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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/18 in all areas

  1. My bad, brought that error this morning as I can't test what I'm writting right now. You can get it, it'll be fixed (for this point at least)
    1 point
  2. if ( sc->data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD] && skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION ) { // Don't reflect non-skill attack if has SC_REFLECTSHIELD from Devotion bonus inheritance if (!skill_id && battle_config.devotion_rdamage_skill_only && sc->data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD]->val4) rdamage = 0; else { rdamage += damage * sc->data[SC_REFLECTSHIELD]->val2 / 100; if (rdamage < 1) rdamage = 1; } } if (sc->data[SC_DEATHBOUND] && skill_id != WS_CARTTERMINATION && skill_id != GN_HELLS_PLANT_ATK && !(src->type == BL_MOB && is_boss(src))) { if (distance_bl(src,bl) <= 0 || !map_check_dir(map_calc_dir(bl,src->x,src->y), unit_getdir(bl))) { int64 rd1 = 0; Find This code and add GS_DESPERADO Make Sure Backup your battle.c
    1 point
  3. Nice! I like your new map! Let's start with the good stuff - You're exploring different styles of textures. Well done because the outcome is surprisingly appealing and adds a good portion of variation to your map. Other than that, you're also appearing to be playing more with heights (in the walkable/player-accessible area) and that's good to see. Now, possible points of attention - some spots seem to contain a lot of models, whereas other spaces are left quite empty, you could try to measure a little more in this. Then there is water; right now your water is not giving the wavey effect that *I think* you're trying to create. You could change the amplitude and phase settings in Windows>Water to achieve a more desirable result. Last but not least is model sizing, if you increase (or decrease for that matter) the size of a certain model too much it'll become blurry (i.e the fountain in your 11th image), you're probably better off reducing it's size, or replace it for another fountain that's a little bit larger by default. All in all, definitely keep it up! You're doing a good job!
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Hello everyone, i show you the monster ''Tantalus'' it's a Haunted Tree from Trickster Online, u can use at instances, quests, etc. IMPORTANT: it has sound effects for walking, attacking and dying. please put the data folder in your ragnarok. -Don't steal credits, give credits to me, that I cost my effort to do them. -Do Not edit my work without my permission, It includes recolors.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 984 downloads

    Control Center map, main town map. Free to use.
    1 point
  7. Crit doesn't work the same as Pre-RE. In Pre-RE crit = ~x2dmg, more accurately at 1.75xdmg. In Renewal its +40%dmg. Calc is, LUK*0.3 = Crit Rate. So, if you have 100(total)LUK, you should have atleast 30% critrate. Also, if you dealt 100dmg, your crits should be, ~140.
    1 point
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