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Everything posted by Nana

  1. I'm making a PVM challenge but i messed up lol, too much time away of servers =( THis is the idea: I have 1 npc in all towns that allows enter 1 party at time , so u need have a party with at least 3 players to go in the challenge If u are the FIRST party leader on Accept the challenge your party go in In the different floors u can have different random mobs.. howver once u kill all, all the party get a reward (one per player in the party ) plus all party got warped to next floor The reward is diferent each floor I really dont remember how to do this =( Can anyone tell me some script that do something like this so i can try make it? or help me to make it? thanks in advance >.<
  2. IN source release is the patch and the instructions =)
  3. you need to modify the exe, i think, cause i'm trying to do something like that for some systems =) If i have success in my mod i share it here
  4. sorry botther all of you but when i install this game i got an error, but i can't figure out how can i solve it can anyone help me plz?? this is my error (attached) Thanks in advance
  5. I dont know if i get what you need, i found this.. There is a project that requires me to make the following domain redirection: Redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix for all subdomain. Redirect all users to access the site WITH the 'www.' prefix for main domain only. To fulfill this purpose, I simply add a few lines of code to the htaccess file: RewriteEngine on # Redirect the 'www.' version of the subdomains. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.([^.]+)\.example\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1.example.com/$1 [R=301,L] # Redirect the non 'www.' version of the main domain. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301] is this what you need? o.o? or i'm still missing some out =(?
  6. try this RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] And make sure that your hp user have execute permission on the .htaccess just for test propouse use chmod 777 if it works make sure that use 700 chmod or 400 (i think this was only execute) and the propper user
  7. why do not use the OnMobKill src mod? o.o? It isn't easier? o.o?
  8. quiza sea algo asi lo que buscas, es de Rokimoki y puedes manejarlo hasta que tengas el resultado que buscas Saludos! // Hidden Enchant Slot con posibilidad de +1~10 v1.0 [Rokimoki] // --- prontera,147,64,5 script Shiriublem 84,{ set .@nombre$, "[^0000FFHidden Slot Enchant^000000]"; mes .@nombre$; mes "Bienvenid@ a mis servicios de encantamiento. El servicio cuesta ^FF0000" + .zeny + " z^000000."; next; if (select("Continuar:Más información") == 2) { mes .@nombre$; mes "Puedo encantarte una armadura con una runa en el 4º slot, puede ser +1 o hasta +10 de cualquier stat aleatorio permanentemente."; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "Tenemos para encantar armaduras sin slot, con slot y de alta calidad."; mes "^FF0000Armaduras con slot que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids1); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids1[.@c]) + " [0]"; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "^FF0000Armaduras con slot que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids2); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids2[.@c]) + " [1]"; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "^FF0000Armaduras de alta calidad que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids3); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids3[.@c]) + " [1]"; next; } // End if mes .@nombre$; if (zeny < .zeny) { mes "Lo siento, no tienes los zenys necesarios."; close; } // End if mes "Elige el tipo de armadura que quieras encantar. ^FF0000Te aviso que tengo un 0% de posibilidad de romper el item^000000."; next; switch (select("Armadura sin Slot:Armadura con Slot:Armadura de Alta Calidad")) { case 1: set .@j, 1; break; case 2: set .@j, 2; break; case 3: set .@j, 3; break; } // End switch // Detectamos si tiene equipado una armos que podemos encantar for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(getd(".ids" + .@j)); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (isequipped(getd(".ids" + .@j + "[" + .@c +"]")) == 1) set .@s, .@c; // Definimos la ID de esa armor en la posición del array mes .@nombre$; // Descartamos si no tiene armor equipada o si no está definida if (!.@s) { if (atoi(getequipname(EQI_ARMOR)) == -1) mes "Ahora mismo no llevas ningún armor equipado, entonces no hay nada que encantar.."; else mes "Tienes equipada ^FF0000" + getequipname(EQI_ARMOR) + " armor^000000, y no consta en las que yo puedo equipar, háblame de nuevo y consúltame más información para saber las que puedes encantar."; close; } // End if // Empezamos el proceso de encantamiento mes "Veo que tienes un ^FF0000[" + getitemname(getd(".ids" + .