style, so as the pyramid/sphinx ambience applied with some sort of a small maze in the entrance. Maze style that is common in the sphinx dungeon area The idea is becoming good. Being an initial state of a work of some days it is getting really promising. The entrance maze is somewhat the idea of the sphinx area. Some hieroglyphics, some sphinx tombs. At the time we will work with effects, there will be better lights, torch effects etc. This is like provisional, and not the serious thing, But I had to show something more than words here, so there you have it. My intention is that when the castle is ready, they will be posted in the Map Showcase Forum. Until that time I will ask for help from scripters/database editors around to adapt the castle and release the scripts and maps bundled up in the download module of rathena forum. People that might be interested into the database/script area are welcome. But only at the time the first map is ready.(I don't want to waste your time with something that is still in the initial state). Consider to Support this! This is a LONG TERM project. I have to say it again.... this is a LONG TERM Project seriously! Please consider that my free time to work on this is very limited, as also doing a map takes a lot of time... more with the castle style ones. To have even the first woe castle will take 2,3 months, more or less, no one knows. Updates will be really sporadics. I will appreciate to not ask very often when it will be ready. Remember this is a Free Release project made for the community. Easily I could make this first castle and the other ones in the future with the only intention to make a profit... or well, I could invest this time on this in my current paid requests. But I'm not doing that!. If you like the idea, if you think this worths the time... consider post your feedback. Follow this thread, rate it with starts. Motivation takes a big part in this cases. Reading all your feedback here is for me, the only motivation I need to make this possible. I believe there are people out there that appreciate a lot my work. Private or Free ones all counts... For those people that might be interested, you can go far and try this userbar I did with my limited photoshop abilities but with all my heart on it! Thank you all. And have a nice day.
  6. Hi there. Ricky Has been like away for 2 weeks. Maybe due to personal reasons that we don't know at the moment. I tried to contact him on skype but he has not replied yet. Hope he will back soon since the project was like... almost on its final steps. It would be a shame.
  7. Olrox

    YO! :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yuki


      Midterm times haha XD. Need to start cramming~

      Just out of curiosity, did you watch Sword Art Online the anime?

    3. Olrox


      Not yet. Should I watch it? :3

    4. Yuki


      Totally should! It's amazing so far, and one arc is already complete ;D. It's the rage currently haha~

  8. Ahhh.... I was like feeling awful the past week. but no more. :P! Now I'm back.

  9. It was a lot of work. so exhausting too :S Thank you. I have said it before and I will say it again: I love your work and you are really a good mapper and I hope we will see new work from you soon.
  10. I didn't know that Adhelle was no more in charge in Lumina RO >: she was my friend once upon a time :P

    1. Noble



      yes she took a pause and gave the server to Kaiz, he's running it with a couple of loyal GMs.

  11. Don't worry I will continue with the battleground map -arathi based- style. But it will have a huge modificacion of how it was. I'm allways busy with some other maps but I will get back on this one. I'm allready following this thread now. I will give you details in PM :3 I don't wanna make spoilers too soon to the people around.
  12. Hello. :3 I was working on it at that time, but I suddenly stoped. Random reasons that I can't remember right now. The map is not complete, it was like in 10%~ the last time I worked on it (more than a year ago) and... it was really in scratch mode, nothing serious. But you can take a look here I think it was not that bad in that time. But I have learned new things in more than a year from that day (You can look at my actual work by checking my signature here), so that map, better to say that initial state of one is like obsolete to me. But I think it can be useful at least to not begin working from nothing. I can continue on this if people are interested. Btw Annie I have another release on going that we can discuss if you want to join
  13. we will have a SERIOUS TALK when I see you online mademoiselle! :3 Thank you for your comment. btw I thought the same with the park, but I didn't have more space XD or well, I was to lazy to do it bigger. But I must admit that it would look better by being bigger. And yes I noticed THAT :3
  14. So you know spanish!? XD Graaaaaaaaaacias??? :P

    1. Mystery


      Sim! Gracias amigo! LOL. I know very little.. it's similar to portuguese in a sense.

  15. Just passing by to say Hi to who I consider my friends. :3

    1. Freya Jorgenson

      Freya Jorgenson

      Thanks Olrox! Im doing great! I know you are too =)

  16. @Taeko, thanks a lot. I believe the download module here work all automatically, it is weird that it is broken. I allready sent you a PM with my contact forms [hit the spoiler]:
  17. Thank you pal. I'm still thinking about what it could be awesome to share. I can do a prontera style based on this if you want. just ask me by pm
  18. Good one. You are becoming very talented with the RO related sprites
  19. Thanks! Aproximatly 6 weeks. I was not in a rush. And thank you a lot Thanks man. Wish I can post another one soon
  20. Actually it has a price of $35 here in rathena , thank you a lot. Thanks pal! Oh come on hello kitty one is cute afterall . thank you a lot.
  21. File Name: Alexandria Town from Final Fantasy IX File Submitter: Olrox File Submitted: 28 Sep 2012 File Category: Maps & Textures Video: Content Author: Olrox < -- For Video of this Map Click Me--> *** Note: Map usually has a price of $40.00, but here in rathena has a special price of $35.00 *** Hi. You might remember this map if you have played Final Fantasy IX before. "Alexandria Town" Is a map that recreates that town in Final Fantasy IX as how it shows here in this screen. Alexandria, is a beautiful town that works pretty well for new servers. It has a good work with lighs, high detailed decoration and... it is very unique due to the fact, that it is possible to walk on the roofs of the houses just as how it is in the FF game. For more reference about that last feature, please look at the video. Map includes also 3 indoor rooms, BGM, script portals, etc. I'm sure your server users will love Alexandria. It is certainly a beautiful and fun map. Map Includes: * BGM used in video * Alexandria Town * Inns (x3 total) * Minimap * Script with warp portals that leads to the inns * Instructions to install the map correctly Click here to download this file
  22. Gracias por tu comentario~

  23. @Maki Man I thought no one read my lines when I ask something like that XD most of people only pays attention to the screens. Oh and thanks! I knew I have seen that building before... good times when I went to new york on a trip. Thank you a lot :3
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