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Everything posted by Kreustoo

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This small src modif make you don't worry if you have some costume items in your item_db with some weight, they'll all be calculated at 0. CostumeNoWeight.diff Make only the costume having no weight on the player ShadowAndCostumeNoWeight.diff Make costume and shadow having no weight on the player
  2. Sorry I messed the () things writting it too fast, you had to remove the ) yeah (or I wanted to put () around the test). What do you mean, what happens when the sc is not set?
  3. Hello, Happy to have helped unlcok your situation ^^. If I understand correctly, you want to check if sd->sc.data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD] exists before getting its value, I'd chance your line by: output_table[22].value = sd->bonus.short_weapon_damage_return + sd->sc.data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD]?(sd->sc.data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD]->val1:0);
  4. You can use whatever commands you want in a item using atcommand. You don't need to give the command to a player. So you can do something specific for a monster. But it will just give the position of the monster, not the dead time, you'll have to make change to the src for that.
  5. Hello, Another way is to use @mobsearch IdMob It's not like convex mirror but it may help you
  6. Hello, I don't know why but your MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET is too low: in skill.hpp line 384 #define MAX_SKILLUNITGROUPTICKSET 25 Change it to 50 recompile and you should be ok. Maybe you're server is high rate with a lot of things happening? As long as you don't get too high value you don't have to worry increasing it for your need.
  7. Hello sprintf(element(melement[sd->battle_status.def_ele]), "Element: %s", sd->battle_status.ele_lv, "(Level %u)"); to sprintf(output, "Element: %s (Level %u)",sd->battle_status.ele_lv,element(melement[sd->battle_status.def_ele])); Parameters in order: -your string variable -the string data to put in -the data to replace the % inside the string data But if I'm not wrong, sprintf erase evrything and replace what's inside your string variable by your new string data, you should do one big sprintf with all the parameter you want clif_displaymessage it then sprintf again for another line.
  8. View File Dark Blinder Recolor 7 colors for dark blinder Inside the helper.txt, you'll have some help for accessoryid/accname/sql/iteminfo implant. Enjoy! Submitter Kreustoo Submitted 06/09/2020 Category Headgears Content Author Kreustoo  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    7 colors for dark blinder Inside the helper.txt, you'll have some help for accessoryid/accname/sql/iteminfo implant. Enjoy!
  10. Hello, I don't kow your implant of @afk, but inside the definition ACMD_FUNC(afk) add: if(sd->state.autoattack){ clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can't use @afk while autoattacking."); return 0; } It should prevent the @afk to work.
  11. @KazumaSatou Ah you didn't precise it wasn't even going in your if in your first message ? If someone can just tell you were you're wrong it'll be faster but I never worked with logout protection and when I don't know where the problem is coming from, I print everything: + char output2[128]; + sprintf(output2, "Info prev: %d, tick: %d, difftick: %d", battle_config.prevent_logout,sd->canlog_tick == 0,DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick)); + clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, output2); Just before the if And even if it works, you'll have to figure out how to make the protetion pop out only for pvp players. So you'll have to put add a new parameter to struct map_session_data and add new verification next to sd->canlog_tick.
  12. Hello, I didn't try it but maybe you need this: clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); skill_failed(sd); return 0; inside your new if?
