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Everything posted by exneval

  1. i found some item script use command in the brace, like 1654,Mental_Stick,Mental Stick,4,20,,500,40:170,,1,1,0x00818315,7,2,2,3,102,1,10,{ if (getrefine() > 5) { /* bonus bSkillAtk,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",(getrefine()-5)*2; */ bonus bMaxHPRate,-(getrefine()-5)*2; } /* bonus2 bVariableCastTime,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",-3000; bonus2 bUseSPAmount,"SO_PSYCHIC_WAVE",-60; */ },{},{ itemheal 0,-100; } Is the item really has the true effect if the script like that ? And 2161,Geffenia_Tomb_of_Water,Geffenia Tomb of Water,5,56000,,1000,,30,,0,0x00000200,7,2,32,,100,1,5,{ bonus bMdef,2; bonus bInt,1; if(readparam(bInt)>=120){ /* bonus bEquipmentMatk,10; */ bonus bMaxHP,800; } },{},{} why every bonus bEquipmentMatk item script must be in brace? thanks for answering my q, i'm really not understand about that
  2. // Support center - script support -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: set @supportname$,"Support Center"; set @servername$,"IntelRO"; mes "[support Center]"; mes "Thank you for calling the "+@servername$+" Support Center! How can we help you today?"; switch(select("I need some help","I would like to make a suggestion","Nevermind")) { case 1: callfunc "supportfunc",@supportname$,0; case 2: callfunc "supportfunc",@supportname$,2; case 3: goto S_NEVERMIND; end; S_NEVERMIND: next; mes "[support Center]"; mes "Oh? Okay, feel free to come again anytime!"; close; } } or // Support center - script support -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: set @supportname$,"Support Center"; set @servername$,"IntelRO"; mes "[support Center]"; mes "Thank you for calling the "+@servername$+" Support Center! How can we help you today?"; switch(select("I need some help","I would like to make a suggestion","Nevermind")) { case 1: callfunc "supportfunc",@supportname$,0; case 2: callfunc "supportfunc",@supportname$,2; case 3: callsub S_NEVERMIND; end; } S_NEVERMIND: next; mes "[support Center]"; mes "Oh? Okay, feel free to come again anytime!"; close; }
  3. November - December 2011 client actually had have the sprite, just diff with shindiff
  4. just add the time do you want to play OnClock0900: OnClock1200: OnClock1400:
  5. if (countitem(itemid)) { mes "You can not go to this dungeon"; close; } warp "map_area",0,0;
  6. double check what had you done with your client and server, no one in rAthena knows what's exactly your problem, including me
  7. exneval

    Renewal Cast

    see this you must change renewal define in renewal.h
  8. update your msgstringtable.txt , i think many people had fixed it, use search feature
  9. in battle/skill.conf // Can Rogues plagiarize advanced job skills // 0 = no restriction // 1 = only stalker may plagiarize advanced skills // 2 = advanced skills cannot be plagiarized by anyone // Official servers setting: 2 copyskill_restrict: 2 set to 1
  10. if you disable renewal or REMODE = 0, your item_db must also be pre renewal , because def on renewal is different from before it
  11. i think you must update your rdata.grf and data.grf immediately
  12. one.....zero.....five.....six
  13. Same problem here. Vali~ dont diff your client with load lua before lub and read data folder first
  14. weediff isn't fully compatible with May Client or more
  15. please pm .bat file me too, cause my client 2011-11-22 seems not to read data folder first, however i'd diff that
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