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Everything posted by Thanna

  1. if you are using rathena, it comes with the 2012 client you just have to diff your own exe
  2. are you sure that you are using luafiles 514? if not download the same date with your client download here http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/
  3. dude i cant find this part.. are you sure this is correct? and is this on the same .txt as to where i edited the 1st part? cause i tried using ctrl+f and i cant find it. here's a 5v5 Kvm BG, Kvm gameplay is a 5v5 last team standing //===== rAthena Script ======================================= // BattleGround System - KvM 80-99 //===== By: ================================================== //= ???, L0ne_W0lf //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena 1.0 //===== Description: ========================================= //= [AEGIS Conversion] //= Kreiger Von Midgard Battleground for levels 80 to 99 //= - Winning Team: 5 points //= - Losing Team: 1 point //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version. //= 1.1 Updated using official Aegis files. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.2 Upated some announces and dialogs from iRO. //= Changed how the scoreboard works slightly. //= Removed the areapercentheals, and minor things. //============================================================ // Waiting Room NPCs //============================================================ bat_room,169,226,5 script KVM Waiting Room#a::KvM01R_Guillaume 418,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",6,"KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id1, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",52,129,"KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeQuit","KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeDie"); end; } bat_room,169,220,0 warp #kvm801 2,2,bat_room,154,150 bat_room,169,205,3 script KVM Waiting Room#b::KvM01R_Croix 414,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",6,"KvM01_BG::OnCroixJoin",1; end; OnEnterBG: set $@KvM01BG_id2, waitingroom2bg("bat_c01",147,55,"KvM01_BG::OnCroixQuit","KvM01_BG::OnCroixDie"); end; } bat_room,169,211,0 warp #kvm802 2,2,bat_room,154,150 // Starting Line //============================================================ - script KVM01::CellEffect -1,{ end; OnKvM01One: misceffect EF_CHANGECOLD; end; OnKvM01Two: misceffect EF_CHANGEPOISON; end; } bat_c01,54,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA1-1 139 bat_c01,55,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA2-1 139 bat_c01,56,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA3-1 139 bat_c01,57,124,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA4-1 139 bat_c01,57,125,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA5-1 139 bat_c01,57,126,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA6-1 139 bat_c01,57,127,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellA7-1 139 bat_c01,145,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB1-1 139 bat_c01,144,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB2-1 139 bat_c01,143,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB3-1 139 bat_c01,142,59,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB4-1 139 bat_c01,142,56,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB5-1 139 bat_c01,142,57,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB6-1 139 bat_c01,142,58,3 duplicate(CellEffect) #RedcellB7-1 139 bat_c01,54,128,3 script #A_camp_start01 139,4,4,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#A_camp_start01"; end; OnTouch: set Bat_Team,1; setquest 6025; end; } bat_c01,146,56,3 script #B_camp_start01 139,4,4,{ end; OnInit: disablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#B_camp_start01"; end; OnTouch: set Bat_Team,2; setquest 6025; end; } // Battleground Engine //============================================================ - script KvM01_BG -1,{ end; OnInit: setwall "bat_c01",54,122,6,7,0,"batc01wall_a"; setwall "bat_c01",55,122,5,7,0,"batc01wall_b"; setwall "bat_c01",140,56,6,7,0,"batc01wall_c"; setwall "bat_c01",140,57,5,7,0,"batc01wall_d"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; end; OnGuillaumeJoin: OnCroixJoin: donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReadyCheck"; end; OnGuillaumeQuit: //set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnGuillaumeDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Guillaume_Count, .Guillaume_Count - 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Count,.Croix_Count; if( .Guillaume_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; else { mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; } } end; OnCroixQuit: //set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; OnCroixDie: if( $@KvM01BG == 2 ) { set .Croix_Count, .Croix_Count - 1; bg_updatescore "bat_c01",.Guillaume_Count,.Croix_Count; if( .Croix_Count < 1 ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; else { mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; } } end; OnReadyCheck: if( $@KvM01BG ) end; set .@Guillaume, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Guillaume"); set .@Croix, getwaitingroomstate(0,"KvM01R_Croix"); if( .@Guillaume < 5 || .@Croix < 5 ) end; set $@KvM01BG, 1; // Starting donpcevent "KvM01R_Croix::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01R_Guillaume::OnEnterBG"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStart"; end; OnStart: disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "In 1 minute, KVM will start.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The maximum time for a KVM battle is 5 minutes.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer6000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please prepare for the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "You can buff your people.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "#A_camp_start01::OnEnable"; donpcevent "#B_camp_start01::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer13000: donpcevent "#A_camp_start01::OnDisable"; donpcevent "#B_camp_start01::OnDisable"; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "30 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer45000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "15 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01One"; end; OnTimer50000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "10 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01Two"; end; OnTimer55000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "5 seconds remaining to start KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01One"; end; OnTimer59000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "KVM is now commencing.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "::OnKvM01Two"; end; OnTimer61000: // Team Members set .Guillaume_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id1, 0); set .Croix_Count, bg_get_data($@KvM01BG_id2, 0); if( .Guillaume_Count < 5 || .Croix_Count < 5 ) { set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; set $@KvM01BG, 3; mapannounce "bat_c01","There are not enough players to start the battle",1,0x696969; stopnpctimer; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; } set $@KvM01BG, 2; // Playing bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",61,120; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",138,63; end; OnTimer300000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "1 minute remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer330000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "30 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer345000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "15 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer350000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "10 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer355000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "5 seconds remaining to finish the KVM battle.