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Everything posted by Nana

  1. This is the src mod =) /*=================================== * Sleep (@sleep) *----------------------------------- */ int atcommand_sleep(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { if (agit_flag) // skill not useable in WOE [A17kaliva] { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Cannot use this command during WOE."); return -1; } if(!battle_config.prevent_logout || DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) > 10) { if(sd->sc.opt1 != 0 && sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){ clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807)); return -1; } if(sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){ sc_start(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, 100, 1, 1000); sd->sc.opt1 = OPT1_SLEEP; sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_COMA,100,1,skill_get_time2(185,1)); clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(805)); } else { sd->sc.opt1 = 0; clif_emotion(&sd->bl,45); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1); sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_COMA,100,1,skill_get_time2(185,1)); clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(806)); } clif_changeoption(&sd->bl); return 0; } clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807)); return -1; } I suggest that change my displaymessages n_nU cause the newest versions have that messages busy n_nU ~~
  2. You already do this { MAP_IZLUDE, 128, 145, "Izlude" }, // 0 in @go, so if you use @go 0 you are warped to IZLUDE so maybe you forgot compile your server n_n ~
  3. That's weird :S cause I use this mod and work fine maybe you forgot some line or use this feature in the wrong part u_u
  4. How do you insert the .patch / .diff o.o? cause it seems like if you do it wrong, do you use tortoise? or manually?, do you clean the code? (remove the "+", "-" codes?)
  5. Another way to do that MAYBE .. is that you chose wich weapons do you like that have effect and wich effect (like Sword2) so, if you have a weapon +11 and you refine it the NPC instead give you your original weapon(example ID 1234) giveyou a custom one (ID 4321) wich have an effect or animation . I think this way could be easier to implement if you have an spriter or have time to learn it, that move the src and client (cause i suppouse include come HEX mods in the exe)
  6. you can use the auraset src mod and apply the effect to that players with an NPC for example Top1 -> @aura 234 Top2 -> @aura 434 Top3 -> @aura 124 this could work if you don't have that feature as an open feature in your server =)
  7. - script LevelBroad -1,{ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: announce "now" strcharinfo(0) +" just lvlup to " + BaseLevel +" y " + JobLevel + "!!.",bc_map; } I think~~
  8. Just set a new var, #define CREATE_NAME_LENGTH In Src/char/char.c search this Then change the variable, example int make_new_char(struct char_session_data* sd, char* name_, int str, int agi, int vit, int int_, int dex, int luk, int slot, int hair_color, int hair_style) { char name[CREATE_NAME_LENGTH]; int i; safestrncpy(name, name_, CREATE_NAME_LENGTH); in all the function (cause it is only the create char function) recomplire and.. i think this should work :S If you have any error plz post and i helpyou n_n ~
  9. In src/common/mmo.h search this //For character names, title names, guilds, maps, etc. //Includes null-terminator as it is the length of the array. #define NAME_LENGTH (23 + 1) I think is there
  10. http://mundogeek.net/archivos/2007/05/10/descomprimir-archivos-en-linux-desde-la-consola/
  11. as in party? with guild hp bar? o.o? If that so, you can copy the party code (i'm guessing) and named groupguild or something, then you can use the SCRmod of see guild hp but in your groupguild Sorry if I only give a little ideas, but maybe you can start from there n_n ~~
  12. Yo creo que lo ideal es pedir un SVN dentro del repo de rathena o.o ademas de una seccion en el foro, asi podriamos subir las actus, habria respaldo a demas de un seguimiento Saludos
  13. Nana

    mod skill tree

    So I only have to change all the skills as platinum to make the change right?? Thanks a lot nanakiwurtz ^^
  14. Hi, is just a question For example if I want that any job need to do one ques for skill (example if you have Owl's Eye lvl 3 it suppose that you get Vulture's Eye), i want that you need owl's Eyes lvl 3 plus make a little quest, for example have the questvultule == 1 How can I do that? is this possible? or just can with items in require db?
  15. have you ever try to use the @mapflag command? o.o? maybe on AgitStart: mapflag noitem on agitEnd mapflag allowitem or try this http://rathena.org/board/topic/77396-mapflag-npc/ (i really don't remember the names or sintax, however i think something like that should work)
  16. Actually AWS is the better option =) is more safe this without pointing that anyone have access to your info cause there is no third parts
  17. Nana

    Shared Storage

    goddameit have a script that allow that =)
  18. Nana

    H> Cart Sprite

    do you have wich base lvl and wich job lvl??
  19. You have to use something like this query_sql "SELECT `str` FROM global_reg_value WHERE account_id = " +.@idcuenta[0], .@array$[0]; // check cash points if (.@array$[0] != "#CASHPOINTS") { // if not then null query_sql "INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`char_id`,`str`,`value`,`type`,`account_id`) VALUES ('0','#CASHPOINTS','" +.@cantidad +"','2','" +.@idcuenta[0] +"')"; // Create cash points SQL } else { // Cash exist // update } // End if this is just an example of Rokimoki's guide n_n ~
  20. Great!! thanks a lot n_n I'll give a shot with this n_n!!!
  21. Is there any chanse to k now the total time online like a timer that starts when someone login, and stop when someone be afk, or vending or logout or something like these? I think i can made the stoped part, but i really dont know how inicialize the timer Do anyone have any clue about this? Thanks a lot n_n
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