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  1. Here's what I did to allow MD5 passwords work with my server. 1.) Go to login_athena.conf and look for this line: // Store passwords as MD5 hashes instead of plaintext ? // NOTE: Will not work with clients that use <passwordencrypt> use_MD5_passwords: no 2.) Change the no, to yes. 3.) Then go to your MySQL database (assuming you use workbench) and double click your database name so it becomes bold. 4.) Type this code in a query: UPDATE login set user_pass = MD5(user_pass); (The above code is assuming that your account username and passwords are stored in a database table called "login" and the password column is named "user_pass") 5.) Click execute and it should work.
  2. Thanks Euphy. Appreciated it.
  3. Does anyone happen to have a script for a level reset NPC? Max level: 999/150 (Have to be this level to be able to reset) Reset to: 1/1 Cost: 10m zeny (10,000,000z) For players to be able to max out their stats. Thanks!
  4. Thanks, I'll try it out. Updating to it worked! Thanks . Now I gotta switch over all my scripts haha.
  5. [info]: SVN Revision: '15229' ..Is there a more updated one I can get?
  6. Okay well, I get this error when trying to create a new character.. [Error]: parse_char: Received unknown packet 0x970 from ip 'xxx'! Disconnecting! I tried diffing my client with the "Skip Obfuscation Header" and without, didn't work. Defined my client version in mmo.h. Set the packet_db to default. In my clientinfo.xml, the version is set to 27 like it's supposed to be. I have no idea what to do here! Here's my mmo.h and my packet_db: mmo.h // Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _MMO_H_ #define _MMO_H_ #include "cbasetypes.h" #include <time.h> // server->client protocol version // 0 - pre-? // 1 - ? - 0x196 // 2 - ? - 0x78, 0x79 // 3 - ? - 0x1c8, 0x1c9, 0x1de // 4 - ? - 0x1d7, 0x1d8, 0x1d9, 0x1da // 5 - 2003-12-18aSakexe+ - 0x1ee, 0x1ef, 0x1f0, ?0x1c4, 0x1c5? // 6 - 2004-03-02aSakexe+ - 0x1f4, 0x1f5 // 7 - 2005-04-11aSakexe+ - 0x229, 0x22a, 0x22b, 0x22c // 20061023 - 2006-10-23aSakexe+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20070521 - 2007-05-21aSakexe+ - 0x283 // 20070821 - 2007-08-21aSakexe+ - 0x2c5 // 20070918 - 2007-09-18aSakexe+ - 0x2d7, 0x2d9, 0x2da // 20071106 - 2007-11-06aSakexe+ - 0x78, 0x7c, 0x22c // 20080102 - 2008-01-02aSakexe+ - 0x2ec, 0x2ed , 0x2ee // 20081126 - 2008-11-26aSakexe+ - 0x1a2 // 20090408 - 2009-04-08aSakexe+ - 0x44a (dont use as it overlaps with RE client packets) // 20080827 - 2008-08-27aRagexeRE+ - First RE Client // 20081217 - 2008-12-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: This one still use old Char Info Packet Structure) // 20081218 - 2008-12-17bRagexeRE+ - 0x6d (Note: From this one client use new Char Info Packet Structure) // 20090603 - 2009-06-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d7, 0x7d8, 0x7d9, 0x7da // 20090617 - 2009-06-17aRagexeRE+ - 0x7d9 // 20090922 - 2009-09-22aRagexeRE+ - 0x7e5, 0x7e7, 0x7e8, 0x7e9 // 20091103 - 2009-11-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x7f7, 0x7f8, 0x7f9 // 20100105 - 2010-01-05aRagexeRE+ - 0x133, 0x800, 0x801 // 20100126 - 2010-01-26aRagexeRE+ - 0x80e // 20100223 - 2010-02-23aRagexeRE+ - 0x80f // 20100413 - 2010-04-13aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b // 20100629 - 2010-06-29aRagexeRE+ - 0x2d0, 0xaa, 0x2d1, 0x2d2 // 20100721 - 2010-07-21aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100727 - 2010-07-27aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20100803 - 2010-08-03aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x827, 0x828, 0x829, 0x82a, 0x82b, 0x82c, 0x842, 0x843 // 20101124 - 2010-11-24aRagexeRE+ - 0x856, 0x857, 0x858 // 20110111 - 2011-01-11aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20110928 - 2011-09-28aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d // 20111025 - 2011-10-25aRagexeRE+ - 0x6b, 0x6d #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410 #endif // backward compatible PACKETVER 8 and 9 #if PACKETVER == 8 #undef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20070521 #endif #if PACKETVER == 9 #undef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20071106 #endif //Remove/Comment this line to disable sc_data saving. [skotlex] #define ENABLE_SC_SAVING //Remove/Comment this line to disable server-side hot-key saving support [skotlex] //Note that newer clients no longer save hotkeys in the registry! #define HOTKEY_SAVING //The number is the max number of hotkeys to save #if PACKETVER < 20090603 // (27 = 9 skills x 3 bars) (0x02b9,191) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 27 #elif PACKETVER < 20090617 // (36 = 9 skills x 4 bars) (0x07d9,254) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 36 #else // (38 = 9 skills x 4 bars & 2 Quickslots)(0x07d9,268) #define MAX_HOTKEYS 38 #endif #define MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER 1500 // Increased to allow creation of Instance Maps #define MAX_INVENTORY 100 //Max number of characters per account. Note that changing this setting alone is not enough if the client is not hexed to support more characters as well. #define MAX_CHARS 9 //Number of slots carded equipment can have. Never set to less than 4 as they are also used to keep the data of forged items/equipment. [skotlex] //Note: The client seems unable to receive data for more than 4 slots due to all related packets having a fixed size. #define MAX_SLOTS 4 //Max amount of a single stacked item #define MAX_AMOUNT 30000 #define MAX_ZENY 1000000000 #define MAX_FAME 1000000000 #define MAX_CART 100 #define MAX_SKILL 2536 #define GLOBAL_REG_NUM 256 #define ACCOUNT_REG_NUM 64 #define ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM 16 //Should hold the max of GLOBAL/ACCOUNT/ACCOUNT2 (needed for some arrays that hold all three) #define MAX_REG_NUM 256 #define DEFAULT_WALK_SPEED 150 #define MIN_WALK_SPEED 0 #define MAX_WALK_SPEED 1000 #define MAX_STORAGE 600 #define MAX_GUILD_STORAGE 600 #define MAX_PARTY 12 #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6 // increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus] #define MAX_GUILDPOSITION 20 // increased max guild positions to accomodate for all members [Valaris] (removed) [PoW] #define MAX_GUILDEXPULSION 32 #define MAX_GUILDALLIANCE 16 #define MAX_GUILDSKILL 15 // increased max guild skills because of new skills [sara-chan] #define MAX_GUILDCASTLE 34 // Updated to include new entries for WoE:SE. [L0ne_W0lf] #define MAX_GUILDLEVEL 50 #define MAX_GUARDIANS 8 //Local max per castle. [skotlex] #define MAX_QUEST_DB 