@j + "[" + .@s +"]")) + "]^000000 equipado."; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "Bueno, allí vamos..."; mes "¡Buena Suerte!"; next; set zeny, zeny - .zeny; // Borramos el item equipado set .@itemid, getequipid(EQI_ARMOR); delitem .@itemid,1; // Cálculo del % y según el % definimos un array con la runa de +X stat y sus stats pertenecientes set .@rand, rand(1000); if (.@rand >= 0 && .@rand < 0) { // Break 10% mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Ha fallado el intento. Lo siento..."; close; } else if (.@rand >= 100 && .@rand < 300) // +1 20% setarray .@level[0],4700,4710,4720,4730,4740,4750; else if (.@rand >= 300 && .@rand < 450) // +2 15% setarray .@level[0],4701,4711,4721,4731,4741,4751; else if (.@rand >= 450 && .@rand < 600) // +3 15% setarray .@level[0],4702,4712,4722,4732,4742,4752; else if (.@rand >= 600 && .@rand < 700) // +4 10% setarray .@level[0],4703,4713,4723,4733,4743,4753; else if (.@rand >= 700 && .@rand < 800) // +5 10% setarray .@level[0],4704,4714,4724,4734,4744,4754; else if (.@rand >= 800 && .@rand < 890) // +6 9% setarray .@level[0],4705,4715,4725,4735,4745,4755; else if (.@rand >= 890 && .@rand < 940) // +7 5% setarray .@level[0],4706,4716,4726,4736,4746,4756; else if (.@rand >= 940 && .@rand < 965) // +8 2,5% setarray .@level[0],4707,4717,4727,4737,4747,4757; else if (.@rand >= 965 && .@rand < 990) // +9 2,5% setarray .@level[0],4708,4718,4728,4738,4748,4758; else if (.@rand >= 990) // +10 1% setarray .@level[0],4709,4719,4728,4739,4749,4759; // Calculamos aleatoriamente el stat con 16,6% cada una set .@runa, .@level[rand(getarraysize(.@level))]; // Encantamos el armor con la runa seleccionada getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@runa; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Bien~ ¡ Aquí tienes tu armadura encantada !"; close; OnInit: // Definimos el Zeny que cuesta encantar, 600k por defecto set .zeny, 600000; // En esta parte se indica que ID's de armadura pertenece a cada tipo de categoria, para hacerte mas sencillo la comprensión y customizacion si se lo desea. setarray .ids1[0],2307, // Mantle 2309, // Coat 2314, // Chain Mail 2316, // Plate Armor 2321, // Silk Robe 2325, // Saint Robe 2327, // Holy Robe 2330, // Tights 2332, // Silver Robe 2334, // Magic Coat 2335, // Thief Clothes 2341, // Legion Full Plate 2344, // Pierce Armor of Volcano 2348, // Saphien's armor of ocean 2346, // Aebeecee's Raging Typhoon Armor 2350, // Claytos Cracking Earth Armor 2395, // Glorious Suit type 2 2396, // Glorious Suit type 3 2394, // Glorious Suit type 1 2337, // Ninja Suit 2386; // Chameleon Armor setarray .ids2[0],2311, // Mink Coat[1] 2318, // Lord Clothes[1] 2319, // Glitering Jacket[1] 2320, // Formal Suit[1] 2308, // Mantle[1] 2310, // Coat [1] 2315, // Chain Mail[1] 2317, // Plate Armor[1] 2322, // Silk Robe[1] 2323, // Scapulare[1] 2326, // Saint Robe[1] 2331, // Tights[1] 2333, // Silver Robe[1] 2336, // Thief Clothes[1] 2342, // Legion's Full Plate[1] 2345, // Pierce Armor of Volcano[1] 2347, // Saphien's Armor of ocean[1] 2349, // Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor[1] 2351; // Claytos Cracking Earth Armor[1] setarray .ids3[0],2364, // Meteor Plate[1] 2365, // Orlean's Uniform[1] 2375, // Diabolus Robe[1] 2374, // Diabolus Armor[1] 2387, // Sprint Mail[1] 2389, // Kandra[1] || Gandora[1] 2388, // Naga Scale Armor[1] 2391, // Life Link[1] 2390, // Refined Tights[1] 2376, // Assaulter Plate[1] 2377, // Elite Engineer Armor[1] 2378, // Assassin Robe[1] 2379, // Warlock Battle Robe[1] 2380, // Robe of Order[1] 2381, // Elite Archer Suit[1] 2382; // Elite Shooter Suit[1] end; } // End Script
  9. How can I hide the MVP till night? for example if 6pm then all the mvp go out but at 7am all the mvp are hide?
  10. In the root of you emu, you have this mapcache.exe and you config in emu/config/grf-files.txt
  11. When you modify the prontera you remake the map cahce? o.o what i mean is run the mapcache.exe with the proper grf files configuration to get your new prontera ~~ n_n ~
  12. Recently I add the Faction SRC of lilith, was thinkins if is any chanse to make a character and in the fisrt login asign a zodiac sign plus a faction with scripting? What i mean as zodiac sign, i make a very small system that consist in the 12 signs, so every one of them have diferent stats and a day per week with drop bonus, so .. i add to that system the faction too, what i need now is that two random things asign autmaticaly when anyone creates chars and login in the server for the very fisrt time Thanks =)
  13. Nana

