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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/24 in all areas

  1. Oh nice! I'm glad you were able to resolve it.
    1 point
  2. Was having errors running my own 20220406 client, and this saved me. Thanks for this !
    1 point
  3. Hi again, can you add minimaps like ayothaya and amatsu dungeon ? There's a quick way to make minimaps with latest GRF Editor.
    1 point
  4. Hi. please put scripts inside a code box next time, the indentation is all lost otherwise. //==== DarkRO Scripts ==================================== //= Credit Exchanger //===== By: ================================================== //= //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Allow to Convert Zeny into a Ticket. //===== Changelog: =========================================== //= Not yet tested for bugs //= 1.0 Implementation //= 1.1 Re-script (added quest) //= 1.2 Automated zeny-to-credit exchange and vice-versa //= 1.3 Added @security checking. //= 1.4 Added Black Credit Exchange feature //============================================================ - script Credit Agent -1,{ set @header$,"[^FF8000 Credit Agent ^000000]"; .@credit_id = 40000; //Credit Item ID if (checksecurity()) { message strcharinfo(0), "You can't do this action, Protected by @security."; end; } if(#CREDITPASSPORT > gettimetick(2)) { disable_items; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, true, getcharid(3)); getinventorylist(); mes @header$; mes "Hello, I can see that you still have your Intergalactical Passport."; mes " "; mes "What can I do for you?"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000Your current credit: " + F_InsertComma(countitem(.@credit_id)); next; switch(prompt("I want to change Zeny to Credit:I want to change Credit to Zeny.:Nothing, just passing by.")){ case 255: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; case 1: if (@inventorylist_count == MAX_INVENTORY && !countitem(.@credit_id)) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "You need to clear your inventory first."; close(); } mes @header$; mes "The exchange rate is fixed and its ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny = 1 ^FF0000Credit^000000."; mes " "; mes "How will you exchange your Zeny?"; next; .@i = prompt("Decide on how many Credits I need.:Exchange all my Zeny:Cancel"); if (.@i == 3) goto L_Cancel; else if (.@i == 255) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; } else if (.@i == 1) { mes @header$; mes "How much Credits do you need?"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000(Enter '0' to cancel the transaction)^000000"; next; input @ZTC; if (@ZTC <= 0) goto L_Cancel; else if (@ZTC > MAX_ZENY / 10000000) { L_Exceed: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Sorry, but you have"; mes "exceeded from the limit."; close(); } else if (@ZTC > Zeny / 10000000) { L_LessZeny: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "You don't have enough zeny."; close(); } else { L_ConvertZTC: if (!checkweight(.@credit_id,@ZTC)) { mes @header$; mes "Sorry. You can't hold this amount of credit."; mes "Such amount would exceed your weight limit."; for(; @ZTC; @ZTC--) if (checkweight(.@credit_id,@ZTC)) break; if (@ZTC) { mes "You can only hold up to " + @ZTC + "."; mes "Would this amount do?"; next; if (select("Ok, " + @ZTC + " is acceptable", "No, just cancel") == 2) callsub L_Cancel; } else { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); close; } } mes @header$; mes "You will be receiving ^FF0000"+@ZTC+" Credit"+(@ZTC != 1 ? "s":"")+"^000000."; mes " "; mes "Proceed?"; next; .@menu = prompt("I changed my mind:Proceed!"); if (.@menu == 1) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); close(); break; } if (.@menu == 255) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; } setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); Zeny -= @ZTC * 10000000; getitem .@credit_id, @ZTC; mes @header$; mes "Here you go!"; mes "Thank you for using our service."; close(); } } else { @ZTC = Zeny / 10000000; if (@ZTC == 0) goto L_LessZeny; else goto L_ConvertZTC; } break; case 2: goto L_ConvertCTZ_Main; break; default: L_Cancel: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Please do come back, Have a nice day!."; close; break; } end; } if(#CRED_Q == 1) { disable_items; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, true, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Welcome back!, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "Do you have what I asked for?"; next; switch(prompt("Yes, here it is!:What do I need again?:I want to change Credit to Zeny.:Not yet.")){ case 255: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; case 1: if(Zeny < 100000000){ setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "I think you are missing something this is the list that i needed:"; mes "^FF0000100,000,000 Zeny^000000."; close; } next; mes @header$; mes "Congratulations, Enjoy your Intergalactical Passport."; mes " "; mes "You may now use Zeny to ^FF0000Credit^000000 