2000 //Max quests that the server will load #define MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES 3 //Max quest objectives for a quest // for produce #define MIN_ATTRIBUTE 0 #define MAX_ATTRIBUTE 4 #define ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0 #define MIN_STAR 0 #define MAX_STAR 3 #define MAX_STATUS_TYPE 5 #define WEDDING_RING_M 2634 #define WEDDING_RING_F 2635 //For character names, title names, guilds, maps, etc. //Includes null-terminator as it is the length of the array. #define NAME_LENGTH (23 + 1) //For item names, which tend to have much longer names. #define ITEM_NAME_LENGTH 50 //For Map Names, which the client considers to be 16 in length including the .gat extension #define MAP_NAME_LENGTH (11 + 1) #define MAP_NAME_LENGTH_EXT (MAP_NAME_LENGTH + 4) #define MAX_FRIENDS 40 #define MAX_MEMOPOINTS 3 //Size of the fame list arrays. #define MAX_FAME_LIST 10 //Limits to avoid ID collision with other game objects #define START_ACCOUNT_NUM 2000000 #define END_ACCOUNT_NUM 100000000 #define START_CHAR_NUM 150000 //Guilds #define MAX_GUILDMES1 60 #define MAX_GUILDMES2 120 //Base Homun skill. #define HM_SKILLBASE 8001 #define MAX_HOMUNSKILL 16 #define MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS 16 //[orn] #define HM_CLASS_BASE 6001 #define HM_CLASS_MAX (HM_CLASS_BASE+MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS-1) //Mail System #define MAIL_MAX_INBOX 30 #define MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH 40 #define MAIL_BODY_LENGTH 200 //Mercenary System #define MC_SKILLBASE 8201 #define MAX_MERCSKILL 40 #define MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS 44 enum item_types { IT_HEALING = 0, IT_UNKNOWN, //1 IT_USABLE, //2 IT_ETC, //3 IT_WEAPON, //4 IT_ARMOR, //5 IT_CARD, //6 IT_PETEGG, //7 IT_PETARMOR,//8 IT_UNKNOWN2,//9 IT_AMMO, //10 IT_DELAYCONSUME,//11 IT_CASH = 18, IT_MAX }; //Questlog system [Kevin] [inkfish] typedef enum quest_state { Q_INACTIVE, Q_ACTIVE, Q_COMPLETE } quest_state; struct quest { int quest_id; unsigned int time; int count[MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES]; quest_state state; }; struct item { int id; short nameid; short amount; unsigned short equip; // location(s) where item is equipped (using enum equip_pos for bitmasking) char identify; char refine; char attribute; short card[MAX_SLOTS]; unsigned int expire_time; }; struct point { unsigned short map; short x,y; }; enum e_skill_flag { SKILL_FLAG_PERMANENT, SKILL_FLAG_TEMPORARY, SKILL_FLAG_PLAGIARIZED, SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0, // temporary skill overshadowing permanent skill of level 'N - SKILL_FLAG_REPLACED_LV_0' //... }; struct s_skill { unsigned short id; unsigned char lv; unsigned char flag; // see enum e_skill_flag }; struct global_reg { char str[32]; char value[256]; }; //Holds array of global registries, used by the char server and converter. struct accreg { int account_id, char_id; int reg_num; struct global_reg reg[MAX_REG_NUM]; }; //For saving status changes across sessions. [skotlex] struct status_change_data { unsigned short type; //SC_type long val1, val2, val3, val4, tick; //Remaining duration. }; struct storage_data { int storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_STORAGE]; }; struct guild_storage { int dirty; int guild_id; short storage_status; short storage_amount; struct item items[MAX_GUILD_STORAGE]; }; struct s_pet { int account_id; int char_id; int pet_id; short class_; short level; short egg_id;//pet egg id short equip;//pet equip name_id short intimate;//pet friendly short hungry;//pet hungry char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char rename_flag; char incuvate; }; struct s_homunculus { //[orn] char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int hom_id; int char_id; short class_; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int intimacy; //[orn] short hunger; struct s_skill hskill[MAX_HOMUNSKILL]; //albator short skillpts; short level; unsigned int exp; short rename_flag; short vaporize; //albator int str ; int agi ; int vit ; int int_ ; int dex ; int luk ; }; struct s_mercenary { int mercenary_id; int char_id; short class_; int hp, sp; unsigned int kill_count; unsigned int life_time; }; struct s_friend { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; #ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING struct hotkey { unsigned int id; unsigned short lv; unsigned char type; // 0: item, 1: skill }; #endif struct mmo_charstatus { int char_id; int account_id; int partner_id; int father; int mother; int child; unsigned int base_exp,job_exp; int zeny; short class_; unsigned int status_point,skill_point; int hp,max_hp,sp,max_sp; unsigned int option; short manner; unsigned char karma; short hair,hair_color,clothes_color; int party_id,guild_id,pet_id,hom_id,mer_id; int fame; // Mercenary Guilds Rank int arch_faith, arch_calls; int spear_faith, spear_calls; int sword_faith, sword_calls; short weapon; // enum weapon_type short shield; // view-id short head_top,head_mid,head_bottom; short robe; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned int base_level,job_level; short str,agi,vit,int_,dex,luk; unsigned char slot,sex; uint32 mapip; uint16 mapport; struct point last_point,save_point,memo_point[MAX_MEMOPOINTS]; struct item inventory[MAX_INVENTORY],cart[MAX_CART]; struct storage_data storage; struct s_skill skill[MAX_SKILL]; struct s_friend friends[MAX_FRIENDS]; //New friend system [skotlex] #ifdef HOTKEY_SAVING struct hotkey hotkeys[MAX_HOTKEYS]; #endif bool show_equip; short rename; time_t delete_date; }; typedef enum mail_status { MAIL_NEW, MAIL_UNREAD, MAIL_READ, } mail_status; struct mail_message { int id; int send_id; char send_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int dest_id; char dest_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char title[MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH]; char body[MAIL_BODY_LENGTH]; mail_status status; time_t timestamp; // marks when the message was sent int zeny; struct item item; }; struct mail_data { short amount; bool full; short unchecked, unread; struct mail_message msg[MAIL_MAX_INBOX]; }; struct auction_data { unsigned int auction_id; int seller_id; char seller_name[NAME_LENGTH]; int buyer_id; char buyer_name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct item item; // This data is required for searching, as itemdb is not read by char server char item_name[iTEM_NAME_LENGTH]; short type; unsigned short hours; int price, buynow; time_t timestamp; // auction's end time int auction_end_timer; }; struct registry { int global_num; struct