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Everything posted by Earthlingz

  1. RCX just gives you more info Buff timers, Exp gained, Monster info, recording replay purposes, max range and etc... not much help about lags been using this since i was playing official servers was really helpful
  2. this is a rough translation For %dminutes increases your gained experience by %d%%.# or For %dminutes boost your experience gain by %d%%.#
  3. that is not his problem. @TS read what i said here. http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-5547-item-db-item-db2-mob-db-and-mob-db2-error
  4. looks like you are using langtype 7 use 0 in your clientinfo.xml
  5. no, it is a known issue since 2011-11-xx easy to fix though, there are some existing threads about this just use the search button
  6. nope, most of us who are testing newest clients are likely using plain rAthena and compiled on our own.
  7. no just simply add the SC inside the switch case SC_HAWKEYES: case SC_GUILDAURA: continue; just find that and add after case SC_GUILDAURA: your SC...
  8. that doesnt happen when i do that
  9. looks like you didnt import the sql files to your database ... see /sql-files/
  10. 1. You can add custom mobs and skills but not jobs since this will need to replace old jobs. 2. Items as many as you want. 2.2 Mobs ID are from 1000 to 3999 (should be put before JT_MONSTER_LAST and be sure to adjust the ID too) 2.3 Skills i don't think the limit is still known but it should be enough to have all your custom skills. 2.4 depends on how many you want old job ids to be sacrificed just to apply your custom job.
  11. kRO is still on maintenance mode , all servers are down that time.
  12. skill "WZ_METEOR",getrefine();
  13. He solved it already by going to the channel.
  14. Earthlingz


    i think we are both missing his point. Why don't we just wait for his specific reason why he wants to have this as @command?
  15. Earthlingz


    you didnt seem to get my point. even if you are able to make an @command that and restrict it to other players, they can still use /web instead. This is clientside unless you disable it in the client by hexing the /web which is also make your @command gets buggy/unusuable.
  16. Earthlingz


    /web is all clientside it wont be sent to the server so that restriction thing wont work well with it.
  17. Earthlingz


    Why would you need to have this as @command where you can just use it by doing /web <address> ?
  18. http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/Lub%20Files%205.0.2/ or http://code.google.com/p/renewalproject/downloads/list see 2010-07-14 there were no changes in 07-28 lua thats why that doesnt exist.
  19. this client crash was fixed in Translation_Project r185 http://trac.assembla.com/ClientSide/changeset/185
  20. most of them cannot be acquired in game(rAthena) yet. also i am not korean to translate them. if you are willing to contribute about the korean text feel free to send a PM/Email/or file an issue to http://renewalproject.googlecode.com
  21. yes if not mistaken it started on all renewal clients. this message appears on 0 langtype. probably none noticed it before since most are using langtype 1 or 7
  22. Thats hardcoded message diff your client with translate to english.... it says 3 hours have passed. Please take a rest....(or something forgot.)
  23. http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/data/ have fun
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