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Everything posted by wOni

  1. wOni

    BG Eamod

    Guild System patch please
  2. Hi, question about fullstrip soul link, i know its kinda old but i have a new modification for this one. Soul link > Full strip (Randomly Strip Headgear, weapon, shield and armor by lowchance) i tried to copy old modification and reedit to my desire but no luck. here you go if ( sd && tsc && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT] && sd->sc.data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE && rand()%100 < 100 && ( skill_id == ST_FULLSTRIP && tsc->data[SC_CP_WEAPON] && tsc->data[SC_CP_HELM] && tsc->data[SC_CP_ARMOR] && tsc->data[SC_CP_SHIELD] ) ) { int item_id = 7139; // Glistening Coat int ii; ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_INVENTORY, ii, sd->status.inventory[ii].nameid == item_id ); if ( ii < MAX_INVENTORY ) { pc_delitem( sd, ii, 1, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); switch( rnd()%100 ){ case 1: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_WEAPON, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_STRIPWEAPON, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case 2: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_SHIELD, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_STRIPSHIELD, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case 3: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_ARMOR, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_STRIPARMOR, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; case 4: status_change_end( bl, SC_CP_HELM, INVALID_TIMER ); sc_start( NULL, bl, SC_STRIPHELM, 100, skill_lv, d ); break; } clif_skill_nodamage( src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, i ); break; } } ps, i did reedit to 100% to test the random strip but it always strip weapon. can someone help me. Thank you
  3. Hi @Emistry is it possible to put the bonus in different bonus items id ? like callfunc( "F_DiabloEnchant",<delete item id>,[random<bonus item id>,random<bonus item id>,random<bonus item id>,random<bonus item id>] ); "callfunc( "F_DiabloEnchant",501 (Rand 909,910,911,912 );" thank you Solved " callfunc( "F_DiabloEnchant",delete item id,rand(bonus item id,bonus item id,and so on));"
  4. Hi guys! im wondering is this possible. Second Edition WoE IF High jump Enable in SE WoE and Barricade deployed, High jump ( Skill ID# 426 ) can't get thru barricade and walls? Example Picture: Thanks in advance
  5. i manually added addrid 1~5 but the problem is when the event start it will never close and players dont warp on savepoint or prontera trying this one for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 5; .@i++ ) { mapwarp "gld_dun0"+.@i,"prontera",155,181; mapannounce "gld_dun0"+.@i,"Event Ended.",bc_all; }
  6. hi, all character in map gld_dun01~04 not monster. not monster, player. warp all to savepoint
  7. Hi need help to this script, i want to add after an hour all character will be go back to savepoint and announce that the event is ended. Shod Time Enable 0400 ~ 0500 1200 ~ 1300 1600 ~ 1700 2300 ~ 2359 prontera,168,126,3 script Shod 689,{ mes "[ ^0065DFShod^000000 ]"; mes "Hello, im Shod"; mes "I Can Help You Warp To Your Death"; mes "You Ready?"; switch(select("Yes please:No")) { case 1: announce ""+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Entered The Map",bc_all; //announce and end warp "gld_dun01",119,20; close; end; case 2: close; } OnClock0400: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2300: announce "Shod Event are now Enable.",0; hideoffnpc "Shod"; sleep ( 60 * 60000 ); OnInit: hideonnpc "Shod"; while (1) { delwaitingroom; set .@count, getmapusers("gld_dun01") + getmapusers("gld_dun02") + getmapusers("gld_dun03") + getmapusers("gld_dun04"); waitingroom "Map ["+ .@count + ((.@count==1) ? " Soul" : " Souls") +"]",0; sleep 1000; } end; } i try adding additional script like this - script AutoDoom -1,{ OnClock0501: OnClock1301: OnClock1701: OnClock2401: atcommand "@doommap gld_dun01"; atcommand "@doommap gld_dun02"; atcommand "@doommap gld_dun03"; atcommand "@doommap gld_dun04"; announce "Shod Event are now Disable.",0; end; } but sad to say its not working.. thanks for the help
  8. for multimap i do this if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg_castle))
  9. - script at_ecall -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("@ec","at_ecall::OnEcall"); bindatcmd("@ecall","at_ecall::OnEcall"); end; OnEcall: if( agit_flag || agit2_flag ) {dispbottom "Disable on WoE maps Good for PvP."; end;} if( !getcharid(2) ){dispbottom "You are not apart of a guild."; end;} if( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ){dispbottom "Can only be used by guild leader."; end;} if( gettimetick(2) < getd(".guild"+ getcharid(2) +"") ){dispbottom "Command Failed. Still on cooldown."; end;} progressbar "0x00FF00",5; //5 seconds is how the skill acts. getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,0); warpguild .@m$,.@x,.@y,getcharid(2); setd ".guild"+ getcharid(2) +"", gettimetick(2) + 300000; end; } basic @ecall command how i can disable this @ecall on WoE maps? but can be use on PvP maps and normal maps. THANKS reedit use code box~
  10. Same prob my client of 2012-04-10 armor = 4, weapon = 5 updated. but still the same anyone? SOLVED> new emulator >.< how do i get the new emulator? newbie question here, i have everything like it supposed to be and latest revision, but still have the same problem. Just try latest git. its already solved
  11. remember setting up the latest git include skill animation, skill damage and so on
  12. how about i want 15days, then reset to day 1 again?
  13. Mine works perfectly thanks Stolao Except for the fact that you stole my graphic work. :^] im sorry i just did type it on world wide web called "google" Daily rewards cutin and that graphics showed up, i just reedit it i didn't know that was yours. i thought that was a free graphics.
  14. Mine works perfectly thanks Stolao -- Removed Contents --
  15. i did try this, no error will compiling but suddenly when i try it vend and click the zeny or coin or any i get this [Error]: Server received crash signal! Attempting to save all online characters! Help! Any solution about here?, idid manually patch ExtendedVendingSystem_1.9.4_r15149.diff same problem
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