global_reg global[GLOBAL_REG_NUM]; int account_num; struct global_reg account[ACCOUNT_REG_NUM]; int account2_num; struct global_reg account2[ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM]; }; struct party_member { int account_id; int char_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned short class_; unsigned short map; unsigned short lv; unsigned leader : 1, online : 1; }; struct party { int party_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; unsigned char count; //Count of online characters. unsigned exp : 1, item : 2; //&1: Party-Share (round-robin), &2: pickup style: shared. struct party_member member[MAX_PARTY]; }; struct map_session_data; struct guild_member { int account_id, char_id; short hair,hair_color,gender,class_,lv; uint64 exp; int exp_payper; short online,position; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; struct map_session_data *sd; unsigned char modified; }; struct guild_position { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; int mode; int exp_mode; unsigned char modified; }; struct guild_alliance { int opposition; int guild_id; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; struct guild_expulsion { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char mes[40]; int account_id; }; struct guild_skill { int id,lv; }; struct guild { int guild_id; short guild_lv, connect_member, max_member, average_lv; uint64 exp; unsigned int next_exp; int skill_point; char name[NAME_LENGTH],master[NAME_LENGTH]; struct guild_member member[MAX_GUILD]; struct guild_position position[MAX_GUILDPOSITION]; char mes1[MAX_GUILDMES1],mes2[MAX_GUILDMES2]; int emblem_len,emblem_id; char emblem_data[2048]; struct guild_alliance alliance[MAX_GUILDALLIANCE]; struct guild_expulsion expulsion[MAX_GUILDEXPULSION]; struct guild_skill skill[MAX_GUILDSKILL]; unsigned short save_flag; // for TXT saving }; struct guild_castle { int castle_id; int mapindex; char castle_name[NAME_LENGTH]; char castle_event[NAME_LENGTH]; int guild_id; int economy; int defense; int triggerE; int triggerD; int nextTime; int payTime; int createTime; int visibleC; struct { unsigned visible : 1; int id; // object id } guardian[MAX_GUARDIANS]; int* temp_guardians; // ids of temporary guardians (mobs) int temp_guardians_max; }; struct fame_list { int id; int fame; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; }; enum { GBI_EXP =1, // ƒMƒ‹ƒh‚ÌEXP GBI_GUILDLV, // ƒMƒ‹ƒh‚ÌLv GBI_SKILLPOINT, // ƒMƒ‹ƒh‚̃XƒLƒ‹ƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg GBI_SKILLLV, // ƒMƒ‹ƒhƒXƒLƒ‹Lv }; enum { GMI_POSITION =0, // ƒƒ“ƒo[‚Ì–ðE•ÏX GMI_EXP, GMI_HAIR, GMI_HAIR_COLOR, GMI_GENDER, GMI_CLASS, GMI_LEVEL, }; enum { GD_SKILLBASE=10000, GD_APPROVAL=10000, GD_KAFRACONTRACT=10001, GD_GUARDRESEARCH=10002, GD_GUARDUP=10003, GD_EXTENSION=10004, GD_GLORYGUILD=10005, GD_LEADERSHIP=10006, GD_GLORYWOUNDS=10007, GD_SOULCOLD=10008, GD_HAWKEYES=10009, GD_BATTLEORDER=10010, GD_REGENERATION=10011, GD_RESTORE=10012, GD_EMERGENCYCALL=10013, GD_DEVELOPMENT=10014, GD_MAX, }; //These mark the ID of the jobs, as expected by the client. [skotlex] enum { JOB_NOVICE, JOB_SWORDMAN, JOB_MAGE, JOB_ARCHER, JOB_ACOLYTE, JOB_MERCHANT, JOB_THIEF, JOB_KNIGHT, JOB_PRIEST, JOB_WIZARD, JOB_BLACKSMITH, JOB_HUNTER, JOB_ASSASSIN, JOB_KNIGHT2, JOB_CRUSADER, JOB_MONK, JOB_SAGE, JOB_ROGUE, JOB_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BARD, JOB_DANCER, JOB_CRUSADER2, JOB_WEDDING, JOB_SUPER_NOVICE, JOB_GUNSLINGER, JOB_NINJA, JOB_XMAS, JOB_SUMMER, JOB_MAX_BASIC, JOB_NOVICE_HIGH = 4001, JOB_SWORDMAN_HIGH, JOB_MAGE_HIGH, JOB_ARCHER_HIGH, JOB_ACOLYTE_HIGH, JOB_MERCHANT_HIGH, JOB_THIEF_HIGH, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT, JOB_HIGH_PRIEST, JOB_HIGH_WIZARD, JOB_WHITESMITH, JOB_SNIPER, JOB_ASSASSIN_CROSS, JOB_LORD_KNIGHT2, JOB_PALADIN, JOB_CHAMPION, JOB_PROFESSOR, JOB_STALKER, JOB_CREATOR, JOB_CLOWN, JOB_GYPSY, JOB_PALADIN2, JOB_BABY, JOB_BABY_SWORDMAN, JOB_BABY_MAGE, JOB_BABY_ARCHER, JOB_BABY_ACOLYTE, JOB_BABY_MERCHANT, JOB_BABY_THIEF, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT, JOB_BABY_PRIEST, JOB_BABY_WIZARD, JOB_BABY_BLACKSMITH, JOB_BABY_HUNTER, JOB_BABY_ASSASSIN, JOB_BABY_KNIGHT2, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER, JOB_BABY_MONK, JOB_BABY_SAGE, JOB_BABY_ROGUE, JOB_BABY_ALCHEMIST, JOB_BABY_BARD, JOB_BABY_DANCER, JOB_BABY_CRUSADER2, JOB_SUPER_BABY, JOB_TAEKWON, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR, JOB_STAR_GLADIATOR2, JOB_SOUL_LINKER, JOB_MAX, }; enum { SEX_FEMALE = 0, SEX_MALE, SEX_SERVER }; // sanity checks... #if MAX_ZENY > INT_MAX #error MAX_ZENY is too big #endif #endif /* _MMO_H_ */ packet_db.txt // Client<->Map Packet Database // // Structure of Database: // PacketType,PacketLength[,Name,FieldIndex1:FieldIndex2:FieldIndex3:...] // // 01. PacketType ID of the packet. // 02. PacketLength Length of the packet. If 0, packet is disabled in current packet version. If -1, packet has variable size. // 03. Name Name of the packet parser function (optional, for incoming packets only). // 04. FieldIndex Specifies the offset of a packet field in bytes from the begin of the packet (only specified when Name is given). // Can be 0, when the layout is not known. // ... // // NOTE: Up to MAX_PACKET_POS (typically 20) field indexes may be used. // // The packet database allows you to add support for new clients, // because packets change every release. // // Note: Every packet version needs a wanttoconnection specification, since // that is the packet used to identify a client's version. // If multiple versions have the same connection packet, the higher version // will be used (unless the lower one is specified as the default) // // Incoming packets have their parser function and layout specified, which enables // them for the current and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. // // Outgoing packets must be specified in order to enable them for the current // and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. Packets that are not // enabled for a packet version are silently discarded when sent as multicast. // // Every packet version inherits packet definitions from the previous (lower) // packet version. // // Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version) // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version. // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients) packet_db_ver: default //packet_db_ver: default packet_ver: 5 0x0064,55 0x0065,17 0x0066,6 0x0067,37 0x0068,46 0x0069,-1 0x006a,23 0x006b,-1 0x006c,3 0x006d,108 0x006e,3 0x006f,2 0x0070,6 0x0071,28 0x0072,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0073,11 