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Everything posted by -SkittleNugget-

  1. Official servers received a huge population boost too recently.. Maybe that is why.
  2. Remove it from job changer and job quest folder and create a script to change all mechs to something else. (May piss people off)
  3. Have you compiled PACKETVER to your client date and are you receiving any packet errors ?
  4. Yes it's possible. But are you not better off making an item that unequips itself and can't be used at level 230+
  5. Corruption may have occurred on your server.
  6. Maybe this is a good time to learn to script (for you).
  7. Might have a go if I have free time
  8. Looks like you added an item script, post what you have done recently here.
  9. show us the script and re-explain yourself.
  10. You could edit the source to change the max members to 30, unless this is for a one off castle of course.
  11. Please specify what rental items you would like the NPC to give per ticket So far all I can see is : Slephnir. I also need the item ID of the Ticket so I can add that into the script, or do you need that made also?
  12. If it has to do with the Xantara Flux Donation Points, your best bet is to send her a message so she can send you what you need to edit.
  13. prontera.rsw#bgm\\08.mp3# Check your sound in Setup. Check your speakers. Check your In-Game settings for music is on.
  14. If you want the custom items to drop from a monster or woe treasure, add them to the resnametables too. (unidentified item tables)
  15. Most likely will work once step above has been done. Remember to, Recompile with Visual Studio after editing.
  16. If you can give me the map warps for each location you want the duplicate npc's then I would be happy to make this for you.
  17. I noticed set $gmcontrol,60; <--- Stored Variabled to MYSQL. Why are you using a global function. .gmControl,60; <--- This will work better to suit your needs, Stores within Server, Runs with script.
  18. Click all the recommended patches and download. Cloth Colors should work without needing a patch.
  19. Firstly, Please define, what exactly is a "map effect"?
  20. Should you not request for the administrator of the server to make a fix for you?
  21. I was trying to use the explode statement. Thank you QQfoolsorellina >3
  22. I was looking for a way without needing to use a for loop to create a menu, but I guess I'll stick to what I know. setarray .item$[0],"Apple","Chocolate"; set .@selection, select(.@item$) -1; That what I wanted to achieve without the for loop. Heres what I added. for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@item$); .@i++) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .item$[.@i] + ":";
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