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Everything posted by exneval

  1. i do exactly what you told us with your client, and still no luck, the player get disconnecting after change map... I'm really sad, guess your're the chosen Brynner~ Edit : Finally I know what the problem... according this magic user ~ Never let your cash shop list empty [txt/sql], or the warning will appear , the player get disconnecting~
  2. please don't pyramid-thing the quote, i'm dizzy, i'll try your client brynner Edit : I tried, and it still disconnecting the player...
  3. thanks for the method, really hepful
  4. you need do more than @go to get that error... like die, change map and walk, and etc
  5. i confirmed this.... i got tired to add manual the unsupported packets 0x8480,4 0xB932,4 0x8484,4 0x0612,3 0x0619,3 0xB9AD,4 0x8A33,3 0x0932,3 0x4E07,3 0xC007,3 0x8527,3 0xCB26,3 0x849D,4 0x0527,3 0x5001,2 0x4527,3 0x0011,3 0x001D,27 0x000E,3 0x8EB0,4 0xA770,4 0x0830,3 0x8920,3 0x0723,3 0x001C,26 0xA874,4 0x962A,3 0x3706,6 0x4619,3 0xB86D,4 0x972A,3 0xB96C,4 0x3700,6 0x572A,3 0x172A,3 0xC33C,3 0xBAFD,4 0xE1C0,4 0xC126,3 those're all i got, i really tired with the disconnecting
  6. actually, i dont understand what are you talking but maybe i know what your problem is.. please update your SVN to the latest revision, or at least 17246, so your problem will resolved
  7. I'll try that... Thanks Aerie, you really care about this Edit : It's resolved Aerie, now i can see all of the beauty maps, big thanks to you....
  8. @xenium its not an NPC base, its a feature using packet structure on the main client, you need to modified the clif.c to the client date that you use
  9. thanks Aerie, i'll wait your info.. also this is a superb creation for Ragnarok Community, thanks for realeasing it i'm your biggest fans
  10. Aerie, it is intended that my map is like this ? and sometimes my char like flying in that map... EDIT: I'll try your suggesstion EDIT2: still same, using both of pack v2.00 schallmar missing model : Client 2012-04-10, can you try in that client aerie? thanks~
  11. anyone have problem like this ? Using 2012-04-17Ragexe Mon, 22 Apr 2013 05:06:19 GMT :: 20120417 :: WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation\WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation.cpp :: Expected CALL ADDR, found something else.
  12. try both, and it's working, never thought to get a screenshot, maybe other can get it to you
  13. exneval

    pincode bug

    please update your rAthena revision, it'd been fixed , maybe unix type cause that problem
  14. 1. why did you posting in script support ? 2. as i know tetra vortex requires just 4 balls element, even their element is same but maybe other official player can research this
  15. for this you should try harder to find it, many people have supported this, for everything that belong to the client itself (kRO), you can find/search in Client Side section : an example from the quote problem : this
  16. please do this at your npc/re/scripts_jobs.conf: // - 3-1 //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/archbishop.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/mechanic.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/ranger.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/rune_knight.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/warlock.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-1/guillotine_cross.txt // - 3-2 //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/genetic.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/minstrel.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/royal_guard.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/shadow_chaser.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/sorcerer.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/sura.txt //npc: npc/re/jobs/3-2/wanderer.txt
  17. update your rAthena, that thing had been fixed or change that line to this : wd.damage = battle_calc_base_damage(sstatus, &sstatus->rhw, sc, tstatus->size, sd, 0); //Monsters have no weight and use ATK instead
  18. you can disable the 3rd job quest in re/scripts_jobs.conf but the question is, do you want to use renewal mechanics or pre-renewal ? not just the database but everything
  19. +1 to raijin91, it's better like that, more humanity
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