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Everything posted by Sanasol

  1. щито? Год-два назад еще может было все криво, ну так только начинали. Все отлично работает, никто не жалуется. Если какие-то ошибки и есть, то их немного.
  2. Router Web Interface: something like NAT/QoS Port Forwarding do it like 80 port -> your_local_ip:80 port
  3. Hello Unfortunately, can't do it as addon. So we have to work a little FIrstly need open FluxCP/lib/Flux.php Find this if ($lang=self::config('DefaultLanguage')) { $current = $addonName ? FLUX_ADDON_DIR."/$addonName/lang/$lang.php" : FLUX_LANG_DIR."/$lang.php"; } And add few lines after // [Sanasol] LangSwitcher $dictionary = array("en" => "en_us", "ru" => "ru_ru"); // keeping bad guys from use ../../../../ if(!empty($_COOKIE["language"]) && array_key_exists($_COOKIE["language"], $dictionary)) { $lang = $dictionary[$_COOKIE["language"]]; $current = $addonName ? FLUX_ADDON_DIR."/$addonName/lang/$lang.php" : FLUX_LANG_DIR."/$lang.php"; } // [Sanasol] LangSwitcher Here you should change $dictionary to your own lang list. For example: "lang_key" => "lang_file" and create translation file in FluxCP/lang/ named lang_file.php And now output switcher Open FluxCP/themes/your_theme/footer.php or other theme part where you want to place it. For default theme I added to footer.php some magic code before this line <?php if (Flux::config('ShowCopyright')): ?> add this <tr> <td colspan="3"></td> <td> <script> function setCookie(key, value) { var expires = new Date(); expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + expires.getTime()); // never expires document.cookie = key + '=' + value + ';expires=' + expires.toUTCString(); } function getCookie(key) { var keyValue = document.cookie.match('(^| ?' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); return keyValue ? keyValue[2] : null; } $(document).ready(function(){ $("a[data-lang]").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(getCookie('language') != $(this).data("lang")) { setCookie('language', $(this).data("lang")); reload(); } }); $("a[data-lang]").each(function(i){ if(getCookie('language') == $(this).data("lang")) { $(this).css("font-weight","700"); } }); }); </script> <p> <a href="#" data-lang="en">English</a>/<a href="#" data-lang="ru">Russian</a> </p> </td> <td></td> </tr> Very simple code. You see lang links where data-lang = lang_key Thats all! When you save it and visit your site you will see something like this Now you can switch language in your FluxCP. Demo available here: http://ro.sanasol.ws/demo/fluxcp/?module=woe Only this page have differences in langs Interesting fact: drawing logo (two flags with poring(from DeviantArt)) took more time than writing code
  4. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/799e74c37afde656b344f41a8f9c61deb9ab5434 The Vending Db still has bugs, +7 is shown as +6 and +6 as +5 and so on. I checked for coat and saints robes. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/blob/master/merchant_db_flux/vending/modules/vending/index.php#L4 just change this)
  5. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/799e74c37afde656b344f41a8f9c61deb9ab5434
  6. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/87ffdebb9660fa7ccf490395fa9757c6bbb444f5 try this fixes Nope now are all items "Unknown Items" https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/eeba38d7bcd312e8b186157cfc592e7d1272f4db
  7. https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/commit/87ffdebb9660fa7ccf490395fa9757c6bbb444f5 try this fixes
  8. Sanasol

    LoL Stats

    yes it was long time ago(on screen top client version 1.4x), now i'm playing dota2 LoL once at month or lesser.
  9. Sanasol

    LoL Stats

    Post your interesting things
  10. https://github.com/S-anasol/rathena/commit/431fa98b913709486d9a97816260eaf8f90b0fc5
  11. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/12
  12. add lines with ''+'' at begin, then remove '+' and compile
  13. For flux you should upload this folder https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/tree/master/merchant_db_flux to fluxcp/addons/
  14. The first server is set up as usual 1. ip address 2 . mysql database 3 . ports The second server 1. That the same IP address at all . 2 . Other base Sql. ( to the login server is not required) 3 . Here the most interesting. Ports map and char server set different than the first server. A Login server port in all config files both on the first server. ie 6900 . Starting: 1. Run entirely the first server . 2 .A second server that's run only Map and Char server. As a result, we succeeded (at least for me ) 2 servers ( server selection appears after entering a username and password in the game http://ea-support.ws/index.php?/topic/103-1-login-2-servera/
  15. need some edit for src(battle.c), to fix it, how edit depends on script
  16. Sanasol

    Flux CP problem.

    config/application.php 'BaseURI' => '/fluxcp-ra/', // The base URI is the base web root on which your application lies.
  17. Серьезно? Совсем рук нету? <td>{$nick}{$vvs}<a href=\"http://www.poring.ru/items/{$row->nameid}.html\" target=\"_blank\">{$item}</a></td>
  18. I think your php has short codes disabled change this line https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/blob/master/merchant_db_flux/vending/themes/default/vending/index.php#L103 to <span class='mapinfo' data-map='<?php echo $char->last_map?>' data-x='<?php echo $char->last_x?>' data-y='<?php echo $char->last_y?>'><?php echo htmlspecialchars($char->last_map)." ".htmlspecialchars($char->last_x).",".htmlspecialchars($char->last_y) ?></span>
  19. did try on local server, work fine. you change something in flux? custom theme?
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