    Inventory NPC

    Great!!! thanks a lot!!!
  14. Nana

    Inventory NPC

    wow thanks a lot!!! really!!! just another thing, if I want that for example wensday hide the npc, i just add if (gettime(4)=3) { disablenpc custom_seller; } right?? Thanks!! really!!!
  15. Nana

    Inventory NPC

    Hi I want to know if there any chanse to make a NPC that have a random inventory of X items, so if the NPC sell that amount of that item anyone can buy it untill next day I don't know if i'm explain correctly NPC: tooldealer (for example) Item: fly wings (i want to sell 100 monday, 150 tuesday, 0 wensday..etc) so today is monday and i bougth 50, another char bougth anohter 50, so anyone else can uy flywings till tuesday Can anyone helpme with an example of this =(? Thanks a lot!!!
  16. Well this mod has a lot of years n_nU and I use only as event prize, for example here, top 3pvp player, you could assign the @aura for each one, i normally test one by one to "make" the custom one n_nU Maybe is a easy way or a better way now, but is useful if you don't let the players choose their aura u_u I can try to fix the problems, however i don't have net in my hose now =( so maybe takes a little time u_u
  17. goddameit make a script of that recently o.o i think ~
  18. Do you or anyone have a guide to start with that?
  19. Yes and no If I use that // send message to others (using the send buffer for temp. storage) - WFIFOHEAD(fd, 8 + textlen); - WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x8d; - WFIFOW(fd,2) = 8 + textlen; + WFIFOHEAD(fd, 12 + textlen); + WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x2C1; + WFIFOW(fd,2) = 12 + textlen; WFIFOL(fd,4) = sd->bl.id; - safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,8), is_fake ? fakename : text, textlen); + if(pc_get_group_level(sd)) // players group_id > 0 + WFIFOL(fd,8) = (color2&0x0000FF) << 16 | (color2&0x00FF00) | (color2&0xFF0000) >> 16; // RGB -> BGR + else // njrmal players + WFIFOL(fd,8) = (color1&0x0000FF) << 16 | (color1&0x00FF00) | (color1&0xFF0000) >> 16; // RGB -> BGR + safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,12), is_fake ? fakename : text, textlen); Is a color chat right?? I want for example, : Some one is the PVP leader so this Nickname (where show the guld, party etc) show red, if you are the quest maker player your nick was blue, if you are female and married you nick was pink, ... and some other systems X_X
  20. Nana


    what do you want to change? o.o?
  21. HAHAHA you make my day xD!!
  22. just change apt-get for yum install ... no big deal
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