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Everything posted by -SkittleNugget-

  1. You gotta use your external IP not in config files.
  2. Your Lua files are not compatible with your client, get the Lua files that were dated the same as the client.
  3. It also takes up a lot more lines, If we all did it like them. I ahree that it's pointless.
  4. Use a newer compiler or choose the solution rathena-10
  5. You need to make an entry for each monster to be a pet and what item tames what. (6000+ lines) You then gotta make the taming item DB entry and client files. (Min 1 item tames everything or 1 item for each pet) Last but no least you gotta set which monster drops the taming item you just made or what shop sells it.
  6. You can judge if it's a performance killer if it has either, too many variables, or too many mistakes (check map server console) or it's written In a format that is not nessesary (typing 20 lines just to make an NPC say hello.) Usually one NPC is not enough to kill performance since it's such a small usage, but they all add up.
  7. Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Express does the job and it's from the Microsoft store and free.
  8. To further on what was said before me, if your texture files working (drop image and item image), but no sprite is showing, this is to do with your lua and view id, fix those.
  9. Yes, use FTP to put your installer onto your website, then copy the URL link of the file and use it as the download link
  10. There should be a item_bonus.txt inside the doc folder of you trunk, this should tell you everything you need to know about item scripts.
  11. that would be caused by missing textures inside idnum2resnametable.txt. If your using 2013 client that disregard this, I don't know much about that client year.
  12. What is the iteminfo.lua and I don't think weapons require lua files.
  13. Work on this has begun so expect it in the near future.
  14. Please provide a better description on your issue. Is there errors on the map server ? Are these the items in your inventory or on the floor ?
  15. We can make the NPC reload itself everyday but if you choose the database option, it can be done too.
  16. Nice trick AnnieRuru, I Learned something new, I can use this to my advantage in the future.
  17. You want an NPC, that shows the amount of donation money your server has received within a certain time frame? You do understand to make this automated you would need to setup a new table where both NPC and Control Panel connect to. It may just be easier to use AnnieRuru's example and just update every day.
  18. Pointless adding a function for one item, it uses unnecessary loading of the server even if it is miniscule, just add the following in the item script in item_db.txt atcommand "@sexchange";
  19. Seems you might be missing one of the images it requires, check all the images are present with what is in the config and that they all link to the correct place.
  20. This I could help you with, but your best bet is to either search it on rAthena or Google. Installing a theme over the control panel is a lot easier than making your own.
  21. There is no need to use that Variable for getting character HP & SP, you should use a NPC scope variable. (.@) The script command Sleep2 (milliseconds) should allow the healer to delay healing for a certain time frame.
  22. Errors on map server ? Also it would delete at 231 unless you change to the following : if(BaseLevel>=230
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