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer360000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The KVM battle is over.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; if( .Croix_Count > .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnCroixWin"; else if( .Croix_Count < .Guillaume_Count ) donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnGuillaumeWin"; else { // Draw Game set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 3; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Guillaumes is "+.Guillaume_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "The number of Croixes is "+.Croix_Count+".",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "This battle has ended in a draw.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; } end; OnGuillaumeWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 1; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Guillaume wins!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Congratulations to Guillaume members.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Everyone will be moved to the start point.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnCroixWin: set $@KvM01BG, 3; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 2; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Croix wins!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Congratulations to Croix members.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Everyone will be moved to the start point.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnStop"; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; enablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; enablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; // Warp Teams bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id1,"bat_c01",53,128; bg_warp $@KvM01BG_id2,"bat_c01",146,55; donpcevent "KvM01_BG_Out::OnBegin"; end; OnReset: set .Croix_Count, 0; set .Guillaume_Count, 0; set $@KvM01BG_Victory, 0; if( $@KvM01BG_id1 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id1; set $@KvM01BG_id1, 0; } if( $@KvM01BG_id2 ) { bg_destroy $@KvM01BG_id2; set $@KvM01BG_id2, 0; } disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01A"; disablenpc "KVM Officer#KVM01B"; mapwarp "bat_c01","bat_room",154,150; maprespawnguildid "bat_c01",0,3; // Just in case someone else bg_updatescore "bat_c01",5,5; set $@KvM01BG, 0; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReadyCheck"; // Maybe a game is ready to start end; } - script KvM01_BG_Out -1,{ end; OnBegin: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please apply with the Officer to acquire KVM points.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "The Officer will grant you the points for 30 seconds.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "In 30 seconds, the Officer will be sent away.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "Unless you talk to the Officer, you cannot gain the points.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; mapannounce "bat_c01", "Please be careful.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer:55000: mapannounce "bat_c01", "You will be sent back.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; end; OnTimer60000: stopnpctimer; donpcevent "KvM01_BG::OnReset"; end; } // Battleground rewards //============================================================ bat_c01,51,130,5 script KVM Officer#KVM01A 419,{ if( $@KvM01BG_Victory ) { if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory set kvm_point,kvm_point + 5; mes "[KVM Officer]"; mes "Good Game."; mes "May the glory of KVM be with you."; mes "You aquire the winning points: 5"; close2; } else { // set kvm_point,kvm_point + 1; mes "[KVM Officer]"; mes "I am so sorry."; mes "I wish you better luck next time."; mes "You aquire the losing points: 1"; close2; } bg_leave; set Bat_Team,0; warp "bat_room",154,150; end; } end; } bat_c01,148,53,1 script KVM Officer#KVM01B 415,{ if( $@KvM01BG_Victory ) { if( $@KvM01BG_Victory == Bat_Team ) { // Victory set kvm_point,kvm_point + 5; mes "[KVM Officer]"; mes "Good Game."; mes "May the glory of KVM be with you."; mes "You aquire the winning points: 5"; close2; } else { // set kvm_point,kvm_point + 1; mes "[KVM Officer]"; mes "I am so sorry."; mes "I wish you better luck next time."; mes "You aquire the losing points: 1"; close2; } bg_leave; set Bat_Team,0; warp "bat_room",154,150; end; } end; } sorry for the very long code but if I hadn't post this script it would take us years answering his question
  4. but your settings are not recommended if you will host it on a VPS because it would be easy to hack your server
  5. merong Grf encrypter na free, nakita ko na un eh, search mo nalang
  6. post your script here so that I can check it out, in that way it would be faster and easier for both of us
  7. the one that you want to use
  8. follow this waitingroom "Battle Station 10 Players",10,"Tierra_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; for waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"Tierra_BG1::OnGuillaumeJoin",1; waitingroom "Battle Station 10 Players",10,"Tierra_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; for waitingroom "Battle Station 5 Players",5,"Tierra_BG1::OnCroixJoin",1; if( .@Guillaume < 10 || .@Croix < 10 ){ for if( .@Guillaume < 5|| .@Croix < 5 ){ announces 10 for 5 set $@GuillT, 10; set $@CroiT, 10; for set $@GuillT, 5; set $@CroiT, 5;
  9. I don't know the name actually, but I just want the simple one
  10. check your map server if it have a error
  11. great work, I would ask your permission to use this in my server, all credits will be preserved and will never be remove
  12. This would be too much to ask but maybe someone can help me with this. my request wold be simple for example for the Player Ranking of flux cp I want to add the gender of the player and if the player is male it will show male.png instead of "Male" and if the Job is sura it will not show the word sura instead it will show sura.png I hope someone can help me with this, thanks in advance
  13. dynamic IP cant host server's, if you are using PLDT then you can host it but with other ISP I think you cant.
  14. maybe you didnt put the file for that in your data folder or you have a problem on your lua file
  15. open your application.php it is located in FluxCP/config/application.php Find this 'DebugMode' => false, change it to this 'DebugMode' => true, then open error.php it is located here FluxCP/config/eror.php Find this $showExceptions = false; change it to this $showExceptions = true; then post the errors that show up, it will be easier to debug
  16. are you using renewal or pre-renewal, when using pre-renewal you must put it in Rathena/db/pre-re/item_db or if your using renewal you must put it in Rathena/db/re/item_db
  17. - script PvP Points -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "5@tower" ){ getitem ItemID,quantity; //put the item that the player will receive if they kill a player } end; OnPCDieEvent: if ( strcharinfo(3) == "5@tower" ){ delitem ItemID,quantity //put the item that will be deleted on the player's inventory when killed } end; if I misunderstood what you want you can explain it then I'll try to do it
  18. Is this your computer or you have a VPS? if that is your computer you can use localhost for your IP
  19. you have enabled md5 go to config/servers.php then find this 'UseMD5' => true, change it to 'UseMD5' => false,
  20. thanks for informing me, maybe I'll switch to xantara's flux cp or can someone provide a fix for it on calcium kid's flux cp thanks
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