services in a matter of time."; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); Zeny -= 100000000; #CREDITPASSPORT = 1728000+ gettimetick(2); #CRED_Q = 0; close; break; case 2: mes @header$; mes "You will have to bring me the following:"; mes "^FF0000100,000,000 Zeny^000000."; next; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "I suggest you look for Simon in Prontera. He is known as gumbling master that could provide you tickets."; mes " "; mes "I'll be waiting for you!"; close; break; case 3: goto L_ConvertCTZ_Main; break; case 4: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Okay, Hurry up!"; close; break; } } mes @header$; mes "Hello, It looks like you don't have an Intergalactical Passport yet."; mes " "; mes "Would you like to have one?"; next; switch(prompt("Yes, I'd like to have one.:Intergalactical Passport? What is that?:I want to change Credit to Zeny.:No thanks!")){ case 1: mes @header$; mes "Very well. You will have to bring me the following:"; mes "^FF0000100,000,000 Zeny^000000."; next; mes @header$; mes "I suggest you look for Simon in Prontera. He is known as gumbling master that could provide you tickets."; mes " "; mes "I'll be waiting for you!"; #CRED_Q = 1; close; break; case 2: mes @header$; mes "An Intergalactical Passport is required to use the Intergalactical currency: ^FF0000Credit^000000."; mes " "; mes "The value of ^FF0000Credit^000000 is equivalent to ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny."; next; mes @header$; mes "Once you have this passport, You can exchange Zeny to ^FF0000Credit^000000 with any Credits Agents in major towns."; next; mes @header$; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: That the passport is not required when exchanging ^FF0000Credit^000000 to Zeny."; next; mes @header$; mes "That contract will last for 20 days. After that time, You will have to renew your passport."; close; break; case 3: disable_items; setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, true, getcharid(3)); L_ConvertCTZ_Main: mes @header$; mes "The exchange rate is fixed and its 1 ^FF0000Credit^000000 = ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny."; mes " "; mes "How will you exchange your ^FF0000Credits^000000?"; next; .@i = prompt("Decide how many Credits to exchange.:Exchange all my Credits:Cancel"); if (.@i == 3) goto L_Cancel; else if (.@i == 255) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; } else if (.@i == 1) { mes @header$; mes "How many ^FF0000Credits^000000 do you want to exchange?"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000(Enter '0' to cancel transaction)^000000"; next; input @CTZ; if (@CTZ <= 0) goto L_Cancel; else if (@CTZ > countitem(.@credit_id)) { L_LessCredit: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "You don't have enough Credits."; close(); } else { @CTZ_ = Zeny%10000000; if (@CTZ_ > 0) @CTZ_ = ((MAX_ZENY/10000000) - (Zeny/10000000)) - 1; else @CTZ_ = (MAX_ZENY/10000000) - (Zeny/10000000); if (@CTZ > (MAX_ZENY/10000000) || @CTZ_ < @CTZ ) goto L_Exceed; if (@CTZ > countitem(.@credit_id)) goto L_LessCredit; L_ConvertCTZ: mes @header$; mes "You will be exchanging your ^FF0000"+@CTZ+" Credit"+(@CTZ != 1 ? "s":"")+"^000000."; mes " "; mes "Proceed?"; next; .@menu = prompt("I changed my mind:Proceed!"); if (.@menu == 1) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); close(); break; } if (.@menu == 255) { setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); break; } delitem .@credit_id, @CTZ; Zeny += 10000000 * @CTZ; message(strcharinfo(0), "You have received "+F_InsertComma(10000000 * @CTZ)+" Z."); setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Here you go!"; mes "Thank you for using our service."; close(); } close(); } else { @CTZ = countitem(.@credit_id); .@ZenyCap = (MAX_ZENY - Zeny) / 10000000; if (@CTZ == 0) goto L_LessCredit; if (@CTZ >= .@ZenyCap) @CTZ = .@ZenyCap; if (@CTZ == 0) goto L_Exceed; goto L_ConvertCTZ; } break; case 4: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false, getcharid(3)); mes @header$; mes "Please do come back, Have a nice day!."; close; break; } } // Duplicates //prontera,132,215,5 duplicate(Credit Agent) Credit Agent#prt 4_M_KHBOY market,99,53,6 duplicate(Credit Agent) Credit Agent#mall 4_M_KHBOY
    1 point
  5. Hello. Using getunitdata inside a if statement is causing the error. Don't know why. Try: - script cashpoints -1,{ OnInit: setarray .champions$,"Elusive","Furious","Ringleader","Solid","Swift"; end; OnNPCKillEvent: .@exists = getunitdata(killedgid, .@data); if ( .@exists != -1 ){ .@mode = .@data[UMOB_MODE]; if(.@mode & MD_MVP){ if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_LV ) < 71 ) #CASHPOINTS += rand( 5, 10 ); else #CASHPOINTS += rand( 10, 15 ); //MVP } else if(.@mode & MD_STATUSIMMUNE){ if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_LV ) < 71 ) #CASHPOINTS += rand( 3, 8 ); else #CASHPOINTS += rand( 8, 13 ); //miniboss }else { for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.champions$); .@i++){ if(compare(.@mobname$,.champions$[.@i])){ if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_LV ) < 71 ) #CASHPOINTS += rand( 1, 3 ); else #CASHPOINTS += rand( 3, 6 ); //cashpoints break; } } //Champion tests } } end; }