0x0074,3 0x0075,-1 0x0076,9 0x0077,5 0x0078,54 0x0079,53 0x007a,58 0x007b,60 0x007c,41 0x007d,2,loadendack,0 0x007e,6,ticksend,2 0x007f,6 0x0080,7 0x0081,3 0x0082,2 0x0083,2 0x0084,2 0x0085,5,walktoxy,2 0x0086,16 0x0087,12 0x0088,10 0x0089,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x008a,29 0x008b,2 0x008c,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x008d,-1 0x008e,-1 //0x008f,0 0x0090,7,npcclicked,2 0x0091,22 0x0092,28 0x0093,2 0x0094,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0095,30 0x0096,-1,wis,2:4:28 0x0097,-1 0x0098,3 0x0099,-1,broadcast,2:4 0x009a,-1 0x009b,5,changedir,2:4 0x009c,9 0x009d,17 0x009e,17 0x009f,6,takeitem,2 0x00a0,23 0x00a1,6 0x00a2,6,dropitem,2:4 0x00a3,-1 0x00a4,-1 0x00a5,-1 0x00a6,-1 0x00a7,8,useitem,2:4 0x00a8,7 0x00a9,6,equipitem,2:4 0x00aa,7 0x00ab,4,unequipitem,2 0x00ac,7 //0x00ad,0 0x00ae,-1 0x00af,6 0x00b0,8 0x00b1,8 0x00b2,3,restart,2 0x00b3,3 0x00b4,-1 0x00b5,6 0x00b6,6 0x00b7,-1 0x00b8,7,npcselectmenu,2:6 0x00b9,6,npcnextclicked,2 0x00ba,2 0x00bb,5,statusup,2:4 0x00bc,6 0x00bd,44 0x00be,5 0x00bf,3,emotion,2 0x00c0,7 0x00c1,2,howmanyconnections,0 0x00c2,6 0x00c3,8 0x00c4,6 0x00c5,7,npcbuysellselected,2:6 0x00c6,-1 0x00c7,-1 0x00c8,-1,npcbuylistsend,2:4 0x00c9,-1,npcselllistsend,2:4 0x00ca,3 0x00cb,3 0x00cc,6,gmkick,2 0x00cd,3 0x00ce,2,killall,0 0x00cf,27,wisexin,2:26 0x00d0,3,wisall,2 0x00d1,4 0x00d2,4 0x00d3,2,wisexlist,0 0x00d4,-1 0x00d5,-1,createchatroom,2:4:6:7:15 0x00d6,3 0x00d7,-1 0x00d8,6 0x00d9,14,chataddmember,2:6 0x00da,3 0x00db,-1 0x00dc,28 0x00dd,29 0x00de,-1,chatroomstatuschange,2:4:6:7:15 0x00df,-1 0x00e0,30,changechatowner,2:6 0x00e1,30 0x00e2,26,kickfromchat,2 0x00e3,2,chatleave,0 0x00e4,6,traderequest,2 0x00e5,26 0x00e6,3,tradeack,2 0x00e7,3 0x00e8,8,tradeadditem,2:4 0x00e9,19 0x00ea,5 0x00eb,2,tradeok,0 0x00ec,3 0x00ed,2,tradecancel,0 0x00ee,2 0x00ef,2,tradecommit,0 0x00f0,3 0x00f1,2 0x00f2,6 0x00f3,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x00f4,21 0x00f5,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x00f6,8 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x00f8,2 0x00f9,26,createparty,2 0x00fa,3 0x00fb,-1 0x00fc,6,partyinvite,2 0x00fd,27 0x00fe,30 0x00ff,10,replypartyinvite,2:6 0x0100,2,leaveparty,0 0x0101,6 0x0102,6,partychangeoption,2 0x0103,30,removepartymember,2:6 0x0104,79 0x0105,31 0x0106,10 0x0107,10 0x0108,-1,partymessage,2:4 0x0109,-1 0x010a,4 0x010b,6 0x010c,6 0x010d,2 0x010e,11 0x010f,-1 0x0110,10 0x0111,39 0x0112,4,skillup,2 0x0113,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0114,31 0x0115,35 0x0116,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0117,18 0x0118,2,stopattack,0 0x0119,13 0x011a,15 0x011b,20,useskillmap,2:4 0x011c,68 0x011d,2,requestmemo,0 0x011e,3 0x011f,16 0x0120,6 0x0121,14 0x0122,-1 0x0123,-1 0x0124,21 0x0125,8 0x0126,8,putitemtocart,2:4 0x0127,8,getitemfromcart,2:4 0x0128,8,movefromkafratocart,2:4 0x0129,8,movetokafrafromcart,2:4 0x012a,2,removeoption,0 0x012b,2 0x012c,3 0x012d,4 0x012e,2,closevending,0 0x012f,-1 0x0130,6,vendinglistreq,2 0x0131,86 0x0132,6 0x0133,-1 0x0134,-1,purchasereq,2:4:8 0x0135,7 0x0136,-1 0x0137,6 0x0138,3 0x0139,16 0x013a,4 0x013b,4 0x013c,4 0x013d,6 0x013e,24 0x013f,26,itemmonster,2 0x0140,22,mapmove,2:18:20 0x0141,14 0x0142,6 0x0143,10,npcamountinput,2:6 0x0144,23 0x0145,19 0x0146,6,npccloseclicked,2 0x0147,39 0x0148,8 0x0149,9,gmreqnochat,2:6:7 0x014a,6 0x014b,27 0x014c,-1 0x014d,2,guildcheckmaster,0 0x014e,6 0x014f,6,guildrequestinfo,2 0x0150,110 0x0151,6,guildrequestemblem,2 0x0152,-1 0x0153,-1,guildchangeemblem,2:4 0x0154,-1 0x0155,-1,guildchangememberposition,2:4 0x0156,-1 0x0157,6 0x0158,-1 0x0159,54,guildleave,2:6:10:14 0x015a,66 0x015b,54,guildexpulsion,2:6:10:14 0x015c,90 0x015d,42,guildbreak,2 0x015e,6 0x015f,42 0x0160,-1 0x0161,-1,guildchangepositioninfo,2:4 0x0162,-1 0x0163,-1 0x0164,-1 0x0165,30,createguild,6 0x0166,-1 0x0167,3 0x0168,14,guildinvite,2 0x0169,3 0x016a,30 0x016b,10,guildreplyinvite,2:6 0x016c,43 0x016d,14 0x016e,186,guildchangenotice,2:6:66 0x016f,182 0x0170,14,guildrequestalliance,2 0x0171,30 0x0172,10,guildreplyalliance,2:6 0x0173,3 0x0174,-1 0x0175,6 0x0176,106 0x0177,-1 0x0178,4,itemidentify,2 0x0179,5 0x017a,4,usecard,2 0x017b,-1 0x017c,6,insertcard,2:4 0x017d,7 0x017e,-1,guildmessage,2:4 0x017f,-1 0x0180,6,guildopposition,2 0x0181,3 0x0182,106 0x0183,10,guilddelalliance,2:6 0x0184,10 0x0185,34 //0x0186,0 0x0187,6 0x0188,8 0x0189,4 0x018a,4,quitgame,0 0x018b,4 0x018c,29 0x018d,-1 0x018e,10,producemix,2:4:6:8 0x018f,6 0x0190,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0191,86 0x0192,24 0x0193,6,solvecharname,2 0x0194,30 0x0195,102 0x0196,9 0x0197,4,resetchar,2 0x0198,8,changemaptype,2:4:6 0x0199,4 0x019a,14 0x019b,10 0x019c,-1,localbroadcast,2:4 0x019d,6,gmhide,0 0x019e,2 0x019f,6,catchpet,2 0x01a0,3 0x01a1,3,petmenu,2 0x01a2,35 0x01a3,5 0x01a4,11 0x01a5,26,changepetname,2 0x01a6,-1 0x01a7,4,selectegg,2 0x01a8,4 0x01a9,6,sendemotion,2 0x01aa,10 0x01ab,12 0x01ac,6 0x01ad,-1 0x01ae,4,selectarrow,2 0x01af,4,changecart,2 0x01b0,11 0x01b1,7 0x01b2,-1,openvending,2:4:84:85 0x01b3,67 0x01b4,12 0x01b5,18 0x01b6,114 0x01b7,6 0x01b8,3 0x01b9,6 0x01ba,26,remove,2 0x01bb,26,shift,2 0x01bc,26,recall,2 0x01bd,26,summon,2 0x01be,2 0x01bf,3 0x01c0,2 0x01c1,14 0x01c2,10 0x01c3,-1 0x01c4,22 0x01c5,22 0x01c6,4 0x01c7,2 0x01c8,13 0x01c9,97 //0x01ca,0 0x01cb,9 0x01cc,9 0x01cd,30 0x01ce,6,autospell,2 0x01cf,28 0x01d0,8 0x01d1,14 0x01d2,10 0x01d3,35 0x01d4,6 0x01d5,-1,npcstringinput,2:4:8 0x01d6,4 0x01d7,11 0x01d8,54 0x01d9,53 0x01da,60 0x01db,2 0x01dc,-1 0x01dd,47 0x01de,33 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x01e0,30 0x01e1,8 0x01e2,34 0x01e3,14 0x01e4,2 0x01e5,6 0x01e6,26 0x01e7,2,sndoridori,0 0x01e8,28,createparty2,2 0x01e9,81 0x01ea,6 0x01eb,10 0x01ec,26 0x01ed,2,snexplosionspirits,0 0x01ee,-1 0x01ef,-1 0x01f0,-1 0x01f1,-1 0x01f2,20 0x01f3,10 0x01f4,32 0x01f5,9 0x01f6,34 0x01f7,14,adoptreply,0 0x01f8,2 0x01f9,6,adoptrequest,0 0x01fa,48 0x01fb,56 0x01fc,-1 0x01fd,4,repairitem,2 0x01fe,5 0x01ff,10 0x0200,26 0x0201,-1 0x0202,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0203,10,friendslistremove,2:6 0x0204,18 0x0205,26 0x0206,11 0x0207,34 0x0208,11,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x0209,36 0x020a,10 //0x020b,0 //0x020c,0 0x020d,-1 //2004-07-05aSakexe packet_ver: 6 0x0072,22,wanttoconnection,5:9:13:17:21 0x0085,8,walktoxy,5 0x00a7,13,useitem,5:9 0x0113,15,useskilltoid,4:9:11 0x0116,15,useskilltopos,4:9:11:13 0x0190,95,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:11:13:15 0x0208,14,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x020e,24 //2004-07-13aSakexe packet_ver: 7 0x0072,39,wanttoconnection,12:22:30:34:38 0x0085,9,walktoxy,6 0x009b,13,changedir,5:12 0x009f,10,takeitem,6 0x00a7,17,useitem,6:13 0x0113,19,useskilltoid,7:9:15 0x0116,19,useskilltopos,7:9:15:17 0x0190,99,useskilltoposinfo,7:9:15:17:19 //2004-07-26aSakexe packet_ver: 8 0x0072,14,dropitem,5:12 0x007e,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0085,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0089,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x008c,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x0094,10,takeitem,6 0x009b,6,walktoxy,3 0x009f,13,changedir,5:12 0x00a2,103,useskilltoposinfo,3:6:17:21:23 0x00a7,12,solvecharname,8 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,17,useitem,6:12 0x00f7,10,ticksend,6 0x0113,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0116,2,closekafra,0 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,10:22 0x0193,9,actionrequest,3:8 //2004-08-09aSakexe packet_ver: 9 0x0072,17,dropitem,8:15 0x007e,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x0085,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x0089,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x008c,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0094,13,takeitem,9 0x009b,15,walktoxy,12 0x009f,12,changedir,7:11 0x00a2,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x00a7,11,solvecharname,7 0x00f5,24,useitem,9:20 0x00f7,13,ticksend,9 0x0113,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0193,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2004-08-16aSakexe 0x0212,26,rc,2 0x0213,26,check,2 0x0214,42 //2004-08-17aSakexe 0x020f,10,pvpinfo,2:6 0x0210,22 //2004-09-06aSakexe packet_ver: 10 0x0072,20,useitem,9:20 0x007e,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x0085,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x0089,9,walktoxy,6 0x008c,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0094,17,dropitem,6:15 0x009b,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x009f,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x00f3,10,changedir,4:9 0x00f5,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x0113,11,takeitem,7 0x0116,11,ticksend,7 0x0190,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x0193,17,movefromkafra,3:13 //2004-09-20aSakexe packet_ver: 11 0x0072,18,useitem,10:14 0x007e,25,movetokafra,6:21 0x0085,9,actionrequest,3:8 0x0089,14,walktoxy,11 0x008c,109,useskilltoposinfo,16:20:23:27:29 0x0094,19,dropitem,12:17 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,29,useskilltopos,6:20:23:27 0x00f3,18,changedir,8:17 0x00f5,32,wanttoconnection,10:17:23:27:31 0x0113,14,takeitem,10 0x0116,14,ticksend,10 0x0190,14,useskilltoid,4:7:10 0x0193,12,movefromkafra,4:8 //2004-10-05aSakexe packet_ver: 12 0x0072,17,useitem,6:13 0x007e,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0089,6,walktoxy,3 0x008c,103,useskilltoposinfo,2:6:17:21:23 0x0094,14,dropitem,5:12 0x009b,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x00a2,12,solvecharname,8 0x00a7,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x00f3,13,changedir,5:12 0x00f5,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0113,10,takeitem,6 0x0116,10,ticksend,6 0x0190,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0193,26,movefromkafra,10:22 //2004-10-25aSakexe packet_ver: 13 0x0072,13,useitem,5:9 0x007e,13,movetokafra,6:9 0x0085,15,actionrequest,4:14 0x008c,108,useskilltoposinfo,6:9:23:26:28 0x0094,12,dropitem,6:10 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,16,solvecharname,12 0x00a7,28,useskilltopos,6:9:23:26 0x00f3,15,changedir,6:14 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,5:14:20:24:28 0x0113,9,takeitem,5 0x0116,9,ticksend,5 0x0190,26,useskilltoid,4:10:22 0x0193,22,movefromkafra,12:18 //2004-11-01aSakexe 0x0084,-1 0x0215,6 //2004-11-08aSakexe 0x0084,2 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x0218,2,alchemist,0 0x0219,282 0x021a,282 0x021b,10 0x021c,10 //2004-11-15aSakexe 0x021d,6,lesseffect,2 //2004-11-29aSakexe packet_ver: 14 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,8:12:18 0x007e,30,useskilltopos,4:9:22:28 0x0085,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,13,getcharnamerequest,9 0x0094,14,movetokafra,4:10 0x009b,2,closekafra,0 0x009f,18,actionrequest,6:17 0x00a2,7,takeitem,3 0x00a7,7,walktoxy,4 0x00f3,8,changedir,3:7 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,3:10:20:24:28 0x00f7,14,solvecharname,10 0x0113,110,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:22:28:30 0x0116,12,dropitem,4:10 0x0190,15,useitem,3:11 0x0193,21,movefromkafra,4:17 0x0221,-1 0x0222,6,weaponrefine,2 0x0223,8 //2004-12-13aSakexe //skipped: many packets being set to -1 0x0066,3 0x0070,3 0x01ca,3 0x021e,6 0x021f,66 0x0220,10 //2005-01-10bSakexe packet_ver: 15 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,8:16:22 0x007e,114,useskilltoposinfo,10:18:22:32:34 0x0085,23,changedir,12:22 0x0089,9,ticksend,5 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,20,movetokafra,10:16 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,3:12:23:27:31 0x009f,17,useitem,5:13 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,13,walktoxy,10 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,9,takeitem,5 0x00f7,21,movefromkafra,11:17 0x0113,34,useskilltopos,10:18:22:32 0x0116,20,dropitem,15:18 0x0190,20,actionrequest,9:19 0x0193,2,closekafra,0 //2005-03-28aSakexe 0x0224,10 0x0225,2,taekwon,0 0x0226,282 //2005-04-04aSakexe 0x0227,18 0x0228,18 //2005-04-11aSakexe 0x0229,15 0x022a,58 0x022b,57 0x022c,64 //2005-04-25aSakexe 0x022d,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0232,9,hommoveto,2:6 0x0233,11,homattack,2:6:10 0x0234,6,hommovetomaster,2 //2005-05-09aSakexe packet_ver: 16 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2005-05-23aSakexe 0x022e,69 0x0230,12 //2005-05-30aSakexe 0x022e,71 0x0235,-1 0x0236,10 0x0237,2,rankingpk,0 0x0238,282 //2005-05-31aSakexe 0x0216,2 0x0239,11 //2005-06-08aSakexe 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x022f,5 0x0231,26,changehomunculusname,0 0x023a,4 0x023b,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 0x023c,6 //2005-06-22aSakexe 0x022e,71 //2005-06-28aSakexe packet_ver: 17 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 0x0216,0 0x023d,-1 0x023e,4 //2005-07-18aSakexe packet_ver: 18 0x0072,19,useskilltoid,5:11:15 0x007e,110,useskilltoposinfo,9:15:23:28:30 0x0085,11,changedir,6:10 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,21,movetokafra,12:17 0x009b,31,wanttoconnection,3:13:22:26:30 0x009f,12,useitem,3:8 0x00a2,18,solvecharname,14 