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Everything posted by Earthlingz

  1. look i already told you to open a task manager and run the client you are using to connect to rAthena and you can easily find out what was the exe name.
  2. you are not allowed to do that in newer clients. this is not a server side issue because this is how the client behave now since gravity removed the ability to do create a party/guild with space. it was since Party - 01/11/2012 kRO Patch Guild - 02/08/2012 kRO Patch
  3. There are ways to get it fixed. 1. Rediff your RO the one you are using if you dont know what was the .exe you are using then open up a task manager and see in the process which exe is it and thats it. Diff it with Read Plain Text Description. If you dont know how to diff, check the forum about WeeDiffGen. 2. Change language type to either 1 or 7 or any other than 0. 3. use RagTXTPR best option is definitely 1.
  4. Please take note that petinfo.lua was implemented in 2010-12-01 what what my log says http://trac.assembla.com/ClientSide/changeset/104 this means that it wont work before that date.
  5. if you didnt setup your lua you might have to try check those custom skills by minimizing your expanded skill window.
  6. no... you will have to edit the mysql... also there is no point changing item_db.txt if you configured your server to use sql because it will only read the sql item_db
  7. what client and server revision are you using , i might try to reproduce this if the same thing happens when i get home.
  8. it could be that the client isnt reading your lua properly. have you tried compiling/renaming it to lub? also you might need to put it inside your grf. *to make sure it reads it try replacing your poring identity in your jobname.lua with the Arachne sprite From [jobtbl.JT_PORING] = "Poring", to [jobtbl.JT_PORING] = "Arachne", just change it back if it changed then we know that lua isnt the problem. *dont rename the sprite to match poring sprite just the lua.
  9. rAthena should stay close a what the official server scripts/commands need.
  10. did you actually read my reply and call it retard?
  11. it was just a reserve so that they wont have to code it later since it doesnt have major effect for the emulator. also the latest packet is not recommended yet as the log says in this revision. http://sourceforge.n...changeset/15675 @Cuspid nope.
  12. @Chopper it is likely a problem in your npcidentity, be sure to locate the right monster array address Find JT_MONSTER_LAST and add your monsters ID before that be sure to adjust the JT_MONSTER_LAST after your last custom monster ID... from what i see your last custom monster is 2259 so JT_MONSTER_LAST should be 2260 *This is how the client identify if the entry you put is a monster or an npc.
  13. This is not a bug... thats how it is in renewal. No you cant change it back to old view, though you can minimize the expanded skill tree to look like old one to show the skills you got from items or equips. Also in later clients 06/22/2011 kRO Patch the 'Other' tab has been added that is where the skills you got from items/equips go. You dont have to minimize it anymore.
  14. It must be your cookies is disabled in IE. reset your IE settings. we shouldnt be talking about that issue here.
  15. You can. You can do everything you want from the browser. except it doesnt have address bar. about IE they have ahnlab that works like an antivirus for IE and the game. And they never recommend other browsers other than IE you know you need IE to login/download the game, right? Because of activeX.
  16. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=247543
  17. i would probably start updating translation project later with a combined desc from any english official servers when i get bored =)
  18. you can always get it inside data.grf or rdata.grf no point extracting them for me since i dont feel like translating image files.
  19. this is likely an item where you dont have to go back to the NPC to rent a falcon, you will just have to call it using the item if you need it.
  20. why dont you tell us the error that is shown in map server? btw, please use codebox insead of code
  21. the names that appear in the searches were not known in rAthena or not yet implemented so there is no point translating them since you cant even find them in the game. Same with monsters some are not known in rAthena yet so that means i didnt translate them since you cant find them in game too. Button: those files are in texture folder edit the picture and translate it Some korean texts (e.g. the one that appears when you highlight) they are hardcoded strings inside the application only way to translate them is to hex them and edit to english, not quite easy if you dont know how to hex or you are not even a korean. Some are in msgstringtable.txt not quite sure where in the part of msgstring it is but see http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/data/msgstringtable.txt since this is the most updated msgstringtable korean has.
  22. i think even if you dont have IE you can still use it.. try browsing a website using your explorer(the one that sees fodlers)
  23. im not korean so i cant guarantee the full translation of luas , but if you have anything to share like translated desc, skills and etc you can file an issue in my svn http://code.google.com/p/renewalproject/issues/list if i find the translation properly translated then i might apply it to update lua files.
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