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Everything posted by Sanasol

  1. dark color, it would be better with more light Oh, and black on a blue background in some places does not look very much.
  2. Version 1


    Sorting by Loyalty or/and Contracts Separetely for each mercenary class Search by character name or id Sources: https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/tree/master/mercenary_ranking Buy me beer
  3. no, maybe ur mysql user can login only from localhost(if site stands separately from server), then you need add user perms for site ip i.e. [email protected]
  4. can't connect to mysql... password wrong or something else. Change this to ur DB Host, DB user and DB name $host = "localhost"; $dbname = "san"; $user = "root"; $pass = "root"; Flux fix named item Flux fix refine array https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/ed5d5ef1ce0f6481be1da7dda082ece16a44766d
  5. open class.db.php try { parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $passwd, $options); } catch (PDOException $e) { $this->error = $e->getMessage(); } add debug var_dump($e->getMessage()); try { parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $passwd, $options); } catch (PDOException $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); $this->error = $e->getMessage(); }
  6. script can't define db class. I don't know why... class.db.php in a folder? maybe try to change require path require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/merchant_db/class.db.php"); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/merchant_db/Paginator.class.php");
  7. $db = new db("mysql:host={$host};dbname={$dbname}", $user, $pass); var_dump($db); $db->setErrorCallbackFunction("print_r", "text"); do this in config and post what it will show...
  8. script still can't find class.db.php config file check line 8 now must be require("class.db.php");
  9. Fix for named item Fix require paths Fix refine array Commit: https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/d14166acda05f31e9b8460f824882523b64a91cf @HristDead, update and try
  10. possible https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/d427a3eb2fbe02278cdff4804dfa7629c83e5851
  11. when i test it work fine with autotrade wait, i will test on last rA rev. yes on rAthena this bug My emulator delete normally. Fixed! /src/map/unit.c After case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data*)bl; if(sd->shadowform_id){ //if shadow target has leave the map struct block_list *d_bl = map_id2bl(sd->shadowform_id); if( d_bl ) status_change_end(d_bl,SC__SHADOWFORM,INVALID_TIMER); } //Leave/reject all invitations. if(sd->chatID) chat_leavechat(sd,0); if(sd->trade_partner) trade_tradecancel(sd); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] vending_closevending(sd); //vending to db [Sanasol]
  12. First part of code must delete after close shop. Did you add it? Function: vending_closevending After clif_closevendingboard(&sd->bl, 0); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"delete from `vending` where `char_id`='%d'", sd->status.char_id) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); //vending to db [Sanasol]
  13. put my code after if (select("Yes I want.:Not now.") == 2) close; or in the beginning of the file
  14. before warp in npc if(Class == 4010 || Class == 9) { mes "you cant warp"; close; }
  15. your hopes was heard FluxCP addon ready https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/tree/master/merchant_db_flux Installation: move `vending` addon folder to `fluxcp-folder\addons` oh... forgot about update data in table Function: vending_purchasereq After // vending item pc_additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount; pc_cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); clif_vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] if(vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount >= 1) { if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"update `vending` set `amount`='%d' where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount, vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } else { if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"delete from `vending` where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } //vending to db [Sanasol]
  16. Source inserting shop info into database. Few source lines and a little bit of magic php + js Decorated with new Twitter Bootstrap Remake of this http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=255406 Installation /src/map/vending.c Function: vending_closevending After clif_closevendingboard(&sd->bl, 0); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"delete from `vending` where `char_id`='%d'", sd->status.char_id) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); //vending to db [Sanasol] Function: vending_purchasereq After // vending item pc_additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount; pc_cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0, LOG_TYPE_VENDING); clif_vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] if(vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount >= 1) { if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"update `vending` set `amount`='%d' where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount, vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } else { if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"delete from `vending` where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } //vending to db [Sanasol] Function: vending_openvending After clif_openvending(sd,sd->bl.id,sd->vending); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] for( j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { int index = sd->vending[j].index; struct item_data* data = itemdb_search(sd->status.cart[index].nameid); int nameid = ( data->view_id > 0 ) ? data->view_id : sd->status.cart[index].nameid; int amount = sd->vending[j].amount; int price = cap_value(sd->vending[j].value, 0, (unsigned int)battle_config.vending_max_value); if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"INSERT INTO `vending` (`char_id`,`name`,`index`,`nameid`,`amount`,`price`,`refine`,`card0`,`card1`,`card2`,`card3`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')", sd->status.char_id, message, j, nameid, amount, price, sd->status.cart[index].refine, sd->status.cart[index].card[0], sd->status.cart[index].card[1], sd->status.cart[index].card[2], sd->status.cart[index].card[3]) ) Sql_ShowDebug(mmysql_handle); } //vending to db [Sanasol] /src/map/unit.c After case BL_PC: { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data*)bl; if(sd->shadowform_id){ //if shadow target has leave the map struct block_list *d_bl = map_id2bl(sd->shadowform_id); if( d_bl ) status_change_end(d_bl,SC__SHADOWFORM,INVALID_TIMER); } //Leave/reject all invitations. if(sd->chatID) chat_leavechat(sd,0); if(sd->trade_partner) trade_tradecancel(sd); Add //vending to db [Sanasol] vending_closevending(sd); //vending to db [Sanasol] Create table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vending` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `index` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `nameid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `amount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `price` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `refine` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `card0` smallint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `card1` smallint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `card2` smallint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `card3` smallint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`,`index`), KEY `char_id` (`char_id`), KEY `nameid` (`nameid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; Screenshots Main page Map position tooltip For map showing need *.gat files Approximate position, accurate display at map could not to achieve And Search Item images very old, you need to add the new items FluxCP Screens [spoiler=Main Vending DB] [spoiler=Search] [spoiler=Map] Demo FluxCP Demo Sources Sources Sources FluxCP Addon Sources is absolutely free, but if you want you can do donation In attach web scripts with items images
  17. It is not a problem... This means the server loaded because server has only 33 castles (34 but starts from 0 id)
  18. Идете на рейтмайсервер или магнит ссылка с бухты magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a87e3c27bf773bb21c8b9baeec64ab68124132da&dn=Ragnarok+Online+kRO+Client+Folder+04-12-2013+%28Uploaded+on+25-04-&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.istole.it%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ccc.de%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337 качаете последний k(korean)-клиент ... профит!
  19. скачай клиент нормальный. забудьте уже про свои сакраи 2008 годов
  20. На XP когда сидел было так же у меня) Забил, перестал пользоваться. На 7ке так же, но все таки освоился и научился пользоваться так чтобы не было крашей))
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