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,7,takeitem,3 0x00f7,13,movefromkafra,5:9 0x0113,30,useskilltopos,9:15:23:28 0x0116,12,dropitem,6:10 0x0190,21,actionrequest,5:20 0x0216,6 0x023f,2,mailrefresh,0 0x0240,8 0x0241,6,mailread,2 0x0242,-1 0x0243,6,maildelete,2 0x0244,6,mailgetattach,2 0x0245,7 0x0246,4,mailwinopen,2 0x0247,8,mailsetattach,2:4 0x0248,68 0x0249,3 0x024a,70 0x024b,4,auctioncancelreg,2 0x024c,8,auctionsetitem,2:4 0x024d,14 0x024e,6,auctioncancel,2 0x024f,10,auctionbid,2:6 0x0250,3 0x0251,2 0x0252,-1 //2005-07-19bSakexe packet_ver: 19 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 //2005-08-01aSakexe 0x0245,3 0x0251,4 //2005-08-08aSakexe 0x024d,12,auctionregister,2:6:10 0x024e,4 //2005-08-17aSakexe 0x0253,3 0x0254,3,feelsaveok,0 //2005-08-29aSakexe 0x0240,-1 0x0248,-1,mailsend,2:4:28:68 0x0255,5 0x0256,0 0x0257,8 //2005-09-12bSakexe 0x0256,5 0x0258,2 0x0259,3 //2005-10-10aSakexe 0x020e,32 0x025a,-1 0x025b,6,cooking,0 //2005-10-13aSakexe 0x007a,6 0x0251,32 0x025c,4,auctionbuysell,2 //2005-10-17aSakexe 0x007a,58 0x025d,6,auctionclose,2 0x025e,4 //2005-10-24aSakexe 0x025f,6 0x0260,6 //2005-11-07aSakexe 0x0251,34,auctionsearch,2:4:8:32 //2006-01-09aSakexe 0x0261,11 0x0262,11 0x0263,11 0x0264,20 0x0265,20 0x0266,30 0x0267,4 0x0268,4 0x0269,4 0x026a,4 0x026b,4 0x026c,4 0x026d,4 0x026f,2 0x0270,2 0x0271,38 0x0272,44 //2006-01-26aSakexe 0x0271,40 //2006-03-06aSakexe 0x0273,6 0x0274,8 //2006-03-13aSakexe 0x0273,30,mailreturn,2:6 //2006-03-27aSakexe packet_ver: 20 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x0085,12,changedir,7:11 //0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x0094,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x009b,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x009f,24,useitem,9:20 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0116,17,dropitem,8:15 0x0190,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2006-10-23aSakexe 0x006d,110 //2006-04-24aSakexe to 2007-01-02aSakexe 0x023e,8 0x0277,84 0x0278,2 0x0279,2 0x027a,-1 0x027b,14 0x027c,60 0x027d,62 0x027e,-1 0x027f,8 0x0280,12 0x0281,4 0x0282,284 0x0283,6 0x0284,14 0x0285,6 0x0286,4 0x0287,-1 0x0288,6,cashshopbuy,2:4 0x0289,8 0x028a,18 0x028b,-1 0x028c,46 0x028d,34 0x028e,4 0x028f,6 0x0290,4 0x0291,4 0x0292,2,autorevive,0 0x0293,70 0x0294,10 0x0295,-1 0x0296,-1 0x0297,-1 0x0298,8 0x0299,6 0x029a,27 0x029c,66 0x029d,-1 0x029e,11 0x029f,3,mermenu,0 0x02a0,0 0x02a1,0 0x02a2,8 //2007-01-08aSakexe packet_ver: 21 0x0072,30,useskilltoid,10:14:26 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,10:19:23:38:40 0x0085,14,changedir,10:13 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,17,getcharnamerequest,13 0x0094,17,movetokafra,4:13 0x009b,35,wanttoconnection,7:21:26:30:34 0x009f,21,useitem,7:17 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,15,movefromkafra,3:11 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,10:19:23:38 0x0116,19,dropitem,11:17 0x0190,10,actionrequest,4:9 //2007-01-22aSakexe 0x02a3,18 0x02a4,2 //2007-01-29aSakexe 0x029b,72 0x02a3,0 0x02a4,0 0x02a5,8 // 2007-02-05aSakexe 0x02aa,4 0x02ab,36 0x02ac,6 //2007-02-12aSakexe packet_ver: 22 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 //0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2007-05-07aSakexe 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2 //2007-02-27aSakexe to 2007-10-02aSakexe 0x0288,10,cashshopbuy,2:4:6 0x0289,12 0x02a6,22 0x02a7,22 0x02a8,162 0x02a9,58 0x02ad,8 0x02b0,85 0x02b1,-1 0x02b2,-1 0x02b3,107 0x02b4,6 0x02b5,-1 0x02b6,7,queststate,2:6 0x02b7,7 0x02b8,22 0x02b9,191 0x02ba,11,hotkey,2:4:5:9 0x02bb,8 0x02bc,6 0x02bf,10 0x02c0,2 0x02c1,-1 0x02c2,-1 0x02c4,26,partyinvite2,2 0x02c5,30 0x02c6,30 0x02c7,7,replypartyinvite2,2:6 0x02c8,3 0x02c9,3 0x02ca,3 0x02cb,20 0x02cc,4 0x02cd,26 0x02ce,10 0x02cf,6 0x02d0,-1 0x02d1,-1 0x02d2,-1 0x02d3,4 0x02d4,29 0x02d5,2 0x02d6,6,viewplayerequip,2 0x02d7,-1 0x02d8,10,equiptickbox,6 0x02d9,10 0x02da,3 0x02db,-1,battlechat,2:4 0x02dc,-1 0x02dd,32 0x02de,6 0x02df,36 0x02e0,34 //2007-10-23aSakexe 0x02cb,65 0x02cd,71 //2007-11-06aSakexe 0x0078,55 0x007c,42 0x022c,65 0x029b,80 //2007-11-13aSakexe 0x02e1,33 //2007-11-20aSakexe //0x01df,10 <- ??? 0x02e2,14 0x02e3,25 0x02e4,8 0x02e5,8 0x02e6,6 //2007-11-27aSakexe 0x02e7,-1 //2008-01-02aSakexe 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x02e8,-1 0x02e9,-1 0x02ea,-1 0x02eb,13 0x02ec,67 0x02ed,59 0x02ee,60 0x02ef,8 //2008-03-18aSakexe 0x02bf,0 0x02c0,0 0x02f0,10 0x02f1,2,progressbar,0 0x02f2,2 //2008-03-25bSakexe 0x02f3,-1 0x02f4,-1 0x02f5,-1 0x02f6,-1 0x02f7,-1 0x02f8,-1 0x02f9,-1 0x02fa,-1 0x02fb,-1 0x02fc,-1 0x02fd,-1 0x02fe,-1 0x02ff,-1 0x0300,-1 //2008-04-01aSakexe 0x0301,-1 0x0302,-1 0x0303,-1 0x0304,-1 0x0305,-1 0x0306,-1 0x0307,-1 0x0308,-1 0x0309,-1 0x030a,-1 0x030b,-1 0x030c,-1 0x030d,-1 0x030e,-1 0x030f,-1 0x0310,-1 0x0311,-1 0x0312,-1 0x0313,-1 0x0314,-1 0x0315,-1 0x0316,-1 0x0317,-1 0x0318,-1 0x0319,-1 0x031a,-1 0x031b,-1 0x031c,-1 0x031d,-1 0x031e,-1 0x031f,-1 0x0320,-1 0x0321,-1 0x0322,-1 0x0323,-1 0x0324,-1 0x0325,-1 0x0326,-1 0x0327,-1 0x0328,-1 0x0329,-1 0x032a,-1 0x032b,-1 0x032c,-1 0x032d,-1 0x032e,-1 0x032f,-1 0x0330,-1 0x0331,-1 0x0332,-1 0x0333,-1 0x0334,-1 0x0335,-1 0x0336,-1 0x0337,-1 0x0338,-1 0x0339,-1 0x033a,-1 0x033b,-1 0x033c,-1 0x033d,-1 0x033e,-1 0x033f,-1 0x0340,-1 0x0341,-1 0x0342,-1 0x0343,-1 0x0344,-1 0x0345,-1 0x0346,-1 0x0347,-1 0x0348,-1 0x0349,-1 0x034a,-1 0x034b,-1 0x034c,-1 0x034d,-1 0x034e,-1 0x034f,-1 0x0350,-1 0x0351,-1 0x0352,-1 0x0353,-1 0x0354,-1 0x0355,-1 0x0356,-1 0x0357,-1 0x0358,-1 0x0359,-1 0x035a,-1 //2008-05-27aSakexe 0x035b,-1 0x035c,2 0x035d,-1 0x035e,2 0x035f,-1 0x0389,-1 //2008-08-20aSakexe 0x040c,-1 0x040d,-1 0x040e,-1 0x040f,-1 0x0410,-1 0x0411,-1 0x0412,-1 0x0413,-1 0x0414,-1 0x0415,-1 0x0416,-1 0x0417,-1 0x0418,-1 0x0419,-1 0x041a,-1 0x041b,-1 0x041c,-1 0x041d,-1 0x041e,-1 0x041f,-1 0x0420,-1 0x0421,-1 0x0422,-1 0x0423,-1 0x0424,-1 0x0425,-1 0x0426,-1 0x0427,-1 0x0428,-1 0x0429,-1 0x042a,-1 0x042b,-1 0x042c,-1 0x042d,-1 0x042e,-1 0x042f,-1 0x0430,-1 0x0431,-1 0x0432,-1 0x0433,-1 0x0434,-1 0x0435,-1 //2008-09-10aSakexe packet_ver: 23 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-13aSakexe 0x043d,8 0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-11-26aSakexe 0x01a2,37 0x0440,10 0x0441,4 //2008-12-10aSakexe 0x0442,-1 0x0443,8 //2009-01-14aSakexe 0x043f,25 0x0444,-1 0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aSakexe 0x0446,14 //2009-02-25aSakexe 0x0448,-1 //2009-03-30aSakexe 0x0449,4 //2009-04-08aSakexe 0x02a6,-1 0x02a7,-1 0x044a,6 //Renewal Clients //2008-08-27aRagexeRE packet_ver: 24 