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Everything posted by Sanasol

  1. ну так добавь пару переменных, чтобы кастовалось от имени нпц, но статы брались от иргока
  2. Description: Get card id from ANY item it is desirable to check the unique thing Download: src code Definition: BUILDIN_DEF(getitemcard,"ii") I have used it for: needed something that could be transferred, using another player's effect was removed from the owner Sample: getarg(0) - item_id set @card2,getitemcard(getarg(0),2); set @card3,getitemcard(getarg(0),3); set @charid,(@card3*pow(2,16)+@card2); set @cur_charid,getcharid(0); if(@cur_charid == @charid) { //my own item - ok } else { //not my own item - change owner delitem2 getarg(0),1,1,0,0,254,0,@card2,@card3; getnameditem(getarg(0),getcharid(0)); }
  3. Is my face I: Before shave After shave :( /oops
  4. В луа файлы вписывай. Ищи там где список нпцов
  5. Sanasol

    This or That?

    it was good or evil /$ You choose good side. /$ Google translator to help English! Ro2: GotW or Ro2: Lots
  6. Sanasol

    This or That?

    hard to choose. in fact, one without the other can not be :) Software Programmer Добро or зло?
  7. Sanasol

    This or That?

    Steam SourceForge or Code.Google
  8. Смотреть через SPRTool или вот плагин Зачем переименовывать спрайты?
  9. =Bring%20Me%20The%20Horizon&c[section]=audio"]Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season
  10. Еще раз команду введи. if( !(sd->sc.option&OPTION_MOUNTING) ) { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You have mounted."); pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option|OPTION_MOUNTING); } else { clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"You have released your mount"); pc_setoption(sd, sd->sc.option&~OPTION_MOUNTING); }
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