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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/23 in all areas

  1. Heya, GRF Editor has undergone some big updates in the background in its new release ( : The .net framework has changed from 3.5 to 4.0. It has been compiled as x64 instead of x86. The cps/lzma libraries have also been recompiled to x64. Another VC++ library is now required: Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2022 (x64), which can be downloaded here https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe A warning will be given if the VC++ library is missing, so it shouldn't be a problem. The preview for RSM/RSM2/RSW files have been remade from scratch based on BrowEdit 3. It now uses OpenGL instead of WPF 3D. While WPF 3D had good performance, it was way too limited in its options, so this change was a must (shaders weren't even possible...). Though, the performance now is somewhat unknown. If it causes too many issues, I'll add an option to revert back to WPF 3D. The new map renderer should be much more accurate to what is shown ingame: Lightmap/shadowmap is now supported. Lub effects are visible. RSM1 animations can be previewed. Maps are animated by default. Fixed a lot of transparency issues (still not perfect, but it's a huge improvement). Many new features were added for rendering. A skymap option was added but that one is still in its early stage. While the preview is focussed, F11 can bring the renderer to fullscreen. Water is now rendered I usually don't write an update post, but I did this time because I'm wary of potential issues. I'll leave here some previews:
    1 point
  2. Hello everynyan! This free script is to help facilitate GvG events with crude but simple commands to make conducting events easier for all our event GMs out there~ Usage dispbottom "@event usage: "; dispbottom "------------------"; dispbottom "@event left (teleport left-side)"; dispbottom "@event right ((teleport right-side)"; dispbottom "@event recall (recall parties)"; dispbottom "@event debuff (debuff all)"; dispbottom "@event supply (give supply all)"; dispbottom "@event start (start event)"; dispbottom "@event stop (stop event)"; dispbottom "@event partycount (count online members)"; dispbottom "------------------"; Customizable Options //set your supplies if you wish setarray .supply_ids, 501,502,503; setarray .supply_amt, 1 ,2 ,3; //add maps that you want to allow the @event command to work on //make sure to update the OnPartyRecall event as well //make sure you add setwall and barricade spawns on those new maps as well setarray .map$, "guild_vs1", "2012rwc_06", "2012rwc_08"; GvGManager.txt
    1 point
  3. Hello everynyan! I'm here to present my Interactive Nyani Bot Killer! Intro, *ehem ehem*, we all know that botting is rampant across all Ragnarok Online servers, and there's only so much you can do. And I was thinking, why not make the bot check as interactive as possible? This way, it would be very hard to create a "macro" or bypass for your bot checker! And here I am, presenting my own bot killer system which is simple, and possibly, can not be bypassed. (Or not, who knows, we'll have to see~) More showcases to follow~ Features are as follows! Configurable settings for rewards and buffs Configurable settings for how many monsters to kill before checking is conducted Configurable settings for allowing certain jobs to bypass bot check (Alchemist / Creator) Configurable settings for how many failed attempts before getting jailed Add as many rooms as I want Kill counts will be retained even after logging out or getting disconnected Chat room shuffles every 5 minutes, or on demand (@command) NEW! Added a blacklist for mob ids, so that it can be skipped when doing checks (MVPs, etc) - credit to @Chaos92 for the idea NEW! Added a blacklist for maps, allowing for flexibility on where kills will be counted NEW! Added multiple areas for bot checking, simulating a randomized chatroom location, making bypassing this bot check even harder! NEW! Added check for boosts (XP/JXP/ITEMBOOST) and added the option to extend said buffs by X minutes!
    1 point
  4. Most MVPs have their own special mobs, adding a blacklist of those IDs can easily solve this issue. This is actually really good point, I will be adding this feature to this system! Thank you!
    1 point
  5. This might help you https://rathena.org/board/topic/124538-damage-logs/
    1 point
  6. solve using this sql script IF DROP TABLE EXISTS `bonus_script`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bonus_script` ( `char_id` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `script` TEXT NOT NULL, `tick` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `flag` SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `icon` SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1', KEY `char_id` (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
    1 point
  7. This is my first instance Script for my server, so it's not intended to follow kRO official EDDA BioLab instance. I don't have plan to release the script because it's not perfect.
    1 point
  8. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/battle.cpp#L7302 if (flag & BF_SHORT) {//Bounces back part of the damage. if ( (skill_get_inf2(skill_id, INF2_ISTRAP) || !status_reflect) && sd && sd->bonus.short_weapon_damage_return ) { rdamage += damage * sd->bonus.short_weapon_damage_return / 100; rdamage = i64max(rdamage,1); } else if( status_reflect && sc && sc->count ) { if( sc->data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD] ) { struct status_change_entry *sce_d; struct block_list *d_bl = NULL; NO Reflect CT & Desperado if ( (skill_get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_TRAP || !status_reflect) && sd && sd->bonus.short_weapon_damage_return && skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION && skill_id != GS_DESPERADO ) {
    1 point
  9. Cleaned up the implementation. It is now a single dockerfile, and the deployment script handles configuration. Changes to ports will require modifying the configuration files as well as deploy.sh. I could enhance but after a few days worth of constant docker blockers I've lost interest in moving this forward for the distributed model. Turns out docker is very strict about it's single-process per container model. Somehow CMD in Dockerfile works fine, but when I try using `docker exec` it zombies the processes. Three days worth of reading says nobody has managed to solve this problem sanely. So, this project is "done", at least as far as my efforts to make it work with docker. I may post again when I figure out a better way to test distributed rathena builds.
    1 point
  10. I have no idea what you just said.. but I'll see if I can get an understanding of it. You need to go here: https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/src/config/renewal.h and comment out #define RENEWAL_CAST by add comments (//) infront of it so it looks like this: //#define RENEWAL_CAST. After doing so, you must recompile your source and to do this, read: http://rathena.org/wiki/Installation_(CentOS) for (CentOS).
    1 point
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