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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/18 in all areas

  1. Version 1.1


    iRO's site thrown into theme files for rA's FluxCP. This is a reasonably complete port. All pages should now work with the theme and overflow with a scrollbar if the page data exceeds the fixed width. Note: The slideshow code on the right nav bar and the kafra shop items box on the homepage have little/no code. You are encouraged to add the code to display images yourself.
    1 point
  2. You can try update version here: https://github.com/vietlubu/eAscript/blob/master/pvplog.txt
    1 point
  3. View File FluxCP Theme: FunRO Hello. I'm making new Design for Fluxcp and Full Coded Theme. Compatible with rAthena. Includes: PSD files Enjoy! Submitter Break Submitted 09/16/2017 Category Fully Coded Themes Video Content Author Break  
    1 point
  4. In der table sind die exp komma-getrennt und um in das level aufzusteigen, wird die kumulierte exp benötigt. Ergo benötigt man von 99 auf 100 100300002-99999998 also 300k exp. Allerdings muss ich sagen, dass ich die pre-re exp table auch nicht sonderlich gut fand. Ich habe damals mit Excel (oder Libreoffice Calculator) und Geogebra die pre-re exp table so angepasst, dass sich (für unsere Rates) ein angenehmes Levelgefühl eingestellt hat. Ich würde dir das selbe empfehlen. Ansonsten kannst du auch gerne unsere von damals probieren, ich hänge sie hier an. job_exp.txt
    1 point
  5. you mean like this? just add this on your script announce "Thank you "+strcharinfo(0)+" for Donating and Supporting BishopRO!",0;
    1 point
  6. I don't quite understand, this is the same map(as shown in the vid) that you did for us 2 years ago right? I also tried to PM you but there was no answer:
    1 point
  7. Updated the link http://uptobox.com/e74ssnmpnu43
    1 point
  8. @reloadnpc is already a command in rathena https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/7dc6f7577c972e0544b6ef30a598cdd419832283/doc/atcommands.txt#L1450 --------------------------------------- @reloadnpcfile <path> Unloads and loads an NPC. Same as @unloadnpcfile and @loadnpc but ran as one command. Example: @reloadnpcfile npc/custom/jobmaster.txt --------------------------------------- https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/7dc6f7577c972e0544b6ef30a598cdd419832283/conf/atcommand_athena.conf#L65 reloadnpcfile: ["reloadnpc"]
    1 point
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