    1 point
  6. Version 2.5.0


    a simple log of all the Mvp cards on the server saved in a table
    1 point
  7. E - Script Collection Last Update : September 10, 2013 Refine Function SQL Mission Board Monster Marching Vendor Control Advanced Stylist Coin Exchanger Doppelganger Race Of The Day Limited Items Multi Currency Shop Random News GM Online List Link Broken E-Inquiry DotA Runes Flower Counting Game Class Restriction Chain Quest Build Manager Misc Scripts : Freebies Script Card Trader Gold Room [ Pick Gold ] Gold Room [ Guild Tax ] Map Restriction [ GM Based ] Daily Reward Monthly Reward Monster Spawner Monster Summoner with Last Summoned Display Players Stats & Equipments 3rd Job Item Giver Exchanger [ Cashpoint to Coins ] Exchanger [ Poring Coin - Zeny ] Exchanger [ Points to Tickets ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Item to Item ] Exchanger [ Multi Item to 1 Item ] Party Match Auto Ban Over Stats Users Soul Link Buff Kill Players gain Cash Points Party Members All Get Items [ Snippet ] Message Board Stalker Class Skill Reproduce NPC Multiple Selection Quest [ Template ] In-Game Item Rewarder In-Game Points Rewarder Invasion Event Custom Item Rate Status Point Seller [ Snippet ] Anti Bot Security Script Anti Bot Script [ Code / Question ] Item Combo Restriction [ LHZ Card ] Drop Item Upon Death PVP Switcher + Announcer [ Guild Master ] Rotating Waitingroom Messages +10 Refiner [ Specific Items ] Random Rate Item Exchanger MVP Invasion Premium Users [ Boost Rates ] Display Cutin Image upon Login Custom Randomed Box Items Kick GM during WOE Custom Crafting NPC Restrict Same IP [ Certain Map ] Coloured Items Exchanger Guild Master Changer Party Team PK Match Gambling Game IRC Channel Crafting NPC Guild Storage Restriction Stage Game [ Version 4 ] Monster Wiki Event [ Version 3 ] Special Thank you for my Tutor : Notes : I am a bit lazy to write all those Script Descriptions, i do believe that all of you able to get how this script works. Anyway, i will still doing my best to write the Updated Changelog or informations about the script as detail as possible. All the Scripts above are uploaded to Pastebin . Abide the Following Rule : Scripts Error / Not Working , you have to Explain it in Details. ( Add in Images / Modified Scripts ) Do not SPAM / BUMP in my Topic. Do not ask for Support stuffs for other Scripts in this Topic. Link Down , then drop [ @Emistry ] a message. I Reserved the Right for NOT Answering your Posts if you did not abide my Topic's Rules. Keep This In Your Mind : All the Scripts i distribute here are NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USES . DO NOT remove my Credits if you are using part of the scripts to modify your own. DO NOT re-release the scripts in any form / way. If you ♥ these Scripts , Click on to Vote this Topic up. Or you may also click on at above the Topic
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Well I searched this script a lot but I did not find any free, I found another on another site made by CarlosKiller, but for another emulator, so I adapted it to rathena. It has 2 script, one in English and one in Portuguese. Modifications made by me: Add item: A category has been added, a protection not to add the same item twice, after adding an item you will be asked if you want to add another item and at the end you will be asked if you want to do @reloaditemdb. Category: For example, 0 ~ 8 if you enter 9 you will receive a message stating that there is no such category and will ask you to retype the category. Delete item: The items in the store with the id appear in the list, making it easier to delete the desired item. Reload CashShop: After adding or removing an item in the cash shop is necessary to upgrade the store and must be logged in to be able to see the changes. It really took a lot of work, I hope you enjoy it. Note: I am not the creator of this script just adapted and modified many things in it to be compatible with rAthena. Note2: If it is allowed to put the original script link, let me know that post here. Below is the original script without modification. (remembering that does not work in rathena this script) There is a function that I removed, because I could not adapt correctly, that you could see the store items in npc, I was able to modify but when removing some item, he did not remove from the store, only giving restart, and when updating the store doubled the items as well.
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This modification allows you to create fake players without further using mob_avail for such behavior. Usage: .@monsterGID = fakeplayer( map, x, y, name, job_id, sex, hair_style, hair_color, weapon, shield, head_top, head_mid, head_bottom, option, cloth_color );
    1 point
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