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x007c,44 0x007e,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0085,10,changedir,4:9 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x0094,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x009b,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x009f,20,useitem,7:20 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,9,walktoxy,6 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,17,movefromkafra,3:13 0x0113,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x0116,17,dropitem,6:15 0x0190,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x02e2,20 0x02e3,22 0x02e4,11 0x02e5,9 //2008-09-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 25 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-12aRagexeRE 0x043d,8 //0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-12-17aRagexeRE 0x01a2,37 //0x0440,10 //0x0441,4 //0x0442,8 //0x0443,8 //2008-12-17bRagexeRE 0x006d,114 //2009-01-21aRagexeRE 0x043f,25 //0x0444,-1 //0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aRagexeRE //0x0446,14 //2009-02-26cRagexeRE //0x0448,-1 //2009-04-01aRagexeRE //0x0449,4 //2009-05-14aRagexeRE //0x044b,2 //2009-05-20aRagexeRE //0x07d0,6 //0x07d1,2 //0x07d2,-1 //0x07d3,4 //0x07d4,4 //0x07d5,4 //0x07d6,4 //0x0447,2 //2009-06-03aRagexeRE 0x07d7,8,partychangeoption,2:6:7 0x07d8,8 0x07d9,254 0x07da,6,partychangeleader,2 //2009-06-10aRagexeRE //0x07db,8 //2009-06-17aRagexeRE 0x07d9,268 //0x07dc,6 //0x07dd,54 //0x07de,30 //0x07df,54 //2009-07-01aRagexeRE //0x0275,37 //0x0276,-1 //2009-07-08aRagexeRE //0x07e0,58 //2009-07-15aRagexeRE 0x07e1,15 //2009-08-05aRagexeRE 0x07e2,8 //2009-08-18aRagexeRE //0x07e3,6 //0x07e4,-1 0x07e6,8 //2009-08-25aRagexeRE //0x07e6,28 0x07e7,5 //2009-09-22aRagexeRE 0x07e5,8 //0x07e6,8 0x07e7,32 0x07e8,-1 0x07e9,5 //2009-09-29aRagexeRE //0x07ea,2 //0x07eb,0 //0x07ec,6 //0x07ed,8 //0x07ee,6 //0x07ef,8 //0x07f0,4 //0x07f2,4 //0x07f3,3 //2009-10-06aRagexeRE //0x07ec,8 //0x07ed,10 //0x07f0,8 //0x07f1,15 //0x07f2,6 //0x07f3,4 //0x07f4,3 //2009-10-27aRagexeRE 0x07f5,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x07f6,14 //2009-11-03aRagexeRE 0x07f7,-1 0x07f8,-1 0x07f9,-1 //2009-11-17aRagexeRE 0x07fa,8 //2009-11-24aRagexeRE 0x07fb,25 //2009-12-01aRagexeRE //0x07fc,10 //0x07fd,-1 0x07fe,26 //0x07ff,-1 //2009-12-15aRagexeRE 0x0800,-1 //0x0801,-1 //2009-12-22aRagexeRE 0x0802,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // Booking System 0x0803,4 0x0804,8 // Booking System 0x0805,-1 0x0806,4,bookingdelreq,2 // Booking System //0x0807,2 0x0808,4 // Booking System //0x0809,14 //0x080A,50 //0x080B,18 //0x080C,6 //2009-12-29aRagexeRE 0x0804,14,bookingsearchreq,2:4:6:8:12 // Booking System 0x0806,2,bookingdelreq,0 // Booking System 0x0807,4 0x0808,14,bookingupdatereq,2 // Booking System 0x0809,50 0x080A,18 0x080B,6 // Booking System //2010-01-05aRagexeRE 0x0801,-1,purchasereq2,2:4:8:12 //2010-01-26aRagexeRE //0x080C,2 //0x080D,3 0x080E,14 //2010-02-09aRagexeRE //0x07F0,6 //2010-02-23aRagexeRE 0x080F,20 //2010-03-03aRagexeRE 0x0810,3 0x0811,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 //0x0812,86 //0x0813,6 //0x0814,6 //0x0815,-1 //0x0817,-1 //0x0818,6 //0x0819,4 //2010-03-09aRagexeRE 0x0813,-1 //0x0814,2 //0x0815,6 0x0816,6 0x0818,-1 //0x0819,10 //0x081A,4 //0x081B,4 //0x081C,6 //0x081D,22 //0x081E,8 //2010-03-23aRagexeRE //0x081F,-1 //2010-04-06aRagexeRE //0x081A,6 //2010-04-13aRagexeRE //0x081A,10 //0x0820,11 //0x0821,2 //0x0822,9 //0x0823,-1 //2010-04-14dRagexeRE //0x081B,8 //2010-04-20aRagexeRE 0x0812,8 0x0814,86 0x0815,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0817,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0819,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x081a,4 0x081b,10 0x081c,10 0x0824,6 //2010-06-01aRagexeRE //0x0825,-1 //0x0826,4 0x0835,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0836,-1 0x0837,3 //0x0838,3 //2010-06-08aRagexeRE 0x0838,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x083A,4 // Search Stalls Feature 0x083B,2,closesearchstoreinfo,0 0x083C,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x083D,6 //2010-06-15aRagexeRE //0x083E,26 //2010-06-22aRagexeRE //0x083F,22 //2010-06-29aRagexeRE 0x00AA,9 //0x07F1,18 //0x07F2,8 //0x07F3,6 //2010-07-01aRagexeRE 0x083A,5 // Search Stalls Feature //2010-07-13aRagexeRE //0x0827,6 //0x0828,14 //0x0829,6 //0x082A,10 //0x082B,6 //0x082C,14 //0x0840,-1 //0x0841,19 //2010-07-14aRagexeRE //0x841,4 //2010-08-03aRagexeRE 0x0839,66 0x0842,6,recall2,2 0x0843,6,remove2,2 //2010-11-24aRagexeRE packet_ver: 26 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x035f,5,walktoxy,2 0x0360,6,ticksend,2 0x0361,5,changedir,2:4 0x0362,6,takeitem,2 0x0363,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0364,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0365,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0366,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0367,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0368,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0369,6,solvecharname,2 0x0856,-1 0x0857,-1 0x0858,-1 0x0859,-1 //2012-04-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 27 0x01FD,15,repairitem,2 0x089C,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0885,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0961,36,storagepassword,0 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x091C,26,partyinvite2,2 0x094B,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x083C,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x0945,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0811,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0835,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x0886,6,ticksend,2 0x0871,5,changedir,2:4 0x0938,6,takeitem,2 0x0891,6,dropitem,2:4 0x086C,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08A6,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0438,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0889,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0884,6,solvecharname,2 0x08E5,41,bookingregreq,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections 0x08E6,4 0x08E7,10,bookingsearchreq,2 0x08E8,-1 0x08E9,2,bookingdelreq,2 0x08EA,4 0x08EB,39,bookingupdatereq,2 0x08EC,73 0x08ED,43 0x08EE,6 0x08EF,6,bookingignorereq,2 0x08F0,6 0x08F1,6,bookingjoinpartyreq,2 0x08F2,36 0x08F3,-1 0x08F4,6 0x08F5,-1,bookingsummonmember,2:4 0x08F6,22 0x08F7,3 0x08F8,7 0x08F9,6 0x08FA,6 0x08FB,6,bookingcanceljoinparty,2 0x0907,5,moveitem,2:4 0x0908,5 0x08D7,28,battlegroundreg,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections
  7. So, like I said, I solved it already...
  8. Yeah I thought so.. It turns out I had to rename a few images lol. Thanks!
  9. Ohhhh, okay thanks! It worked .. The pictures don't show up in the description either.. :X
  10. Hey guys, I'm adding customs to my server right now, and as you can see by the screenshot, the icons for the customs won't show in my inventory or on my character: Any suggestions? Thanks.
  11. Lol, I didn't forget to compile it. Okay, fixed everything . And apparently I didn't need the display messages because it got edited when I edited my main town thanks for replying.
  12. Okay.. I'm trying to change my main town from Prontera to Izlude. Now all of the guides that I've seen include these two certain codes: // if no value, display all value if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%11s", map_name) < 1 || town < 0 || town >= ARRAYLENGTH(data)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(38)); // Invalid location number or name. clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(82)); // Please, use one of this number/name: clif_displaymessage(fd, " 0=Niflheim 1=Morroc 2=Geffen"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 3=Payon 4=Alberta 5=Izlude"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 6=Al De Baran 7=Lutie 8=Comodo"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 9=Yuno 10=Amatsu 11=Gonryun"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 12=Umbala 13=Prontera 14=Louyang"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 15=Novice Grounds 16=Prison 17=Jawaii"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 18=Ayothaya 19=Einbroch 20=Lighthalzen"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 21=Einbech 22=Hugel 23=Rachel"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 24=Veins"); return -1; } & // get possible name of the city map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; map_name[i]; i++) map_name[i] = TOLOWER(map_name[i]); // try to identify the map name if (strncmp(map_name, "prontera", 3) == 0) { town = 0; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "morocc", 3) == 0) { town = 1; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "geffen", 3) == 0) { town = 2; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "payon", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "paion", 3) == 0) { town = 3; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "alberta", 3) == 0) { town = 4; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "izlude", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "islude", 3) == 0) { town = 5; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "aldebaran", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "al") == 0) { town = 6; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lutie", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "christmas") == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "xmas", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "x-mas", 3) == 0) { town = 7; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "comodo", 3) == 0) { town = 8; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "yuno", 3) == 0) { town = 9; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "amatsu", 3) == 0) { town = 10; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "gonryun", 3) == 0) { town = 11; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "umbala", 3) == 0) { town = 12; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "niflheim", 3) == 0) { town = 13; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "louyang", 3) == 0) { town = 14; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "new_1-1", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "startpoint", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "begining", 3) == 0) { town = 15; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "sec_pri", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "prison", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jails", 3) == 0) { town = 16; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "jawaii", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jawai", 3) == 0) { town = 17; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "ayothaya", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ayotaya", 3) == 0) { town = 18; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbroch", 5) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ainbroch", 5) == 0) { town = 19; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lighthalzen", 3) == 0) { town = 20; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbech", 3) == 0) { town = 21; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "hugel", 3) == 0) { town = 22; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "rachel", 3) == 0) { town = 23; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "veins", 3) == 0) { town = 24; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "moscovia", 3) == 0) { town = 25; } My atcommand.c doesn't have those two codes http://www.mediafire...635q3v8rv3l68jh As you can see, I edited the atcommands.c to the best of my ability.. So, how the hell am I supposed to change my main town to Izlude?!
  13. Okay.. I'm trying to change my main town from Prontera to Izlude. Now all of the guides that I've seen include these two certain codes: // if no value, display all value if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%11s", map_name) < 1 || town < 0 || town >= ARRAYLENGTH(data)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(38)); // Invalid location number or name. clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(82)); // Please, use one of this number/name: clif_displaymessage(fd, " 0=Niflheim 1=Morroc 2=Geffen"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 3=Payon 4=Alberta 5=Izlude"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 6=Al De Baran 7=Lutie 8=Comodo"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 9=Yuno 10=Amatsu 11=Gonryun"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 12=Umbala 13=Prontera 14=Louyang"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 15=Novice Grounds 16=Prison 17=Jawaii"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 18=Ayothaya 19=Einbroch 20=Lighthalzen"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 21=Einbech 22=Hugel 23=Rachel"); clif_displaymessage(fd, " 24=Veins"); return -1; } & // get possible name of the city map_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH-1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; map_name[i]; i++) map_name[i] = TOLOWER(map_name[i]); // try to identify the map name if (strncmp(map_name, "prontera", 3) == 0) { town = 0; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "morocc", 3) == 0) { town = 1; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "geffen", 3) == 0) { town = 2; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "payon", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "paion", 3) == 0) { town = 3; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "alberta", 3) == 0) { town = 4; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "izlude", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "islude", 3) == 0) { town = 5; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "aldebaran", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "al") == 0) { town = 6; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lutie", 3) == 0 || strcmp(map_name, "christmas") == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "xmas", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "x-mas", 3) == 0) { town = 7; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "comodo", 3) == 0) { town = 8; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "yuno", 3) == 0) { town = 9; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "amatsu", 3) == 0) { town = 10; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "gonryun", 3) == 0) { town = 11; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "umbala", 3) == 0) { town = 12; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "niflheim", 3) == 0) { town = 13; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "louyang", 3) == 0) { town = 14; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "new_1-1", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "startpoint", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "begining", 3) == 0) { town = 15; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "sec_pri", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "prison", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jails", 3) == 0) { town = 16; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "jawaii", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "jawai", 3) == 0) { town = 17; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "ayothaya", 3) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ayotaya", 3) == 0) { town = 18; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbroch", 5) == 0 || strncmp(map_name, "ainbroch", 5) == 0) { town = 19; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "lighthalzen", 3) == 0) { town = 20; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "einbech", 3) == 0) { town = 21; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "hugel", 3) == 0) { town = 22; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "rachel", 3) == 0) { town = 23; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "veins", 3) == 0) { town = 24; } else if (strncmp(map_name, "moscovia", 3) == 0) { town = 25; } My atcommand.c doesn't have those two codes http://www.mediafire.com/view/?635q3v8rv3l68jh As you can see, I edited the atcommands.c to the best of my ability.. So, how the hell am I supposed to change my main town to Izlude?!
  14. Whoops, I didn't realize that when I was trying to update the control panel haha. Still can't figure out why I get this "uh oh what happened?" error. Thanks for the replies by the way.
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