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Everything posted by Thanna

  1. Thor dont support gif but as an alternate you can use hover on your buttons
  2. are there a separate settings for card drop rate because my server have 2 separate drop rates for normal monster card and MVP card this is the code that change the drop rate of cards on item database of flux CP 'CardDropRates' => 25,
  3. since your database is in the same host with your emulator it would be localhost
  4. follow this waitingroom "Battle Station 10 Players",10,"Tierra_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; for waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"Tierra_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; waitingroom "Battle Station 10 Players",10,"Tierra_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; for waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"Tierra_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; if( .@Guillaume < 10 || .@Croix < 10 ){ for if( .@Guillaume < 5|| .@Croix < 5 ){ announces 10 for 5 set $@GuillT, 10; set $@CroiT, 10; for set $@GuillT, 5; set $@CroiT, 5;
  5. I think there's something wrong with your luafiles, what client date are you using?
  6. its a packet problem, there are many tutorials on client-side section that will help you with your problem
  7. @akkarin is there no discount? maybe $18 nice work
  8. d mo cguro na set ng tama ung sa luafiles, try to double check
  9. it would be better if you post the error of your v4p
  10. find this line L_None: then delete this disablenpc "Mr. Popeye"; the disable npc is just next to L_None:
  11. great scripter's met here and discuss their works that would be a very interesting output
  12. I have a problem with my flux, can you help me out with this thanks err.bmp
  13. Thanna

    Pvp Timer

    maybe your server is PK on or you are on @battleignore
  14. hi I tried that script that you made and I its working fine but if I reloadscript or reboot the server the guild castle owner can get reward again, how can I disable it when I reloadscript of reboot
  15. I'll just suggest if you can make it to have a timer that will kick the AFK player if he's time is out, maybe a 12 hours AFK time just like @autotrade, btw nice src edit
  16. can you make it like 7-8 pm server time? and I'll ask for your permission to use your script and I will credit it to you.
  17. it must be place like this data exture\scr_logo.bmp
  18. base on what you post, I think your not compiling, your updating your svn follow this guide http://rathena.org/wiki/Compiling
  19. Edit: I already fixed it, I rename my luafiles514 to LuaFiles514 and uncheck load lua before lub and data folder first
  20. is there a way that my exe should read luafiles514 from my GRF? because in that way it would look neat
  21. I just manually put my luafiles514/lua files to data folder and it thus work but the problem now is my character clothes color can only be 3 instead of 553, Im using 2012-04-10 client
  22. not yet, I'll try it now, thanks for helping me to troubleshoot I tried to check "data folder first" but its still the same, and I tried to uncheck load lua before lub but still the same
  23. I unchecked read data folder first
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