  13. The first one count how many player was connected in total during a day, not the maximum player reached the day, it'll count globally how many connected. The second count how many players was connected in total during one specific hour of a day. It does not track anything for any particular player, you can't know how many hours a specific players were connected, you just know how many were there. @Dev G Inc I wrote this (not heavily tested) Inside the OnInit add: bindatcmd("showStats",strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnStat",99,99); Inside the npc add: OnStat: //At first it shows today's values .@year = gettime(7); .@month = gettime(6); .@day = gettime(5); OnShowDay: .@ipCurrent = 0; query_sql("SELECT `IpTotal` FROM `cust_StatPlayerIpDay` WHERE `Year`="+.@year+" AND `Month`= "+.@month+" AND `Day` = "+.@day,.@ipCurrent); if(.IsDayFirst) mes .@day+"/"+.@month+"/"+.@year; else mes .@month+"/"+.@day+"/"+.@year; mes "Total connected:" + .@ipCurrent; for(.@i = 0;.@i<23;.@i++){ .@ipDiff = 0; query_sql("SELECT `ipDiff` FROM `cust_StatPlayerCo` where `Year`="+.@year+" AND `Month`= "+.@month+" AND `Day` = "+.@day+" AND `Hour` ="+.@i,.@ipDiff); mes .@i+") "+.@ipDiff; } next; select("Another Day"); mes "Year"; input .@year; mes "Month"; input .@month; mes "Day"; input .@day; next; goto OnShowDay; end; Using showStats as an admin you can now watch what is saved inside the sql! But it's kinda limited, I used it to compare month to another month and things like that. But at least using that you can already fast check.
  14. That system is mostly just giving you the number of different player connected, not who @IsabelaFernandez cust_StatPlayerIpDay: tells you how many player were connected at a specific day - ie the 31/01/20 you had 35 different players connected (without knowing who) cust_StatPlayerCo: tells you for each hour, how many player were connected - ie the 31/01/20 at 3:00 25 players were connected (without knowing who) Is that clearer :/?
  15. @Dev G Inc It was mostly done to be checked using sql request (I used like that), but maybe it would be interesting to have a npc in game doing the work. So yeah you'll have to create the tables in your databases. But I won't do any fluxcp release ^^'. @IsabelaFernandez You mean having exactly the id in another table to know who was connected? I mostly thought about it being just helping for stat. Like, knowing you usually have more player at 21h the friday than 21h the thursday (for event preparation) and watching the number of player (hopefully) growing. The problem is that it checks only the ip/gepard id, so you'd have to store exactly all the acc connected with the respective id/gid, it's doable. You'd like to have that possiblity what for?
  16. View File Stat Player Connected Adding two new table and a script that help you see when the players are connected and how many. -cust_StatPlayerCo checking every hour every day how many player were actually connected. -cust_StatPlayerIpDay checking everyday how many players were actually connected. Compatible with gepard and last_unique_id (enable/disable in OnInit). There's no npc to check that in game currently, only checking in database directly. If people are interested, I could add a npc/a command that make it possible to check directly in game for gm and/or players. Submitter Kreustoo Submitted 06/01/2020 Category Utilities Video Content Author Kreustoo  
  17. Hello, If I read this post correctly : https://rathena.org/board/topic/116098-rathena-totally-support-import-foldersfiles/?do=findComment&comment=347766 You should edit the conf/import and not conf/import-tmpl that is only used if nothing is set.
  18. Hello, Yeah I had that one time, really annoying to fix as far as I know. If you have a test server, try to find the item making everything crash by removing major part of the item_db until you find in what range it is :/. That's how I've done it (and I don't remember what was the problem. Maybe someone else has a better solution
  19. @nickhun07Try with this? CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `z_custom_news` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`News` text NOT NULL,`Resume` text NOT NULL,`More` text NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`id`))
  20. Hello, Maybe the grf is not well made? Like data inside data? Or maybe the client reads data before grf and you have the base sprites inside data and you don't erase them
  21. I'd be interested to see with what people came concerning qpet ?
  22. @nickhun07 What is the problem? You have some character being weird inside the npc? I used to print french accent in it without any problem ?
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Adding two new table and a script that help you see when the players are connected and how many. -cust_StatPlayerCo checking every hour every day how many player were actually connected. -cust_StatPlayerIpDay checking everyday how many players were actually connected. Compatible with gepard and last_unique_id (enable/disable in OnInit). There's no npc to check that in game currently, only checking in database directly. If people are interested, I could add a npc/a command that make it possible to check directly in game for gm and/or players.
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