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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/19 in all areas

  1. After trying to make that stupid mapcache work after x tries and ways, I finally managed to do it. A few scripts of mine are added: Arena Master Armor Enchanter Battle Royale Costume Enchanter Dungeon Quest System Fame System Gold Room Battle Hunting Grounds Last Man Standing Mass Seller Mob Invasion Mystic Enchanter Training System Vote NPC Not sure what the mapcache's problem was but after printing a certain error around 100 times, he managed to add the maps to the map cache... So I'm ready for others to participate in this project, just come into the Discord and PM me directly so I can give you more details. There are also channels, where you can read everything regarding it. Regards, Chris aka Houndeye
    1 point
  2. 30001,Rune_Knight_Armor,Rune Knight Armor,5,0,,2800,,55,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,16,,1,1,0,{},{ changebase RUNEKNIGHTJOBIDHERE; },{ changebase Class; } try searching ?
    1 point
  3. if I only apply the patch the game is closed when entering the character. Do I need to modify something else? Or is that the client does not have that function? or is it necessary to fix something in NEMO?
    1 point
  4. Version 2.2.0


    Third Job Costumes + New Classes The Correction With the advent of jRO releasing new Job Costumes, and also, the new classes from the Taekwon branch, many of server owners want to replace the vanilla sprites or even, implement the bodystyle system. But, there's a catch! Originally jRO, and now, even kRO spriters, have made it completely off of the default pattern of palette. In a classic example, you can notice the pattern of the RO palettes. What matters is the position of the colours, as an example, for all jobs, the white-ish tones will be always on the same row, so we can use it to create custom palettes. See how it works: But jRO didn't follow the classic pattern, making it incompatible with custom palettes (@Kamishi ones included). So, I edited frame by frame of each job sprite, of each gender, mounted or not, correcting them, converting them in a way so many of the previously created palettes will work. This package includes: Alternate Outfits: Alternate Royal Guard M/F + Gryffon Battlemount + Lion Mount Alternate Ranger M/F + Warg Battlemount + Ostrich Mount Alternate Minstrel/Wanderer + Ostrich Mount Alternate ArchBishop M/F + Alpaca Mount Alternate Warlock M/F + Fox Mount Alternate Mechanic M/F + Savage Mount Alternate Genetic M/F + Savage Mount Alternate Guillotine Cross M/F + Hyena Mount Alternate Shadow Chaser M/F + Hyena Mount Alternate Sorcerer M/F + Fox Mount Alternate Sura M/F + Alpaca Mount Alternate Rune Knight M/F + Dragon Battlemount + Lion Mount New Classes Star Emperor M/F + Wolf Mount Soul Reaper M/F + Wolf Mount As requested by @Emistry, I also added an extra, making it more compatible to default palettes: Kagerou/Oboro + Frog Mount Following the another @Emistry's request, all files are now already on GRFs. The previous version had no Cashmount palette included, this one fixes the issue. Only the already released costumes are supported at this moment. The Rune Knight seems to be the last of them, it's over a year from the first release! As a final part of the package, I'm including Classic Palettes for all Alternate Costumes. Enjoy the final product!
    1 point
  5. Well, I am a developer since 2008 and i saw a lot of features and games and everything but there are a lot of things that we can't do as developers: Absolute control of the enviroment and monsters. Does anyone remember this? Well it could be amazing if rAthena revives this tecnology, the posibilities are endless with the proper focus, let's talk about it with an example: Command "setid", "monsterid" and "monsterwalk[0,3]" // This creates a group of monsters with ID "X", very similar to WoE Guardians ID's, if they are on the same ID, they are allies (otherwise enemies). The groupID are set by the developer for control (read below). The command setid it's self explainable, it sets an ID "X" to a player. setid, playerID, ID; monstergroupid, ID, groupID, amount ,map, mapx, mapy; This orders to walk the "X" group of monster to a X1/Y1 point on the map, the variables x2/y2 are set if the developer want to make a bucle of movement (patrol mode from x1/y1 to x2/y2), otherwise, the mobs just stay there inmobile when they reach the x1/y1 coords. monsterwalk0, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2} // Pasive walk (just walk, attacks if attacked by enemy) monsterwalk1, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2} // Aid walk (sees the player, the monster heals or helps attacking the enemy monsterwalk2, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2} // Aggresive walk (sees the player, attacks) monsterwalk3, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2} // Run away walk (sees the player and runs of the player) Ok, setted the proper commands let's talk about this example quest: The user needs to help the villagers of Payon of being attacked and get robbed. The group of evil porings wants to rob their apples so if they reach the store of Payon game over. Basically: - User and porings are enemies: User got ID 1 and porings ID 2. setid, playerID, 1; // We set the "good boys" side. monstergroupid, 2, 1, 100 ,payon, payoncoordsx1, payoncoordy1; // This creates 100 porings with ID 2 (enemy) and groupID 1 (control group ID) monsterwalk2, 1, payonstorecoordx, payonstorecoordy; //This makes the poring group "1" run at the payon store coordinates killing all enemies on their run. We do a function that checks if they reach the coords (raw code), if they do so, the game ends. attachrid(1) // This attach the group ID "1" of enemy porings getmapxy(m,x,y); if(x && y == payonstorecoordx && payonstorecoordy) endgame; As i said, the posibilities are endless, we can do smart wars, quests, games......... Obviously we can add more commands for functions, for example a command that check the remain monsters of group X and do something etc: getremainmonstersid, groupID; set remainmonsters, getremainmonstersid, 1; if(remainmonsters < 10) announce "PoringKing: THIS IS NOT THE END HUMANS! WE WILL BACK!!"; It's time to make more fun RO and give him back a breath of life. The developers and players really NEEDS this.
    1 point
  6. case PR_SANCTUARY: hp = (skill_lv>6)?777:skill_lv*100; if (dstmd->class_ == MOBID_EMPERIUM) hp = 1; break;
    1 point
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