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Everything posted by Sanasol

  1. http://forum.ragezone.com/f576/ragnarok-online-2-official-source-1013652/ what do you think?)
  2. http://rathena.org/board/topic/91855-autotrade-persistence-live-vendor-data/?p=241528
  3. Today we found critical issue, please update asap your code. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/d3155a1287d5a876575df715c543ab1bfb97f106
  4. http://alexnisnevich.github.io/untrusted/ What do you think about this game? http://dsro.ru/gyazo/images/b89d35ef1fa9b0377ae955c18d69.png - Passed in 4.5hrs
  5. i just found it in google by forum icon Not owner
  6. cut each icon and then save separately i found few icons http://yadi.sk/d/gfNjrKmEHADvN also you can google it and save from some forum http://www.xenaro.com/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4980
  7. just ctrl + x it from preview http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk140/chrono01_2008/prev.jpg
  8. header.php <link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"myicon.png\">
  9. maybe mysql just work only for local conections? or custom mysql port not 3306 try connect to db from your PC with any soft for db manage(like http://www.heidisql.com/)
  10. Sanasol

    Flux Problem

    more information, it is not clear
  11. yes. but it was possible long ago very very long ago ))
  12. i think it easy to bypass... then show us how easy it is to bypass This is my point! i think it easy to bypass... Yeah, show us how you manage to bypass such MD5 hash from Client EXE <-> Server's MD5 Check. and one thing, I don't think players will do such like this. It is more advance than speed hacking or so. But I think you will do an action if everything is messed up and do banning those who cheat on your server. openkore can bypass it already about 2-3 years(can send any string you want), so for example WPE can do same. http://forums.openkore.com/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=13738 sub sendClientMD5Hash { my ($self) = @_; my $msg = pack('v H32', 0x0204, $masterServer->{clientHash}); $self->sendToServer($msg); }
  13. i think it easy to bypass...
  14. IG in Combination with MD5 hash is pretty good or do you know a Way to manipulate MD5 hash inside a EXE . even if you get ofg the .DLL from the exe , and insert your own DLL , you will not be able to connect to the server since you got a different MD5 hash in paid version? You can set md5 check without IG, result will same
  15. I'm not saying that I would have done better, I say that this protection is no good, you can use if for a free, it filters out a few people who do not understand anything in "cheating" Why buy protection that does not protect? Certainly it is very cheap and is constantly updated, but it doesnt protect anything. For those who want to use the additional software (prohibited), this protection does not hurt. Waste of money, though not as big. Well nobody is arguing, just buy this concrete protection, I extremely not advise.
  16. yes, therefore when you bypass it on client = no protect no comments... The Internal Guard has Integrity file checking, means if one of the files has been modified, the server will fully reject the player And for some reason, if you feel one of your player is using or injecting DLL and can enter or bypass your protection, then do the action manually. Even Harmony has weaknesses and a lot of bypass tutorial are leaking on internet. xD under inject dll i mean - fully disable/detach IG from exe(or take other exe/client same version with server without IG) and log in game with our dll which change packets like IG, so IG will not even run. IG not running - integrity file checking and other features of course will not work So we just login in game as usual like without protect. And server doesnt reject us coz we change packets as it(server) wants
  17. yes, therefore when you bypass it on client = no protect no comments...
  18. Really? I don't really have an idea about this internal guard, my just suggested it to me when i was asking for harmony and he don't have any available. Can you give me more idea with this internal guard? atm i dont know any ~good~ protect for Ro
  19. how come? coz it only change login packet ids and all "protect" work from client side ie simple dll inject with changed packets will allow to connect protected server without protect from client side its all about free version, dont know what difference with paid, but i think almost no difference
  20. Do not use this protection, it does not protect anything
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