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Everything posted by painrugi

  1. you must use at least 2013-08-07aRagexe client for implement rebellion class...
  2. use euphy's woe controller http://rathena.org/board/topic/64394-%E2%9C%B0-euphys-scripts-%E2%9C%B0/ << credit for euphy that script auto give each player members of the capture guild with duplicate IP check.. and for the drop skull try this one : - script Sample -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas01" && strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas02" && strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas03" && strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas04" && strcharinfo(3) != "prtg_cas05" ) end; getnameditem 7420, rid2name( killedrid ); end; } add or remove castle name you want.... sorry my bad english...
  3. http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items <<< read this guide
  4. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/ the lastest revision at 17694...
  5. set @monster/@spawn command only for GM lv 99 on groups.conf.. but if you want only some mvp, i don't know to set it because that command include all monster on database
  6. i think you must break all guild, or check your database table make sure the members not over max supported
  7. use else if for condition 2 or more.... correct me if i'm wrong
  8. There's a password when extracting the file. SlashGeeGee password isn't working sir....
  9. on mob_db.txt add the item ID and drop chance you want, like this: 1213,HIGH_ORC,High Orc,High Orc,81,4193,1,1099,1158,1,389,439,101,45,75,16,40,31,69,20,10,12,2,7,43,0x3695,150,1500,500,1000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7002,2500,1304,10,999,90,931,7500,912,1300,756,196,508,900,607,100,0,0,4322,1 note: follow the struct because one monster have max number of item drop
  10. any update for npc all in one to support changing job to rebellion class???
  11. change warp point on npc "last soul" to prontera and add some getitem before warp to prontera.
  12. ah my mistake, missing one curly at the end.. - script KillCashPoint -1,{ OnInit: setarray .Map$[0], "guild_vs1", "guild_vs2", "pvp_n_8-2"; set .size, getarraysize(.Map$); end; OnPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == getcharid(0) ) end; //No Points, killed himself for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .size; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$[.@i] ) if (lastkilled==killedrid){ set lkcount,lkcount+1; if (lkcount>=5){ set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS-3; dispbottom "You have Lose 3 points of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } else{ set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } } else{ set lastkilled,killedrid; set lkcount,1; set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } } }
  13. i don't understand what you mean....
  14. i'm using client 2013-08-07aRagxe, the problem is only 3 slots are available and 6 slots not available... i'm use unpacked client from here : http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ and the xdiff file from here : http://sourceforge.net/p/xdiffgen/code/HEAD/tree/ anyone can help me to fix that?? EDITED: the slot it's fix i forgot about vip system... LoL well, after that i got some problem: 1.when i added more slot character on mmo.h, the added slot become not available 2.max storage vip account only 300 (normal max storage 600)....
  15. // Battleground rewards // ********************************************************************* new_2-4,51,191,5 script Battle Reward#fl2 851,{ if( $@FlaviusBG2_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory mes "[Swandery]"; mes "Blessed Warrior"; mes "Let's enjoy our glorious victory!"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", its a sign reflecting victory"; getitem 7829,10; set registeredna,0; set kvm_point,kvm_point + 5; //+5 points for winning team warp "prontera",155,179; end; } else { // Derrota mes "[Swandery]"; mes "You lost, but you're dedicated to this battle."; mes "This is a reward for your great dedication!"; mes "Just take this defeat a lesson, and later you would definitely learn."; set registeredna,0; getitem 741,1; warp "prontera",155,179; end; } set Flavius2_BG_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 300; getitem 25454, .@Reward; if(.@rewardb != 0) { dispbottom "You've won "+.@rewardb+" extra medals for captured heroes"; getitem 25454,.@rewardb;} setlook 7,normallook; set registeredna,0; bg_leave; warp "prontera",155,179; end; }
  16. - script KillCashPoint -1,{ OnInit: setarray .Map$[0], "guild_vs1", "guild_vs2", "pvp_n_8-2"; set .size, getarraysize(.Map$); end; OnPCKillEvent: if( killedrid == getcharid(0) ) end; //No Points, killed himself for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < .size; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$[.@i] ) if (lastkilled==killedrid){ set lkcount,lkcount+1; if (lkcount>=5){ set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS-3; dispbottom "You have Lose 3 points of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } else{ set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } } else{ set lastkilled,killedrid; set lkcount,1; set #PVPPOINTS,#PVPPOINTS+1; dispbottom "You have gained 1 Point of Honour. Your Total Points are "+#PVPPOINTS; end; } }
  17. simply just remove your number GM ID on clientinfo.xml like this <aid> <admin>2000001</admin> <yellow></yellow> </aid>
  18. i think don't add any number on exp table, just change the max level to 1000 on job_exp.txt
  19. <aid> <admin>2000001</admin> <yellow></yellow> </aid> servertype primary, langtype 0 coba. kalo masih gk bisa berarti ada yg kurang pas diff clientnya
  20. check your groups.conf for give some command
  21. i think just comment the skill on skill_db.txt, but if you want remove from source maybe source development can help..
  22. 1. Look the line 606, change the "rand" value 2. Download the new LangManagement.txt with the fix: http://www.myzter.com/downloads/LangManagement.txt thx sir Myzter it's very helpfull and thx for sharing this awesome script.. EDITED : i'm little bit confuse on column "mines" inside mn_maps table, can you explain to me the structure of that column sir Myzter?? Sure, This is the struct of that table: `map`: The name of the map where you want to add mines, ie: anthell02 `mines`: The maximum amount of mine spots in that map, ie: 5 `mtypes`: The sum of the mine ID's, ie: 1+8+34 = 43 The mine id's are unique and the next map ID must be always the previous id * 2 (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,etc.), just in the case you want to create more mines. When 1 map have more than 1 mine specified, the system create the mines at random using the specified id's. Regards, Myzter i got it sir, thx
  23. 1. Look the line 606, change the "rand" value 2. Download the new LangManagement.txt with the fix: http://www.myzter.com/downloads/LangManagement.txt thx sir Myzter it's very helpfull and thx for sharing this awesome script.. EDITED : i'm little bit confuse on column "mines" inside mn_maps table, can you explain to me the structure of that column sir Myzter??
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