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Everything posted by Sanasol

  1. https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints fixed some bugs 1. unable to vote more than one time 2. incorrect cashpoints balance display 3. upload voting site image via add/edit form
  2. https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints fixed some bugs 1. unable to vote more than one time 2. incorrect cashpoints balance display 3. upload voting site image via add/edit form
  3. https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints fixed some bugs 1. unable to vote more than one time 2. incorrect cashpoints balance display 3. upload voting site image via add/edit form
  4. @CyberDevil fixed, noticed it before and thought that looks not good, but kept as is to avoid other unexpected bugs ? https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints/commit/86f91449633826cbd0b95c7146ce6943570943dd
  5. https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints There is some fixes since last year. Just to keep everyone noticed on 7th page of this topic ?
  6. https://github.com/sanasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints/blob/master/config/addon.php#L4 Do you use vote option here? NPC only works in this case i guess ?
  7. @KeyMaster You sure that correctly created code?
  8. @KeyMaster no errors found, everything works for me. (php7.3) Could you check data/logs/mysql/errors or data/logs/errors/exception?
  9. weird, what error you get on 5.6-7.1? Could you check data/logs/mysql/errors or data/logs/errors/exception?
  10. @spawnn, @Hakahay Check "data/logs" for mysql errors and post it here or on my github fork. Checked on local fluxcp 'PointsType' => "vote" No errors, works good. Did you apply sql schema changes? https://github.com/S-anasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints/tree/master/schemas/logindb
  11. https://github.com/rathena/FluxCP/issues/238#issuecomment-487422411
  12. Applied some fixes, should work now Yet another fork: https://github.com/S-anasol/FluxCP_Addons-VoteForPoints
  13. Not sure, try it, but default value is player i.e. 0, so no need to specify each time. Also these lines worked before as you said: On1sec: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb);
  14. - script redfog -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb); if(@map$ == "abbey03") { addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; specialeffect2 592;// effect centered on the invoking character's sprite } end; On1sec: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb); if(@map$ != "abbey03") { dispbottom "abbey left refreshing"; atcommand "@refresh"; deltimer strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; } else { addtimer 5000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; } end; } abbey03 mapflag loadevent
  15. - script redfog -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; specialeffect2 592;// effect centered on the invoking character's sprite end; On1sec: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb); if(@map$ != "abbey03") { dispbottom "abbey left refreshing"; atcommand "@refresh"; } else { addtimer 5000, strnpcinfo(3) + "::On1sec"; } end; } abbey03 mapflag loadevent Not sure that getmapxy will work in this case, can't test it ?
  16. oh i see. You mean this part? But you think guy who playing on server and voting for it will ever downvote? - Server shit, but i will continue play here xD I think if player dont like server he will not use v4p and play on this server xD
  17. not sure that i get what you mean Can you explain? Every user can downvote one server every 12hr and upvote each(if he want) server every 12hr. i.e. 1 downvote per IP per 12hrs and unlimited upvotes(1 for each server per 12 hrs) per IP Before some admins downvote every server except their own every time, so other server got a lot fake negative votes.
  18. Some updates for latest week. To avoid downvotes for each "competitor" server by other servers admins, now possible to make only one downvote per 12hr. Upvotes still available for any servers amount every 12hr :3 Filters collapsed by default Added Thai language (Google translated )
  19. Hi, Pleased to present work of my life last 4 days. Decide to remake my old server list, which were used by nobody actually I believe that it's next-gen top in comparison with other like xtremetop100 and etc. https://top.dsro.ru So actually almost nothing special. Player side: Search servers with any set of parameters(max lvl, stat, etc). Like or Dislike servers once per 12 hrs And ofc V4P Admin side: Add your server(s) Upload few banners Download and install FluxCP addon (hercules, rathena, eathena supported). Why DSRO/top.dsro.ru Just my very old domain, like it Sorting Sorting algo is one of most interesting parts(at least for me). Since we have up and down votes, we need something more than just sorting by total votes. Server rank calculated with algo that called: Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter Max rank is about 95(%). FluxCP Addon You can easily install addon to any of FluxCP version. Then you need just put your server ID in config file(/dsro/config/addon.php). And configure reward type and amount(#CASHPOINTS or FluxCP internal credits) And most interesting part - players will not leave your site even. Addon makes integration through iframe. So players voting inside your site and get reward instantly. Notice: player get reward only in case positive vote So you reach end of post, thank you. I'm still working on it and will try to make it better. And i believe that you will use it for your own servers and help me distribute it over players Feedback is very welcome. Skype: sanasol2008 Telegram: @Sanasol (https://telegram.me/Sanasol) Email: [email protected] Hope it will help find some players for your server
  20. blind already found this topic https://rathena.org/board/topic/102236-payouts/page-3
  21. So what about current Pending Payout Request? I wait few months
  22. This is demo script just for preview. You can apply loyalty to any kind of monster.
  23. Have you ever wanted to be friends with aggressive monsters? Now its possible This mod adds little check for aggressive monsters, they will not attack you if you have certain status(char variable). But they will attack if you start first. Source and demo script: GitHub How to: If you want set some monster loyal to character just set loyalty var to 1 For example: set loya1785,1; // Where 1785 is monster id -> Atroce in this case Atroce will ignore you until you start hit it. Then you can back it to normal state by set 0 set loya1785,0; // Where 1785 is monster id -> Atroce In this case atroce will attack you as usual
  24. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/tree/master/itemizer_log
  25. its source for client and server RO2 GOTW, but looks very old
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