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Status Updates posted by ScriptingPhailure

  1. Didn't know you were stepping down. You'll be missed.

  2. Mostly working for free? You're far too kind.

    1. Kido


      Yup he is so cool o:!

  3. You lie! You is not Olrox

  4. "Hey! whats that over there?!"

  5. Gosh you never replied to my "welcome" also, your about me number 5. Does that mean we're not supposed to pm you to chitchat or we can?

    1. AnnieRuru


      oh damn I'm just busy helping others >__<

  6. Come back ZERO We miss you !

  7. Thanks for all the awesome support.

  8. Someone rated me 5 Stars? Impossible I do nothing.

  9. You have a background? How'd you do that?

    1. Yuki


      Go to your profile page, click on "Edit my Profile", and then "Profile Customization" to change the colour of your background or to upload an image =D!

    2. ScriptingPhailure


      ... I knew that. Totally >.> <.<

    3. Yuki


      Lol, no problem ;D! Pick an epic background image for yourself!

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